Typical branches have one of two options: either don’t take the branch, or go to the target instruction and begin executing code there:

A Typical Branch

Line 24: if (a = b)
Line 25:
execute this code;
Line 26: otherwise
Line 27: go to line 406;

Most branches have two options - don't take the branch or go to the target and start executing there

There is a third type of branch – called an indirect branch – that complicates predictions a bit more. Instead of telling the CPU where to go if the branch is taken, an indirect branch will tell the CPU to look at an address in a register/main memory that will contain the location of the instruction that the CPU should branch to. An indirect branch predictor, originally introduced in the Pentium M (Banias), has been included in Prescott to predict these types of branches.

An Indirect Branch

Line 113: if (z < 2)
Line 114: execute this code;
Line 115: otherwise
Line 116: go to memory location F and retreive the address of where to start executing


Conventionally, you predict an indirect branch somewhat haphazardly by telling the CPU to go to where most instructions of the program end up being located. It’s sort of like needing to ask your boss what he wants you to do, but instead of asking just walking into the computer lab because that’s where most of your work ends up being anyways. This method of indirect branch prediction ends up working well for a lot of cases, but not all. Prescott’s indirect branch predictor features algorithms to handle these cases, although the exact details of the algorithms are not publicly available. The fact that the Prescott team borrowed this idea from the Pentium M team is a further testament to the impressive amount of work that went into the Pentium M, and what continues to make it one of Intel’s best designed chips of all time.

Prescott’s indirect branch predictor is almost directly responsible for the 55% decrease in mispredicted branches in the 253.perlbmk SPEC CPU2000 test. Here’s what the test does:

253.perlbmk is a cut-down version of Perl v5.005_03, the popular scripting language. SPEC's version of Perl has had most of OS-specific features removed. In addition to the core Perl interpreter, several third-party modules are used: MD5 v1.7, MHonArc v2.3.3, IO-stringy v1.205, MailTools v1.11, TimeDate v1.08

The reference workload for 253.perlbmk consists of four scripts:

The primary component of the workload is the freeware email-to-HTML converter MHonArc. Email messages are generated from a set of random components and converted to HTML. In addition to MHonArc, which was lightly patched to avoid file I/O, this component also uses several standard modules from the CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network).

Another script (which also uses the mail generator for convienience) excercises a slightly-modified version of the 'specdiff' script, which is a part of the CPU2000 tool suite.

The third script finds perfect numbers using the standard iterative algorithm. Both native integers and the Math::BigInt module are used.
Finally, the fourth script tests only that the psuedo-random numbers are coming out in the expected order, and does not really contribute very much to the overall runtime.

The training workload is similar, but not identical, to the reference workload. The test workload consists of the non-system-specific parts of the acutal Perl 5.005_03 test harness.

In the case of the mail-based benchmarks, a line with salient characteristics (number of header lines, number of body lines, etc) is output for each message generated.

During processing, MD5 hashes of the contents of output "files" (in memory) are computed and output.

For the perfect number finder, the operating mode (BigInt or native) is output, along with intermediate progress and, of course, the perfect numbers.
Output for the random number check is simply every 1000th random number generated.

As you can see, the performance improvement is in a real-world algorithm. As is commonplace for microprocessor designers to do, Intel measured the effectiveness of Prescott’s branch prediction enhancements in SPEC and came up with an overall reduction in mispredicted branches of about 13%:

Percentage Reduction in Mispredicted Branches for Prescott over Northwood (higher is better)

The improvements seen above aren’t bad at all, however remember that this sort of a reduction is necessary in order to make up for the fact that we’re now dealing with a 55% longer pipeline with Prescott.

The areas that received the largest improvement (> 10% fewer mispredicted branches) were in 176.gcc, 197.parser, 252.eon, 253.perlbmk and 254.gap. The 176.gcc test is a compiler test, which the Pentium 4 has clearly lagged behind the Athlon 64 in. 197.parser is a word processing test, also an area where the Pentium 4 has done poorly in the past thanks to branch-happy integer code. 252.eon is a ray tracer, and we already know about 253.perlbmk; improvements in 254.gap could have positive ramifications for Prescott’s performance in HPC applications as it simulates performance in math intensive distributed data computation.

The benefit of improvements under the hood like the branch prediction algorithms we’ve discussed here is that they are taken advantage of on present-day software, with no recompiling and no patches. Keep this in mind when we investigate performance later on.

We’ll close this section off with another interesting fact – although Prescott features a lot of new improvements, there are other improvements included in Prescott that were only introduced in later revisions of the Northwood core. Not all Northwood cores are created equal, but all of the enhancements present in the first Hyper Threading enabled Northwoods are also featured in Prescott.

Prescott's New Crystal Ball: Branch Predictor Improvements An Impatient Prescott: Scheduler Improvements
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  • Stlr22 - Sunday, February 1, 2004 - link

  • Stlr22 - Sunday, February 1, 2004 - link


    Earlier you said that I should read the article.
    What was your point? What was it about my first pot that you disagreed with?
  • KristopherKubicki - Sunday, February 1, 2004 - link


    I agree 100% with Anand and Derek. This processor will be a non-event until we get in the 3.6GHz range. Similar to Northwood's launch.


    Check out our price engine. We have already been listing the processor a week!



  • cliffa3 - Sunday, February 1, 2004 - link

    In the table on page 14 it shows that the 90nm [email protected] will have a 533 MHz FSB, but is that the case? I did some quick google research and can't find anything to support that...please confirm or correct, thanks.
  • NFactor - Sunday, February 1, 2004 - link

    Yes, I must agree this is an amazing article, one of the best i have ever read. Thanks.
  • Xentropy - Sunday, February 1, 2004 - link

    VERY interesting article. Thank you Anand and Derek! One of the best I've read on Anandtech, and I consider yours the best hardware site on the net!

    One correction, on page 7, you say, "if you want to multiply a number in binary by 2 you can simply shift the bits of the number to the right by 1 bit," but don't you mean shift to the left one bit (and place a zero at the end)? It's much like multiplying a decimal number by ten for obvious reasons.

    Anyway, it looks like the Prescott is somewhat of a non-event at this time. Just new cores that perform fundamentally the same as the current ones at current speeds. The real news will come later; Intel has just positioned itself for one hell of a speed ramp to come. Northwood was clearly at the end of the line. One analogy, I suppose, would be that Intel didn't fire any shots in the CPU war today, but they loaded their guns in preparation to fire.

    The coming year will be an exciting one for us hardware geeks. I'm interested in seeing how higher clocked Prescotts play out as well as whether anything 64-bit shows up before 2005 to support AMD's stance that we need it NOW.

    Again, thanks for a very thorough article!
  • Stlr22 - Sunday, February 1, 2004 - link


    So what's your take on these new Prescotts?
  • KristopherKubicki - Sunday, February 1, 2004 - link

    Anand scolded me for not reading the article :( I only read the conclusion and the graphs. Turns out the decision making isnt as clearcut as it sounds.

    As for the thing with the inquirer. Well, lots of people had prescotts. We had one back in August I believe. The thing is they were horribly slow - 533FSB 2.8GHz. Everyone drew the conclusion that these were purposely slowed processors that were jsut for engineering purposes. While the inq benched this processor, most people didnt just becuase they were under the impression this was not to be the final production model. Hope that clears up some discrepancy about the validity.


  • wicktron - Sunday, February 1, 2004 - link

    Hehe, I guess the Inq was right about this one. Where are all the Inq bashers and their claim of "fake" benchies? Haha, I laugh.
  • Stlr22 - Sunday, February 1, 2004 - link

    KristopherKubicki - "read the article..."

    lol that might be a good idea, as I only broswed it and read the conclusion. :D

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