Voltage Regulation and Quality

+3.3V regulation
Load Voltage
10% +1.72%
20% +1.64%
50% +1.09%
80% +0.81%
100% +0.15%
110% +0.04%


+5V regulation
Load Voltage
10% +2.43%
20% +2.22%
50% +1.82%
80% +1.65%
100% +1.16%
110% +0.90%


+12V regulation
Load Voltage best/worst
10% +1.73% / +1.91%
20% +1.66% / +1.82%
50% +1.46% /+1.61%
80% +1.24% / +1.48%
100% +1.09% / +1.30%
110% +0.84% / +1.03%

Results are measured under room temperature and 115 VAC. HuntKey has one of the best voltage regulation results out of all the high-end PSUs we've tested so far. The DC-to-DC VRMs are more than enough for the power levels listed on the label, so the voltage has low drops on +3.3V and +5V. Even +12V (V1/V2) is absolutely stable. Of course, the need to only handle 300W helps here. Some higher wattage PSUs with DC-to-DC have problems with ATX spec loads, since the VRM PCBs use almost the same dimensioning for their components.

Ripple and Noise

+3.3V ripple quality
Load Ripple and noise
10% 2mV
20% 3mV
50% 4mV
80% 6mV
100% 9mV
110% 10mV


+5V ripple quality
Load Ripple and noise
10% 8mV
20% 10mV
50% 13mV
80% 17mV
100% 21mV
110% 23mV


+12V ripple quality (worst rail)
Load Ripple and noise
10% 19mV
20% 26mV
50% 30mV
80% 22mV
100% 26mV
110% 28mV

+12V has the same problem as the first X-Series with relatively high ripple and noise results at low loads and lower results at high loads. Somewhere between these loads they change the switching type and frequency. Even so, the results are still very good and well within specification. Moreover, most manufacturers don't care about the "unimportant" 3.3V rail, but HuntKey has no more than 10 mV ripple there. Even if it's not the most important rail these days, we appreciate the attention to detail.

Internals and Components Noise, Efficiency, and Power Factor
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  • SilthDraeth - Saturday, March 5, 2011 - link

    Kind of stinks that they take away the sleeves, and matte black paint for the American version. I guess shrink tubing isn't to costly... But still.
  • SirGCal - Saturday, March 5, 2011 - link

    Especially for the very high cost... It's the little things that start to matter at that price. Wraping and a nice finish is part of those things... Bummer too cause I might have considered it otherwise.
  • Mr Perfect - Monday, March 7, 2011 - link

    Yes, don't sell yourself short HuntKey. If you have a quality product, put some quality fit and finish on it. The plain looking case and cables makes the US version look cheap.
  • mindless1 - Saturday, March 12, 2011 - link

    It's teenagers or young males who think they are still that feel the need to try to impress others with visual interior effects on a PC, and even among those it is a very small # of the market. Most people's cases have a solid side panel w/o window and not only is it totally irrelevant to them whether it is black painted or sleeved, they couldn't even tell you what color their PSU is or whether it is sleeved.

    Put the PC out of the way and get some art on the wall if looks are important.
  • JasperJanssen - Monday, March 14, 2011 - link

    Well, the colour of a PSU does show out the back of a case, and sleeving has a functional effect, not jsuit a decorative one.
  • HangFire - Wednesday, March 16, 2011 - link

    A Gold rated power supply is going to appeal to system builders, modders and aficionado's who take pride in their work.

    "Most people" who use "Most people's cases" with a "solid side panel" will be buying the cheapest P/S available, which won't be this one.
  • Orville - Saturday, March 5, 2011 - link


    Make it fully modular with a good selection of cable lengths to choose from and I'll pay $100+. Bring on a 200 Watts unit of the same kind and I'll pay the same.

  • Martin Kaffei - Saturday, March 5, 2011 - link

    Who knows, maybe they will add another version later. I'm sure HuntKey cares about that. Or other manufacturer will.

    If HuntKey sells a lot of them other brands will follow. I'm looking forward to this situation since 300W Gold with modular cables is more interesting than 500W+ with Platinum.
  • richardginn - Saturday, March 5, 2011 - link

    to really see how much can run on this 300WATT PSU before it becomes worthless.
  • j-g-faustus - Saturday, March 5, 2011 - link

    I expect that I can run a moderately overclocked Sandy Bridge 2600K plus a GPU like GeForce GTS 450 (~100 W DC) and still stay below 80% of the 300 W capacity.

    This is based on my current [email protected] which draws 145 W from the wall with 8 Prime95 threads. Given 80% PSU efficiency this should be ~116 W DC, plus 100 W for a GPU is just 220 W DC total.

    Looking forward to this PSU, hoping that we will see more power supplies with low wattage and high efficiency.

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