Aleutia is one of the few companies focusing on fanless and rugged PCs suited for industrial purposes. They started off in 2007 with an intent to serve the social enterprise computing market. Their initial customers were government and non-profit organizations with requirements for low-cost, yet rugged and power-efficient computers. Since then, they have expanded their customer base to include organizations such as Al-Jazeera, Schlumburger etc. Aleutia PCs are guaranteed to operate reliably even in remote, hot, and dusty environments. All PCs are built to order in London, UK.

Aleutia officially launched the Ivy Bridge-based Relia fanless industrial PCs late last week. Based on the Q77 Express chipset, members of the Relia lineup can be used as fanless Industrial PCs or dual LAN servers. They have no moving parts, and are ideal for HTPC, digital signage and other custom computing applications where low power and fanless operation are desired characteristics. Aleutia claims that the lineup consumes less than 17W when idle and around 55W under full load. As is the case with most fanless PCs, the chassis itself acts as a giant heat sink. The chassis is an exclusive design for Aleutia from Streacom (through Wesena), whose designs we had covered earlier.


The various configuration options for the different components are provided in the table below.

Aleutia Relia Fanless Industrial Media PC
Base Price $638.40
CPU Core i3-3240T + $0.00
Core i7-3770T + $318.40
RAM 4 GB DDR3-1333 + $0.00
8 GB DDR3-1333 + $48.00
16 GB DDR3-1333 Pending
mSATA SSD Crucial 64 GB + $0.00
Crucial 128 GB + $78.40
Crucial 256 GB + $158.40
Hard Drives None (cables included) + $0.00
2 x 500 GB + $160.00
Operating System Barebones + $0.00
Ubuntu 12.10 x64 Pre-installed + $24.00
Windows 7 Home Premium x64 Pre-installed + $158.40
Windows 7 Professional x64 Pre-installed + $206.40

We have a review unit of the Relia in-hand. If there is a particular aspect that you want to see stressed upon in the final review, let us know in the comments.

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  • MadMan007 - Monday, November 12, 2012 - link

    Test it in a hot box of some type since it's supposed to be an industrial semi-ruggedized PC. This would be relevant to readers who might intend to use it in an enclosed cabinet at home.
  • J_Tarasovic - Monday, November 12, 2012 - link

    It'd be interesting to see the network throughput with it having dual LAN cards and what looks like a couple of RP-SMA connectors. It's a bit expensive (and probably overkill) for a home brewed router/gateway/firewall but it would be interesting to see how that works.
  • JMS3072 - Monday, November 12, 2012 - link

    I'd love to see how something like this would perform as a Windows Media Center frontend to a NAS-hosted media library.
  • Aikouka - Tuesday, November 13, 2012 - link

    I only wish that this was out before I built my own Streacom! As I mentioned in the ASRock comments, the Streacom case can be a bit of a bear to build given the tight spaces and generally awkward assembly. So, having someone else go through all that pain sounds rather nice. ;)

    The only negative that I can see is that if you want a "decent" GPU, you're stuck paying for the rather expensive i7 low TDP variant as the i3 CPU only has the HD2500. I guess that is the one benefit of going through the pain yourself... it wasn't that hard for me to pick up an i3-3225 and get HD4000 at a decent price!
  • unclear - Tuesday, November 13, 2012 - link

    A few weeks ago Nexcom launched thier new generation of thier high performance platform NISE 3600 ( the old generation worked great so it would be intresing to see how good this one is and how it compares to Relia.
  • DiscoWade - Tuesday, November 13, 2012 - link

    Put the USB Ceton InfiniTV in it and see how well it performs recording cable TV.
  • markstock - Tuesday, November 13, 2012 - link

    I second the desire to see test results in a hot-box (cold-box, as well). The fanless cases that I've used in the past have performed very well in the rare situation of a failed enclosure A/C unit (environment temps >70C, CPU temps >90C). Will the unit turn off in the case of extreme heat to save itself, or just begin to fail?

    Raw CPU performance is also important, as the older Atom CPUs in these types of machines had very poor floating-point performance.

    Lastly, buttons and cable attachments are important. Is there a light or some other indicator that the machine is on? Does the button-press give any tactile indication? Do the cable attachments (power and video, especially) lock like wired Ethernet does? One loose cable can require a costly on-site fix for the uses that I have in mind.

  • Sivar - Tuesday, November 13, 2012 - link

    Many of these questions can be answered by reading the article, or looking at the linked page.

    - These aren't even available with Atom processors -- only i3 and i7 T-series.
    - You can see in the pictures in this article and the product page that there is a power light.
    - The video connections (see photo) are standard DVI and DP. No lock.
    - The CPU is an Intel i or i7. Intel CPUs handle overheating and have since the Pentium-4 days (or was it Pentium 3?).

    The power supply is a good question. Hard to tell from the photo, but I would guess not. I haven't come across many that do though, and my company uses quite a few small form factor systems in our fabs.
  • markstock - Tuesday, November 13, 2012 - link

    Saw most of those after posting. I suppose it's too much to ask for durable PCs to include a reliable system for preventing cable connections from popping loose.
  • Einy0 - Wednesday, November 14, 2012 - link

    Full size DP connectors do have a locking system. I don't think it is strong enough to prevent people from purposely removing them with a good tug. I have never really tested it in that way. It is far stronger than HDMI or USB for example. Personally, I'm a big fan of using cable ties. They make them with built-in eyelets to secure them with screws too.

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