Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/3219
New York is only 1.5 hours away they said, you could go there every weekend they said...
What no one told me was that trying to drive into the city at any time of the day could take as long as 5 hours. So after making that same mistake of driving in countless times, tomorrow morning I'm boarding a train and doing it the smart way.
I've got some business to take care of in the city and I've got a bit of shopping to do for Vinney's birthday later this month, so the train will work just fine. I recently had my first North American train experience; we took the train down to Newark to fly out to IDF last month, and man was that so much better than flying.
Flying these days is more than just a pain, I've forgotten how easy it used to be - but then I took the train. Nothing is better than riding a train, sure you get to where you're going a lot slower but you just hop on. There's no baggage check, there are no people boarding out of order and taking up all of the luggage space, and there's no silly hour long wait at the train station. Everything just works. You get there a few minutes before your train and hop on. You sit down, you've got an AC plug at your seat and you don't have to worry about shutting off your electronics during takeoff and landing of course.
I can't say that security is the tightest at these train stations, and maybe they will eventually get to the point of being as troublesome as airports but until then I will enjoy their ease of use.
The USB Flash Drive roundup has been coming along well, the testing is all complete and there are a few interesting things that I've uncovered during the process. I'm working with a few of the manufacturers to resolve some issues and shed some light on others, so hopefully in the end it'll mean a better review and better products for everyone.
Take care