Definitely looking into getting an SSD. I hope to increase boot times and spend less time waiting around waiting for the HDD. Hopefully, I can start selling SSDs to my customers and convincing them that the performance is worth the price premium.
I'm going for an SSD too. Hopefully it will make my PC feel a bit more spry so I can wait out the Bulldozer vs Ivy Bridge battle and build a new PC.
Since I just started doing video editing, I can certainly see the value of an SSD with the much faster data transfer rate. And, although I don't game too much anymore, short level load times will be nice. I know I'll be playing Diablo III when it comes out.
Yeah Still waiting for prices of SSDs to come down I'm a small business owner but still can't afford the SSDs. Would make patient time in chairs much less when pulling up xrays, but I need more storage for patient xrays and pictures and it just too expensive now.
Prices have come down the last year, I'm sure these will become more affordable and become mainstream or standard in the next year or so. Or at least I hope so!
I got an Intel 120GB SSD in April. I will say that never, ever will I go back to not having one. I don't care that they are somewhat pricey right now.
The improvement in response times of the machine are so drastic that for the first time ever, the machine always, ALWAYS, waits for me. Windows updates, virus scans and such happen without me even realizing it. Programs launch pretty much instantly and my machine can be used the second the desktop appears after a cold boot.
Yea SSD's are pretty nice. I have a 120GB Corsair SSD and it's great except I'm at 100GB already... The 240GB SSD's need to drop below $300 or the Intel 320GB one needs to be below $400. I'm also looking forward to some 28nm electronics. GPU/Tablets/Smartphones/etc. I think we've been on 40nm for over 2 years.
Having an ssd in my MacBook Air has made using a laptop a better experience than my desktop with traditional hard drives and this is with the older core 2 duo Air. Looking to get one even as a caching drive for my desktop when i upgrade.
i have one SSD. best investment ever. for $500, I'd probably get a 128 GB one to replace it and a better mobo... got a cheap Asus, which was a mistake...
I have an SSD and I love it. My desktop machine is modern and fast, but my laptop is almost 10 years old, and it is heavy, slow, and has no battery life. My next hardware purchase will likely be a new laptop. Since I have a powerful desktop machine, I want something ultraportable and light, but as a demanding user I don't want something weak like a netbook either. A fast enough laptop that is easily portable will let me get my work (and other things) done wherever I happen to be.
Sounds like a consensus for SSDs, with good reason. One of the last remaining weaknesses in PC performance has been boot time. I don't have an SSD yet, but I can certainly see a more productive workday with quicker boots and near-instant resumes from standby - or hibernate for that matter.
Would love to get my hands on an Intel Sandy Bridge 2500k. Have heard lots of positive things about it. 2500k CPU+Z68 motherboard+SSD = one awesome PC. Yeah.
I'm looking forward to getting a Tegra 3 tablet, assuming that they're available buy the end of the year. I'm mainly wanting to use to interact with PDF documents that don't work well on eReaders but benefit from a touch based interface.
The amount of knowledge (books) that can be stored on a tablet is overwhelming, regardless of the brand. By far the best use of a tablet is the ability to have all the information one could ever want available instantly. Awesome!
Since I already bought my fun things for the year (video card, ram), I have to say the only thing I'm slightly looking forward to is a new printer. Predictably, I don't seem to be able to find exactly what I'm looking for - b&w laser all-in-one, full duplex printing and scanning, wired ethernet, 500+ page paper capacity, less than $500. There are a lot of them that come close, but all the models I've seen (from any manufacturer) fall down on one or more aspect.
Not very exciting, but hey - if I win, it would expand my budget to the point where I could actually get something decent!
Looking to get an SSD for my laptop. That machine is my primary work device so any additional performance will transfer directly to enhanced productivity.
Right now I'm looking forward to the Radeon 7xxx series, mostly because I need one, my old card just overheated and died on me. I plan to be playing games again and I hope it comes out in time for Swtor.
I would use the $500 VISA card towards the purchase of a new HP 30-inch LED-backlit LCD monitor. The upgrade to a 2560x1600 resolution with room for more screen content would make an exceptional addition to my academic working environment.
Just got a tablet for my father in our construction / engineering business and he loves it. Now we another with a wifi hotspot. Saves so much time and money.
I'm most looking forward to upgrading to a dual core, 4G LTE smartphone. The broadband-like speeds will make getting work accomplished on the phone - or on my tethered laptop - a lot faster while traveling.
I'm going to buy my first Smartphone this year. I'll be using it to get myself better organized and also to stay in touch with friends/family better. I'll also be using the gps function in the phone to better aid me in getting to where I need to go, if I don't look it up prior to leaving the house. There are lots of other things I'll be using this phone for, but that is the main reasons for getting a smart phone for me.
Just waiting for the 65W TDP Llanos to come out before building my HTPC! The PS3 just isn't cutting as an adequate media system. I'll be using it mostly for streaming Amazon VoD/Hulu on my HT setup. It will only be affecting my business productivity in a negative sense.
Prolly a Mac Mini and maybe an update to my windows box too. My 4yr old MacBook Pro is getting long in the tooth and my windows desktop is showing some age too (though it's not too bad as a C2Q w/ 1st gen Intel SSD). SandyBridge will be nice..... (2) 1080p (min) monitors to hook up to them and to my work laptop when I work from home (that's getting upgraded to SB too in Q4) Oh and an iPhone 5. Lots of upgrades for me.
I am looking forward to buying a new convertible tablet this year. I had the TC1100 from HP actually, and am looking to move toward something like a transformer. Something slimmer, with better battery life is what I am looking for. It makes all the difference when you present a proposal with a sleek device. It is palpable- pulling out a 2in thick notebook and 'hearing' the guy say "oh here we go" vs. whipping out a polished thin screen ready to go.
I'm also looking forward to picking up a tablet. It would be a very nice addition to my hardware, as I could take it on my travels to read research journal articles. Lugging around a laptop is good enough for now, but I would prefer a tablet for this purpose. My student budget limits me from purchasing one right now, when it would be most useful in my graduate studies in engineering...
Looking forward to buying a nice pair of 24" monitors. I can't wait to rid my self of a terrible 17" monitor and a 22" with a bunch of stuck pixels. I want to say it will be primarily used for schoolwork and programming, but lets face it, I just want a nicer screen for gaming.
Since I am set PC-wize, I am looking forward to replacing my N900 with the Nokia N9. Having a handheld linux machine always with you has come in really handy (sshing to fix a problem while at the beach etc), however I could do with a more polished phone experience and an even more powerful machine. I will miss the hardware keyboard though!
looking forward to quad core tablet running a full version of windows. not sure if that is this year or next. ... would probably just use it to watch movies at work ;P
Since I work on many VMs, I'd love to purchase tape storage so that I can safely store them. I do backups to bluray but sometimes they can get larger than 25GB. Tape storage, especially LTO, would be a safer way for me to backup all at once without having to constantly make separate 25GB virtual hard drives.
I would really like to get a quadcore tablet in hands. After seeing the Kal El demo, just imagine what kind of games they'd be able to make with that kind of processing power.
The part I'm most looking forward to getting is a new AMD FX-8150 or 8170 chip, depending on when I can get the money together and what's available at that time. I'm really hoping it will be a nice upgrade from my current Core i7-920 at 4.2GHz. I'm hoping it will improve my system's gaming performance, or at the very least, make my server more capable of running virtual machines for my training and certifications.
(Yes, I'm running Server 2008 R2 at home with Hyper-V, running 8 virtual machines with 16GB of memory currently, in order to get my MCITP-EA and VA certifications and advance my career. My current server is an unoverclocked Core-i7 950 that wouldn't even overclock past 3.8GHz in my main system, so the 920 went back in my main system and that one went to the server.)
I am interested in a new HP ePrinter. I could use this not only for my PC, but also my Android smartphone and tablet. I am learning how to develop apps for Android and the ePrinter could help me immensely.
My wife's computer is having some issues. So, if I'm very, very lucky and can sneak it past her, I'd like to buy the makings of a whole new computer for myself and pass my existing one on to her. If I had to, I could probably get by with just a new motherboard, memory and processor (re-using the existing parts).
As a student learning computer programming, I am finding myself in need of more and more screen real-estate. I'm usually coding in one or more windows, while viewing eBooks and online resources simultaneously. In that regard, my next purchase is going to be hardware to support 4 monitors. Having such a set up would improve my productivity by viewing more open windows simultaneously. I find myself spending a significant amount of time sorting through lots of open windows and constantly shuffling through them in order to keep relevant information visible. Having more monitors, while a luxury, would definitely allow me to spend more of that time coding and reading instead.
I've always been a fan-in-theory of ultraportable notebooks, but I think this is finally the year in which the price, technology, and timing in my life have finally come together to allow me to get one. Such a machine would finally let me do work on the road again after the demise of my last laptop (minus e-mail on my smartphone). My home and office workstations are awesome, but sometimes, a guy needs to write some code from a hotel room or coffee shop. It just happens.
Like many have said, I too am looking forward to an SSD upgrade over the old disk drive. It will definitely speed up my overall experience and load apps like Photoshop much faster. This SSD will also speed up my workflow in web design and development.
I am looking forward to buying the GS2 and a decent pair of bookshelf speakers. Both will help me to relax better and thus be more efficient when i work :)
I'd put it towards a new TV, but I would love to see a 12" or 13" tablet. Its annoying working with technical papers as pdf files on a 10" screen. If they made a tablet that was the same dimensions as a sheet of paper minus the margins that would be great.
I'm looking forward to picking up a kal-el android tablet-- this is when tablets really start getting excess computing power, which allows for all kinds of neat (if largely cosmetic) effects.
I'm definitely looking forward to getting an Android tablet. Not only will it provide much entertainment, it will also help me with my Android development work.
I'm looking forward to an SSD, probably from the OWC Mercury series. Because I love my wife, I'd let her use it in her Core i7 MacBook Pro :) She brings her MacBook Pro around for her work, and it would make her system more durable in addition to adding Teh Snappy™
I'd like to replace my ailing four year old MBP now that Lion is holding a mirror up to all of its flaws of age, but I'll probably try to squeeze another year out of it. That leaves the iPhone 5 as my most likely hardware purchase this year. I can't say it will be particularly beneficial to any real work. Quite the contrary really, I expect productivity to plummet further.
I'm looking forward to buying a 13" Macbook Air. Why? It weighs so little, is so beautiful, and gets decent battery life. My back will be thanking me. So will my eyes. I don't need a fast laptop, or a powerful one, just a functional one with a good keyboard, good screen, and good battery life. This fits the bill beautifully. What am I going to do with it? Code websites, carry it around, create iPhone apps.
I'd like one of those new ultrabook laptops that's small but with enough horse power to allow for FPGA simulation and programming in the field. $500 probably won't cover the whole thing but would certainly make a dent in purchase price.
one comment about what piece of hardware you're most looking forward to buying this year. NAS
What are you hoping to do with that hardware once you get it? I have found that online backup simply doesn't work when you have a lot of home videos collected. I also do some video editing and need a place to archive. I would like to use the NAS for backup, media center, and general file server. I am considering an actual file server, but I also want the NAS just to improve my admin skills.
And if applicable, how is this piece of hardware going to help you in your work or business? I have a small business and would like to have a separate partition for all of those files.
I'd really like to get an SSD for my PC, but it'll probably have to wait. My desktop is going on 6 years old, so rebuilding the whole thing sounds like a really, really good idea these days. I'd really like a new motherboard & CPU.
Hmm. My camera, phone, and laptop are all new this year, and I'm not sure a tablet would make much difference in my life, so I'll say a new lens for my camera. The camera is a Panasonic GF2, with the bundled 3x zoom lens; a prime lens would probably be nice for indoor use, such as family get-togethers this winter.
Hoping to get a PC oscilloscope sometime soon. Otherwise, I'm stuck with benchtop ones (which interface unbelievably poorly with PC's) on one end of the spectrum, and the more expensive (for comparable sample rates) DAQ boards on the other...
I've never used a PC scope, but here's hoping it'll occupy that sweet middle ground.
I am looking to purchase HP Elitebook 8560w with DC2 Panel for my business work in developing RIA apps using Adobe Flex (Desktop, Browser based and iOS based). I would really appreciate HP if I win this giveaway.
Although my laptop is getting very long in the tooth, I'm definitely looking into an SSD for my next upgrade. I am often opening and closing large applications and datasets for my job, so there'd be great benefit to owning an SSD. And hey, the faster I can move data, the better I can do my job!
I've been wanting HP's Dreamcolor 24" monitor for the longest of time. A $500 VISA gift card would sure go a long ways to helping me acquire one :) I've heard so many good things about this monitor from fellow photographers.
I read the newspaper every day at lunch during the week. As of yesterday, the LA Times jumped from $.75 to $1.00, which leaves me at spending $260 per year from here on out. At that price, I can justify a reasonable tablet to drag around with me and likely have to replace every couple of years. Oops, I guess I can't get an HP tablet anymore and it was very high on my list... I guess an Android tablet will get my business... It's a shame since one of my good friends is deep into the WebOS community and did have me convinced that was where I would go both by logic and experience with his tablet.
Looking forward to the amazon tablet. Kindle was such a great device that i'm expecting great things from their take on what a all in one tablet should be. I would like to browse internet and read "how to" manuals on basic maintenance around the house. It would be great for work if i could always have access to my files on the spot and present it without people having to print a few pages at the slow copier.
I'd really like to put together a home file server, I have multiple computers that each have raid arrays inside them wasting valuable space and duplicating un-necessary hardware, one for the home that is fast enough to handle Adobe Premier editing would be ideal.
Looking forward to getting the new Infocus wireless router which hooks up to a projector that lets multiple users connect over the wireless network and do side by side displays of different computers without anybody having to screw with passing around the wireless dongle or a cable or any other garbage like that. It's going to save us a lot of time and effort.
I am looking forward to upgrading my monitor to a large-ish widescreen like 24". I will be looking at saving power, using more desktop space and, finally, a refreshing way to take in PC games in all their widescreen glory!
I hoping to get an android tablet and develop a custom application for my brother-in-law's family business. He hopes to automate a process that is currently paper based.
I am an independent graphic/web designer who has been considering purchasing an HP tablet (notably the TouchPad), or possibly another HP offering. I see a tablet as a great way to share my work with prospective and current clients during meetings, and illustrate ideas and keep notes.
I'd like use $500 to move along my new computer build, probably helping with a high end graphics card, which I would use for all of my non-work related gaming.
I really want to build an HTPC and would really love to have one of the Ceton cable card PCI devices. I'm always working when my favorite shows/sports are on, and so having this would make working late more palatable as I could record and watch them later, without having to wait for on-line distributions or having to settle for highlights.
Most looking forward to buying a Dell Vostro V131. It will be my primary travel laptop and I love the low price <$600, matte 13.3" LCD, USB 3.0 and other decent specs PLUS they added a backlit keyboard!
Lenovo X220 is a nice machine too but a bit thick and the price premium (especially to get USB 3.) is very high. Of course the IPS display is lovely... but all things considered, I'm getting a Dell ;-)
Also like HPs lineup but I don't usually go for glossy glare type LCDs :-(
Hopefully an SSD....price is still a bit high to justify the premium, and people mostly still use one hard drive, especially on laptops. It will still eliminate one of the biggest performance bottlenecks and also one of the components prone to fail the most.
Getting an inexpensive TouchPad if that last shipment isn't already all spoken for. I'd love a tablet I could hack without remorse, but I like webOS too.
As a photographer I continuously run out of memory. I carry a couple of 1TB portable drives everywhere so that I have my data with me at all times. Can't wait for when I can buy a 2-4TB portable SSD drive (protection against falls). Was also going to buy a Touchpad to show of photos but alas all three stores cancelled my order. Thanks Anand and HP.
I need to replace my aging black and with laser printer, probably with a color laser with a duplexer. An all in one would be nice, but probably a bit outside my budget, and I do very little scanning/copying.
Need to get a discrete RAID controller card; my Vista x86 build from a few years back has never been as stable as I'd like with the on-mobo RAID 5 array. Want to move to Win7 x64, and will need to do a full rebuild, so plan to also get off the MB RAID to hopefully get better performance, stability, and features.
None of the computer systems in my office have been updated in over 4 years, so we really need to bring in new laptops to eliminate the 5 minute boot ups we are currently experiencing.
I'm looking to upgrade to a versatile tablet with keyboard option or ultrabook/ultraportable laptop. My old netbook is no longer cutting it for personal use or work so I'd like to pick up something similarly portable but with a lot more functionality, performance, and resolution to help out of the office.
It's been a while coming, but it looks like I need to rebuild my HTPC. I've been thinking about just purchasing a custom built one, or building it myself. (I'm getting lazy) Most likely an A series AMD processor, because of the good integrated level graphics, as well as low power consumption.
I'm most looking forward to buying an HP ZR30W 30" monitor! I've got Photoshopping and coding that I need to do, and I needs more space! Productivity ahoy.
Hopefully building a new desktop once Intel announces their new CPU lineup... of course, all depending on how they perform. *looks at Anandtech expectantly*
I plan on purchasing or building a file server possibly running ZFS to centralize all of the data on my computers. This would free up considerable workspace in my house. All of my current machines are laptops with at least 2 external drives attached.
I'm most interested in upgrading to an LTE phone. If the question is directed at computer hardware, then I'm looking to see which netbooks will use the new 1280x800 Pixel Qi screen. I custom installed their low-res one in my netbook and using it outside this summer has been beyond awesome.
I'll be building a whole new desktop by the end of the year. my old LGA775 computer can't be upgraded any more and I need something to max out BF3 and D3, plus lots of multimedia streaming (ESPN quad-screen live streaming of college football FTW!). 2500k or bulldozer, Radeon 7k, SSD, the works!
Also have a Pavilion dvt6 that runs great, despite vista (not HP's fault). Will probably replace in with another Pavilion in a year or 2.
I'm definitely buying two SSDs, one for my laptop, and the other for the desktop. While the cost per GB is still far from HDD levels, the performance over an HDD and price per GB is are going north.
I really need a new router. When I bought mine in 2004 (?) a 3Mbps WAN connection was considered speedy! I'm not sure what processor it's using but the 2011 version of it is probably in my mouse. :) When both of my connections are saturated the router CPU shows 97% utilization at the web interface (when the built-in web server can get enough CPU to render the page!).
I've got 36Mbps aggregate downlink bandwidth across two WAN's incoming and about 7Mbps outgoing, and I really need a multi-WAN, load-balancing router sooner rather than later.
May get a tablet with the next generation. I have not had a tablet before and would probably use it mostly for entertainment/surfing the web. I would be unlikely to use it for work or business.
I do a lot of small parts modeling in CAD but it's just not the same looking at 3D parts on a 2D monitor. A 3D printer would really help me jazz up my results and excite my clients!
I'm looking forward to the Samsung Series 9 for my primary work laptop. Things are finally coming together... It has a lightweight and smallish form-factor at 13" (perfect size), a dual core CPU that turbos as needed, and an SSD so that hard drive performance isn't a glaring bottleneck. Perfect for travelling on the job.
a desktop with decent sized SSD and large HDD. With core i5 or i7 sure makes my students happy that their programs are not running slowly. Our lab hardware is long overdue of refresh, but we don't have to break a bank to get these.
I'm looking to buy a dedicated CPU/GPU crunching 4U server. My desktop is nice, but when I'm busy working on an After Effects 1080p composition I typically have other 1080p compositions waiting to be rendered. This will increase my business's efficiency and hopefully lead to more prospects since I'll be able to handle additional work.
I really want to buy this laptop with all the bells and whistle. Unfortunately, the price quote was too much. Now if I win this $500, I can definitely afford it :)
I'm going to use it as a personal/work laptop. I'll install VM workstation to be my work desktop. I do work from home and sometimes spend a few hours inside starbuck. I won't be ashamed anymore opening my 6 yrs old company provided laptop if I have my envy beats :)
I will be upgrading my ~4 year old laptop to a quad core SB one with an SSD and I anticipate enjoying the upgrade as much or more than my previous upgrade which was from the original pentium-m (banias) to a core2 duo.
my new laptop will be used in just about everything: grad school, working from home in engineering, and gaming. For work, I look forward to greatly increased simulation speeds!
Been really looking at the smaller tablet form factors lately, Particularly the ones with effective active stylus integration. Currently, that describes the HTC Flyer and the upcoming Samsung Note. I've always looked for the tablet that will provide effective pen input within a clean UI (Microsoft Courier, still looking for you). Previously, I had thought the 7 inch form factor was too small for tablet computing (5.3" I think is still too small), but that intermediate size is starting to grow on me.
These devices, however, need a Microsoft style handwriting recognition to really seal the deal in usability and utility.
I'm hoping to pick up an SSD for my laptop and possibly buying a new laptop if diablo 3 comes out. I'd also like to buy a tablet for reading and surfing around the house
I wish I could buy a desktop and laptop for our company that doesn't have shiny piano black all over it. Especially in the business sector. Your marketing team is wrong if they think this is a good idea.
Remove the ridiculous amount of model numbers and categories for picking a desktop or laptop computer. Model numbers like p7qe, h8, s5xt are very forgettable. You've become the GM of computers and look where all those model numbers for essentially the same product have gotten them.
Really, just make a desktop. Pick cpu, memory, hard drives, video card. Done.
I'm on your business desktop page right now and they all come with Windows Premium?!?!? Really? This is business, we need Windows 7 Pro 32bit or 64bit.
Ship it without bloatware so we don't have to re-image every machine that comes in.
Do this and then I will be exited because it will make my job easier and I'm sure a lot of other IT people ordering computers.
I need a new laptop. Intel-based of course. I develop advanced math software that is platform specific. Currently, I am developing for Intel and their AVX. I am looking at opencl in the horizon. So, a dedicated GPU is a must. A bluray player would be nice for entertainment on the go. As a student, a laptop is necessary so I can program on the go from class to class. A nice SSD would help with productivity in reduced compile times and OS speedup. I have an older HP currently, which would be nice to retire.
I'm most looking forward to upgrading my ancient Ambit cable modem to a new DOCSIS 3.0-compatible modem, such as the Motorola SB6120. It will help me immensely when I telecommute using my excellent work-issued HP EliteBook 8740w, in that I'll be able to much more easily work with files on my company's network over the VPN. Currently working over the VPN with my old modem is glacially slow.
I'm looking forward to getting a very light & compact laptop with built in wireless cellular modem. One of those new AMD Fusion-powered laptops, maybe a dm1z. It'll help me because I'll be traveling a lot. WiFi only just won't do. Something affordable is necessary as I'm not looking to blow $1500-$2000 on a laptop.
Recently bought a HP DM4 laptop for my gf and she loves it! Looking forward to purchasing a tablet to better meet my ever changing needs as a consumer! I've gone from desktops to laptops back to desktops and then back to laptops only to see how I consume/create change so quickly. Feel like a tablet would best suit my needs! Thanks!
I'm looking forward to picking up an Android tablet. I'd love to be able to have access to all the information (and most of the entertainment) I'll need anywhere, but without having to boot up a laptop. Also, it would beat a clipboard and pen for taking inventory!
I'm definitely looking forward to the new ultrabooks coming out this fall. Having a light weight notebook with a long battery life is something my current laptop doesn't provide.
I am a 3D Modeler and Texture artist looking for work, and one of the first purchases I will make when I get that job is a professional quality IPS display to use alongside my current HP 2710m, which is actually quite great for a TN display with color quality better then any other TN I've seen, but I think I will be far better suited with a HP ZR30w (or that 30inch Dell makes*) since it has a much higher resolution, 16:10 aspect ratio and IPS panel viewing angles and from the reviews I've read almost perfect color representation. Thanks to HP for this contest.
if i can afford it, i'm planning on buying an iMac. i'm not really much of an Apple fan, but i'd like something a little different than Windows for a change. i write for a living, but i don't need a laptop, and could use something with good screen real estate for the home office. having iMovie and GarageBand onboard is a plus, too, because i edit video and audio for my blog. an iMac out-of-the-box would have all the software i need to get my business going.
I'm looking to downgrade my laptop to a longer-life llano-based model. My hope is it will be lighter and more flexible for business travel while still being sufficiently powerful to do most stuff.
My existing laptop is a circa-2006 Core Duo. My 'primary' battery just blew up (well, failed and expanded - no catastrophic failure, no explosion, no fire,) and my secondary only holds about 2.5-3 hours of life any more. I'd love to get a new "Ultrabook" to replace it.
I run a small business, doing on-site computer consulting. While the economy has all but killed it, I'm hoping to revive it this year. (From 2004-2007 I had five-six employees, I'm down to just one plus myself now.) Having a new laptop with decent battery life will make life easier. Before this weekend, I'd have to swap the battery during the day. I don't feel like spending $70 on a new battery for a system I really should be replacing anyway.
I am really looking forward to buying an HP Touchpad so that I can learn to develop webOS apps and maybe make a little money from sales on the app store.
Whether it's the iPad 3 or a tablet with Krait or Kal-El, I've been reading a LOT and it just makes sense to have a tablet to read and tag text on; I forward a lot of stuff I read to other friends and colleagues. Plus, I want a tablet so I can do on-the-go presentations.
You can't really do that with a laptop or smartphone. A tablet is the perfect device for those things.
I usually connect my laptop to TV to browse online videos. More than watching cable channels I use my TV as a laptop big screen to watch videos, Facebook etc. Also I wanted to get a good blu-ray player for some time now. Sony Internet TV NSZ-GT1 Blu-ray disc player fits my purpose of blu-ray player and it has google tv with chrome browser. So buying this product will free my laptop being hooked up to TV :-). There is speculation that this product might get upgraded to latest android version, thatz cool.
I am more and more freaked out about losing the data from my computers. By now, I have accumulated so much important data (music, video, pictures, emails, documents, software, contacts, etc.) that losing it would be horrific. Although some of them live in the cloud as well, that doesn't make me sleep much better. That's why I make backups regularly. However, having a single external hard drive doesn't comfort me fully. It's getting old and experience taught me that hard drives die young. I'd rather want to have backups of my backup too.
So my plan is to by a new external hard drive, if possible with network interface. Price is less of an issue. What I want is fast (gigabit ethernet), silent, secure and very reliable.
Looking to get a laptop or netbook sometime this year.
I do substance abuse counseling with adolescents and have to wait outside with them until their rides come and get them. Sometimes this turns in to a 1.5 hour wait where I'm just standing around typing my progress notes on my phone. A laptop or netbook would ease the pain. :)
I am more and more inclined in getting a small home file server, to centralize all my home pictures, videos and do a backup of several home computers. Many NAS, like Sinology for example, will work, however they are somehow expensive for the limit of expansion given. It seems that simply using Win 7 on a dedicated computer is a better deal overall.
I'm looking forward to getting a new smartphone. I'm frustrated with the Android update situation, and the new crop of Windows phones has uninspiring hardware. Much as I dislike Apple, that iPhone 5 is looking tempting.
I look forward to a sata 6.0 capable motherboard for my new ocz sandforce ssd. I will purchase around the holidays when prices drop. My current board won't even run it in achi mode. It's too old.
My old hp lazerjet 4 plus needs a new fuser so I'm in the market for something reliable, but a little faster. Duplexing would be a bonus. Still researching fuser life, and maintenence frequencies to see what will fits my current bill.
A networking card would be nice as I don't like relying on a print server. Jet direct cards are handy for a smaller operation.
Looking forward to picking up a tegra 3 tablet when they come out. Will be using it for reading science journal articles, reading books, and watching videos.
If I were a rich man.... I would buy a new Z68 motherboard featuring the intel SSD cache (Smart Response Technology) and a 20 GB Larson Creek SSD and see just how fast SSD caching is. I would also need a new 2500K processor since my 1156 pin Lynnfield i5-750 is not compatible with the X68 motherboard.
I really looking forward to a new NAS device. What I want is a home server that supports all the goodies of DLNA plus the usual set of NAS services. What was missing from the previous home NAS boxes was drive expandability with RAID5. Get to it. Make it cheap too.
Looking to buy: Another Touchpad! =P Actually a printer is in need right now. Hoping to do: Print and stay connected on the go? How's it going to help? Not much lol
Am planning to get a laptop and wireless connectivity for use at home. Will allow me to do more work at home while also giving me the flexibility to move around. Thanks
Looking to buy into the tablet craze to find out what is so special and how a tablet could be beneficial to my personal computing and possibly my companies computing needs.
Finally someone is making another phone/tablet so I can replace my Dell Streak 5. I've loved the size but Dell barely supports the device and has even discontinued it for the American market. This prize would enable me to buy the Galaxy Note off contract and not have to deal with the ridiculous carrier limitations. Well fewer of them anyway.
I would love one of their Dream Color monitors. I can contribute a small ball of yarn, 1 brand new wooden toothpick and a used piece of masking tape along with the $500 gift card for it...
I no longer have a laptop or tablet, but have thought often enough how nice it would be to have one, so that is the most important single item I would want if I win.
Definitely a tablet at the right pricepoint with decent enough features. Already have a great server subsystem setup and looking to buy a couple of tablets to outfit my business.
Looking forward to getting a MacBook Air. I love the iPad, but looking to go from a MacBook Pro / iPad to just the MacBook Air. This will be helpful in my classes as it will minimize the amount of things I need to carry.
I look forward to purchasing an SSD. Load times are much too sluggish on my personal workstation. While processor and RAM speeds are important, swapping them out wouldn't give me the productivity boost a new SSD would give me. Multitasking and accessing multiple programs at once without the delay would be very nice.
I am looking forward to buy a SSD equiped ultra portable laptop - powerfull enough to edit my photographs using adobe (Photography is my hobby). I will be able to carry this laptop everywhere (conference or vacation) and work my tail off.
Either the Momentus XT for my failing laptop hard-drive or I'm thinking of buying one of those super cheap Touchpads now that WebOS apps are getting popular on the nets.
will be an ivy bridge laptop. core tech is really dated and my old laptop is due for an upgrade. Running photoshop CS5 isn't possible on my current laptop.
Piece of tech I'm looking foward to buying most this year? That would be a new Kepler based Tesla card, and it would be to increase productivity for my research into the dynamics of electron flow at the sub 1nm level.
HP can certainly help make that happen, because I'll probably need a new motherboard in my workstation to facilitate another Tesla card. :)
while it might be old hw, my existing photosmart is reaching its EOL status, would like to replace it with a new AIO network based photo printer, then i am able to print all the 1000000 colors that i see from my dreamcolor display.....
My computer has quickly outgrown it's original case. The size of the video card and the space between the drive cages have necessitated the purchase of a new case. With the need for more hard drives, I have come to the conclusion that the Lian Li PC-P80 E-ATX server case will allow me to adequately install and cool all of the components. The size of the PC-P80 case should alleviate the need for external HDD storage and install larger and faster hard drives in the chassis itself. With three 140mm front fans, cooling the internal components should not be a problem. The increase in fan size from my current 80mm ones will also afford a much quieter case while maintaining adequate airflow.
I am definitely looking to replace my clunker Motorola Cliq XT with a Samsung Hercules later this year. Ever since getting a smartphone, I am finding that it just helps a lot of aspects of everyday life run more smoothly.
Looking at picking up a new cell phone this year (or early next year), looking to get a phone with ice cream sandwich I will be using this phone for basic communication (IM, Text, phone calls, and email) This phone will also allow me to access PDF's and word documents for work.
looking forward to my new work laptop if it gets here this year. I'm still stuck with a dell D630 which is garbage, Glad we changed vendors to HP so can look forward to some probook or elitebook from HP either this year or next year. And maybe a new desktop htpc so i can watch all the dramas i download. my current computers cant handle 1080P MKV files smoothly. can't even handle 720P files either.
We are looking forward to installing an inexpensive Linux-based network-accessible storage (NAS) device that can function as a printer server, disk server, and web server for our "private cloud". This device, which burns about 10 watts, will replace a 6-year-old Core2 Duo desktop system that current serves those purposes (no pun intended) while burning over 120 watts.
I think it's time I buy a whole new laptop. My computer is getting a little long in the tooth. Hopefully it will happen this year provided I have the funds to do so.
Focusing on 'new hardware' there are probably three possible pieces which might occur depending on the value of each segment over the next 3-6 months.
Ram: 8+ GB of DDR3 since I tend to have far too many tabs open under chrome and it's segmented processing model seems to cope with different mappings of 32 bits across a 64 bit address space. More open tabs/programs.
Phone: Some type of android with at least a fast dual core, openGL (anything hardware based, depends more on performance than actual spec), HDMI port (capable of driving DVI monitors w/o anything but cable shape adapters; fully passive), android (which I'll root ASAP), and preferably a size-frame of 4-6 diagonal inches. More reliable phone, poor portable media player when in transit as a passenger and GPS unit otherwise.
CPU/Mobo: Depending on reviews and availability I might update my desktop and/or home fileserver CPU. More threads would be useful for games, VMs, and the occasional trans-coding of videos; such as videos of me fighting the daily commute.
Like so many other people, I'm hoping SSDs are going to drop in price by Black Friday time frame. Everything else I've just bought and is running silky smooth.
I am holding out for a Radeon 7000 series video card when they are released. It should be cooler, quieter, and faster than my old 4870, and good for playing the latest games.
The next piece of hardware I plan on buying soon is a new laptop. I need it for work activities (email, spreadsheets, etc.) since I'll be traveling a lot this Fall. I can't be without one!
Looking to replace my ancient core 2 duo laptop with a sleek ultrabook form factor. Looking to lighten my load and increase productivity. As a student, being more mobile and long battery life will definitely come in handy.
a tablet. OH THE IRONY. would use it for: developing that home inventory program idea I've been kicking around would help because: I have a G1 and a Vibrant to mess around with. a tablet would allow me to cover everything!
Looking to purchase a portable SSD drive to run my virtual machines at work and home. Why do selective file backup these days...just backup entire computers at VMI.
I'm most looking forword to purchasing my HP TouchPad. I've never had a tablet before, so I don't know everything that I will use with it, but I look forward to seeing what level of integration I can achieve between it and my HP printer downstairs, as well as using it as a nice media device. It won't really assist much with work unless I store technical manuals on it and use it as an eReader, which I might do.
I am hoping to buy a reasonably-priced NAS or build one on my own. My office research involves large data sets spanning hundreds of GB per set. I'm no google, but I want to have a place to safely dump all actively-useful data. I'm hoping to set up a RAID5+0 or RAID6 array with ~10 TB of available space.
An LTE phone from Verizon, I'll use it for tethering to my laptop and HP Touchpad, but mostly for listening to music from google music. It will help me at work by allowing me to relax on my break, thus creating a more productive employee.
I am looking forward to seeing if a tablet can replace my laptop. I only use it to surf around the web and read, so why not? I have a desktop if I need to do heavy work, but just for reading and research I would like to see if a tablet can take over.
My desktop is still king and I'm waiting to see what AMD comes out with next and how it compares to the Intel's current lineup. Anandtech's performance charts and reviews will determine which CPU vendor gets my $$.
Trying to decide if I should jump in with a Core i5/i7 or hold out for Bulldozer/SB-E. Just getting into photography at a semi-serious level, and I'm finding that processing times are killing me when I have to batch process 12-15GB of RAW images. Probably should have upgraded a while back (still running a tired E8400 Wolfdale), but I just couldn't decide which piece of my machine would be the first to get upgraded. A SSD is probably next in line, but it'll have to wait its turn.
hmm i'm looking forward to buying either a computer (maybe prebuilt, maybe not), or a camera (pentax k-7, k-5, or k200d) for the computer, it'd help not working with microsoft office documents and pdfs simultaneously on an 11.6" 1366x768 notebook screen, as well as having an improved keyboard interfacing device (better feel, numpad).
for the camera i'm hopefully going to find a field biology job, and it'd be nice to have a weather resistant camera.
I plan on buying an SSD, Hopefully some larger cap. drives come in lower prices soon! I think it will be interesting to see how the performance is affected.
the hardware I'm most looking forward to getting this year is a new wireless card for the product I got just 2 months ago.. the pavilion dv6t-6100 CTO, which is incredible bang for the buck (minus the budget-level wireless card)
The one piece of hardware that I want, more then any other, right now, is a tablet. As far as computer hardware goes, anyway. If I get a tablet it will probably be used mostly for personal things, but I believe a tablet would make a good study tool, as well. I would like to put all my pictures and stuff on it.
I'm definately in the market for a new display. It would really boost my work from home productivity to have another monitor available for my work machine as well as still being able to use my desktop.
Hoping to purchase a new 30" display for photo editing (either HP's ZR30W or Dell's U3011).
Although my main reason is photography, I think people far underestimate the productivity increases you can get from a larger display (or multiple displays) in the workplace
If I was HP I would push display size and number of monitors as part of the overall enterprise support package. If nothing else, employees view how high tech their network is by things like that they can see, and not necessarily how many servers are in some rack in the basement.
Looking forward to buying an Android tablet with hardware that can at least match the iPad 2's specs. This will mainly be used as an e-book reader, web browser, and media consumption device (movies and music) when on the go and not near a computer.
Its a tossup between bulldozer and nokia's new phones. Really looking forward to bulldozer and how Amd's multi-threading approach works. It will be interesting to see what nokia cooked up on the WP7 platform. Though I still don't know how That UI will pan over in the business world...
An ML150 G6 would make life easier and take less room (which would make my girlfriend happier). Hell, given current work load, I think I can even get away with an ML110 G7.
I was looking to purchasing a new rack mount chassis for my existing server to get it out of the office and into a datacenter. This will get redundant power and networks, and a nice climate-controlled area. The funny thing is, this is a personal development box, but power is getting expensive and it'd be worth it to get it into a datacenter.
The 4870 is getting a little long in the tooth...and the monitor is a 22" 1680x1050. They work fine, however, they are a bit dated. CPU is still i5-750.
My next hardware purchase will be a new monitor, probably 27" with display port. I write code for a living and the more I can keep on screen the more productive I am.
I would purchase a additional server to allow my remote users to be able to still check mail, intranet, etc if the main location ever went down. We as a company aren't sure yet about the cloud, so we still have our own servers at colo's.
Hoping to get a thin and light laptop this year. With my recent job switch, there's now a lot of work I could do on the go, or at home, that I'm currently unable to do since I can't bring a desktop PC everywhere. It would make life easier, that's for sure!
Ironically, I want one of those inexpensive Touchpads.
Other things I would like to buy in the future is a laptop like of those Sony ultraportable laptops with media dock. Though it would be nice if the fans were much bigger.
I'm going to get an ultrabook. I'm an academic who travels fairly often, and I'm always looking for something light. It has to be windows, so I can't wait for more ultrabooks to come out.
I need to add a more automated way to complete backups. The processor of the new NAS, and Gigabit Ethernet get the speeds when they to be, and since I added a tablet, there is another reason. Just need to pick the right price point.
I am looking forward to a group of parts with a brand new from scratch build. Replacing my aging mainboard most of all. I am looking to have a high end gaming machine again.
I need an automated backup/file-server system for my wife's growing photography business. Nothing slurps up GB like photography with a 21MP camera. Either a NAS (possibly a Drobo system) or a full fledged file-server, not sure yet.
Looking forward to building a dual processor Intel rig to run as a 24/7 rig for Folding@home in addition to my current 2 computers folding. It's all for the science!
I am looking to buy a new graphics card this year -- hopefully AMD's 7000 series (fingers crossed). It will be the final piece to my recent Sandy-Bridge machine with SSD, all thanks to Anandtech reviews.
I really want a tablet but they are so expensive. So sad I did not win any of the tablet giveaways. I like tablet so I can browse web while on my couch and check email, play games. I know tablets are a bit overrated but I think they are nice device to have as that third system for casual use to get information.
Tablets are appealing because it does not require smartphone data plan which I cannot afford or else I would so want a smartphone:).
Really like the transformer because it serves as tablet and also for work but so sad I can't afford one:).
I'm planning to buy a 10-inch Android tablet / e-book reader when prices go under $200. I plan to use the tablet to access the internet, read books, magazines, newspapers, and tehcnical journals. Nothing fancy. My most promising hope is the upcoming Amazon tablet with a custom Android branch.
The tablet will also allow me to cancel my newspaper subscription.
I'm planning to purchase an Intel Xeon E3 processor for a new home server I'm building. With it, I plan to virtualize a number of machines in the house and offer large file/backup storage for my web sites. The efficiency and power savings offered by virtualizing on such a CPU will be a welcome improvement.
I am looking to buy a new laptop. I intend to use it for work and mobile gaming while on travel. It will allow me to perform critical work functions while still being able to have the flexibility to have some fun gaming in a hotel room.
I am thinking of buying a new laptop powerful enough to do my college work and light gaming. An envy 14 is powerful and looks beautiful!! Hope i get lucky enough to win this.
I would love to get a HP TouchPad. Missed out on the "fire sale", but still want to get my hands on one. I would use it for everything, including getting "good mom points" by letting my teenagers use it. :D
I'm looking forward to getting a new video card, probably a GTX 560i sometime in the next few months. I'm currently using a GTX 280 and with some of the new games coming out soon I'd like to upgrade.
Looking to upgrade my ancient laptop to something sleek and sexy...and relatively cheap for the hardware compared to most of the other ultrabooks out there at the moment. It will help me run a few old mac programs and dual-boot to windows for game design I'm doing in my spare time.
I am already 8 virtual systems on a single system with only dual quad cores and 16 GB RAM w/ 7200 RPM SATA, but will be deploying three of these in our lab to host all in one test environments for my company's product sets. These things rock!
For personal use I've been eyeing the Eee Pad slider but given I run a hack pro at home and have an iPhone 3GS, I'm just not convinced they'll all play nicely together.
What piece of hardware you're most looking forward to buying this year?: SSD's!
What are you hoping to do with that hardware once you get it?: Install it ASAP! Moving parts are overrated. Its a safe bet to say, that anything is better than my current hardware. "Old and busted, New and hotness." - Will Smith (M.I.B.)
If applicable, how is this piece of hardware going to help you in your work or business?: Well with increased storage and efficiency to access stored files, productivity is sure to follow in an elevating trend.
I have an old Netgear ReadyNAS NVX with 4 Tb Raid 5 SATA. I will transition to a bigger NAS (maybe 8 Tb), with the ability to serve iSCSI and NFS better than decently, and migrating my servers to virtual on VMWare's free hypervisor, latest generation.
Still considering to make it a Nexenta appliance. It depends on whether I can get the money to put a good SSD for ZIL. This will be either a self built NAS or made by Raidundant. check them out
I have enough functioning computers for the family, and a smartphone. My next purchase would be a tablet, something on the smaller side (7") so that it's truly portable. Once I purchase it I hope to use it to easily check email and browse Google Reader to stay on top of medical and tech news. The 7" tablet would help me log in to my hospital's electronic medical record system through Citrix Receiver. I can review results, images and order tests on the go during morning rounds.
I'm looking at getting some form of large capacity NAS device. I do a lot of work with film and video, and it takes up a lot of space. Having a large multi-drive array and being able to have it separate from my system will be a big help in storing the files, and I'll be able to keep them longer with less impact on my available space. It will also free up the drives and drive bays in my system for personal use once again.
Would absolutely love to purchase a new CPU, i7 2600K. Been running a Core 2 Duo E4400 for quite a bit of time now, and it's far past time to upgrade. I'd even love to run my computer as a server for doing freelance development work, which this would help out with greatly.
With a 6 year old laptop and only a bit saved up, I'd definitely use that cash to get the latest and greatest laptop. My beater laptop has seen better days...
I'm hoping to get a TouchPad and put Android on it so it has future support. I'll then give it to my disabled mother so she can use it to check email, video chat, watch movies, listen to music, and read books.
I am most looking forward to getting a SSD to replace the HDD in my laptop. When I get it I will be re-installing my OS and appreciating the blazing speed offered by the SSD.
A professional printer to make large prints. I've recently been expanding my portfolio as an illustrator and I would love to have a high quality printer to make large, beautiful prints that I can mount as part of my presentation when I go to clients.
I would like to finally upgrade to a newer CPU with turbo boost technology. Hoping that this will help balance a machine that does split duty of multitasking and gaming. If I see a noticeable improvement, I can start pushing work to let me upgrade the desktops for similar benefits (sans gaming of course :)
Read the fileserver article and was hoping to work on a build myself. I would like to back up all the computers in a small office to a central manageable location.
I hope to be able to buy a few SSD,s this year to be able to spec out a few builds for prospective customers. I want to be able to show a few different avenues for them to see what kind of speed can be found with different price brackets.
I do a lot of video editing and compilation for clients, and I'd like more magnetic storage so I can keep more recent projects on hand and not have to get them from backup as often.
I've also been playing around with getting an SSD to improve the overall speed of my editing machine.
A. This year I'm probably going to splurge on a new SSD. B. Of course I'm going to install it and enjoy the benefits of "instant access" and much higher speeds than what I have now. C. This purchase isn't going to change much for anything I do at work...
I'm looking forward for the iPhone 5, it will replace my 4-year old Android phone and will certainly allow me to communicate and work more effectively. Also, an SSD because they are awesome-sauce!
Background: I have 4 Desktop machines, 3 laptops, 3 IPod touch devices in the house. We have a number of digital cameras, a camcorder, music collections (legally purchased MP3 files from various sources like iTunes and Amazon) on all of those devices. The problem is centralizing (people tend to not find their stuff, because it's stored on the wrong device and they forgot which one) and backing up (lots of family photos etc) are impossible tasks to do well without a large central repository. Of course, there are also concerns about hard drives filling up on some devices because they are storing too much video content and can't offload it anywhere.
I've come to the conclusion that one NAS with online backup will be the best and easiest to maintain solution. All 3 issues (centralization, backup, space allocation) will be solved, and the solution will be expandable to some degree.
So, this is the big plan. The hardware will roll in some time in October, and I will spend the winter playing with configurations and roll-out of network resources to all devices.
Without a doubt, I'd invest in a file server. My nonprofit has been using dropbox as a gapfiller solution, but the 8GBs is quickly filling up. We need a long term solution to effectively collaborate and share documents, but money is tight these days.
I currently use two HP Compaq LQ1951g monitors attached to a HP 8000 Elite convertable minitower. Should be a good system right? Unfortunately, by using this combination, my desktop monitors are limited to fairly low resolution (1280x1024). So, I would use this money to buy better monitors or a better video card, or whatever is necessary to get respectable resoluation on my desktop!
Depending on when bulldozer comes out, either a new procesor or a 2nd video card this year (6970 ftw!) - and fyi, just bought a wireless HP Printer - its been awesome (brown nosing FTW!)
Oh what I would give for a new AIO color laser printer. Having just one machine to do it all would be just great. As it is now there are three different printers sitting around. It would provide less clutter, fewer supplies to buy, better output. Not to mention space, I could get almost a whole desk back and put it to good use.
I agree with several other commentators on this -- an SSD (or two) is in my future. From a business perspective, my work is just about due to cycle me into a new laptop and I'm going to try my best to convince them to go for an EliteBook ... :-)
Like someone mentioned earlier I would probably use this to upgrade the Envy 14 I've got with a nice performance ssd. Great laptop but an ssd would make it incredible. Thanks to Anandtech and Hp!
I'm mostly looking forward to upgrading my mobile device. Overall processing speed isn't that bad, but what I'm hoping for is better connection options. With the web becoming very media-centric over the past decade, cellular data rates have barely kept up with demands. It's especially worse with the fact that brochures and spokesmen seem to refer to the theoretical high-ends, but us consumers realize that we're almost never going to have perfect conditions.
I'm mostly hoping that even though signal quality may not change, getting a fraction of 20Mb/s is far better than a fraction of 2Mb/s!
The benefit that I'm hoping to see is that I won't feel as "tethered" to my land-based connection.
I'm in desperate need of a new monitor as my previous one is lying on the floor next to me, completely unusable. I'm hoping to be able to purchase one soon, but like you're typical college student, I simply dont have the money for one. I'm an engineering student, so when it comes to dealing with things like AutoCAD or my dips into Photoshop on the side, the bigger the better.
I'm looking forward to getting Samsung's Galaxy S II (or "Epic Touch 4G") when it arrives on Sprint next Friday - the ability to access email and the web and even VPN into work from anywhere should give me a lot of added flexibility and responsiveness with my job, and the SGS2's powerful hardware gives me confidence that I won't feel too limited by working through a phone.
I have a gaming desktop that I built from scratch, but I could really use something portable. If I won, I'd probably pay a bit more attention to tablets and get whichever one seemed the best option.
I am looking forward to all ultra light notebooks that rival Macbook Air. Hopefully they will be out soon and get to lower price point with Ivy bridge.
I am actually looking forward to getting a fusion processor. Sure I have a powerful desktop and laptop, but the old Atom based server is aging and I want to build a new, more flexible one. I also want to have the fusion processor to experiment with OpenCL and AMD's zero copy path for APU's. This is what I do for a living, so it would be fun to see what is possible as fusion increases.
If they're ready soon enough I'd like to get some of that 28nm Radeon action. If not I would probably get a Ceton InfiniTV 4. Either way I'd use what is left over for my first SSD.
Im hoping to get a new phone. I still have one of those old clamshell phones and and hoping that maybe I could get a smartphone like an Iphone.This would help me be able to connect to more people and be more productive.
I ordered a touchpad from the HP small business division, Now I have to wait six to eight weeks for it. I think winning this sweepstakes would lessen the emotional anxiety I feel.
My family has a ton of digital stuff scattered across several computers and its hard to sort through it all since we don't have a centralized location for file storage.
I would use this to build a dedicated file server, while i could take an old PC and turn it into one with FreeNAS i would like to build a lower power system since it will be always on capable of expanding into the future, that doesn't take up too much space.
I want a SSD in my laptop to speed up an aging machine. While it would be nice to have a fancier laptop with a newer cpu but sometimes you have to deal with what you have and make the most out of it.
I'm wavering between and SSD and a new motherboard...I really want to get an E-ATX mobo because my case has room and I'd like the increased working space, as well as the increased possibility for expansion.
An SSD would dramatically increase performance, meaning a lot fewer wasted CPU cycles-and more efficiency is almost always better.
I want to buy a android or MeeGo phone with a hardware keyboard. I'll use it for phoney stuff as well as goofing off at work. I'll also use it for looking up hardware information when I'm not at a desk.
In the market for a desktop now, for the purpose of starting a game shop with a couple of friends. My el-cheapo laptop is a tad bit anemic for that purpose.
Looking forward to a new 30" monitor within the next year. This prize would greatly help my purchase. The extra resolution would increase my productivity.
I'm mostly looking at getting an SSD for my HTPC, file server and gaming rig. I feel this will allow me to work more reliably and hopefully more quickly. Mostly I want one because I hear such great things about them.
SSD. It will be my working drive, however not my main drive. I do a lot of editing of WIM files for deployment using DISM etc to customize the several images we have and it would greatly improve the speed of the process thus allowing me to be more productive.
I'll be getting a new smartphone (SGS2), as I am beginning mobile app development and need decent hardware to work with (and no, my ancient HTC Hero will not cut it!).
Also considering a Kal-El tablet to start developing Honeycomb apps on, once I really get into the swing of things.
Printing out rough drafts on my current printer takes quite awhile, but if I had the ability to print out on a color laser, My output would allow me to get back to input much faster. Being able to proof faster will raise productivity when writing my own articles for my tech newsletter.
I'll be needing a gigabit NIC and a new HDD to complete my build of a Ubuntu workstation. I'll be using this system both as a fileserver for my home and as a development PC to work on a facebook app that I'm building on the side, along with any other personal development projects I pursue in the near future. Doing that kind of work on Windows was beginning to be a pain, so I'm killing a few birds with this stone.
A bit cliched after browsing the other reviews, but I'd say SSD for sure. The improved battery life for a laptop and increased I/O make it the most worthwhile upgrade in an age of cheap ram and "good enough" processors.
I am about overdue for upgrading from 802.11G to 802.11N. My trusty WRT54G hasn't failed me yet, but I feel it is about time to upgrade to MIMO. Doing so would allow me greater throughput when transferring huge files across my VPN when working from home.
I have avoided buying an "all-in-one" printer up until now. My theory was that I would get better equipment if I purchased a printer and scanner separately. Also, if something broke I would have less to replace. And... I have never needed a fax machine.
Two things have happened: 1) Technology is to the point where an All-in-one printer (at a decent cost) would provide the capability I need. 2) I ran out of room on my desk for my clunky old flatbed scanner.
So... I will be doing a little research, and the off to market I go.
I'm really tempted into getting an SSD for my laptop. I'm definitely getting it to replace the 7200 rpm drive in it, which would hopefully give me a big performance boost.
I'm lookiing forward to buying a new laptop w/ HD display and SSD to replace my old Dell with Centrino processor so I can do some 3D renders, convert movies for my tablet and phone all without having to wait all night long. This will make my life so much easier. A true multitasking workhorse that will save me loads of time.
I'm looking forward to finally getting a new desktop, hopefully by the end of this year.
I got a new laptop for school, an HP, ironically, and am starting to get more interested in photo and video editing. The laptop is capable, but I need a desktop again, as laptop storage capacity just isn't quite there yet and while performance is good, heavy stuff does tend to get the machine rather warm thanks to the quad core CPU. I need more power to drive a big screen, and the laptop doesn't quite have it.
I'm thinking about getting an SSD for the laptop or a tablet at some point as well.
Really looking forward to getting a Macbook Air or Ultrabook'esque laptop in the near future.
I already have a decent laptop, but I find myself only carrying my iPad even though I can't do as much on it. A machine like the Air would combine both the portability and usability needed for work on the road.
Going to shop for a 10" tablet. Don't have any real use for it, but sure is convenient to check email ans couch surfing. Smartphone is just too small for my old eyes.
I'm looking forward to getting my 1TB hard disk because i started doing youtube commentary's and the avi files are huge. So this is going to help me out tremendously because right now i can only record a little under an hour at a time before i need to start rendering out parts. As you can imagine it really sucks having to stop playing a game every hour and render out parts for about 3 or 4 hours before you can jump back into the story. With this new drive i should be able to record for about 4 hours straight if need be which is going to save me tons headaches.
I'm really looking forward to a new videocard. I'm using Crossfire Radeon HD 4850 512MB right now, and while it's enough for most games, there are times when Crossfire doesn't work (such as windowed mode) and 512MB isn't enough VRAM for modern games at 1080p plus. I'm thinking of getting a Radeon HD 7950 or maybe the 7850 depending on how they actually turn out. I'm really looking forward to the simplicity and reliable performance of a single, fast videocard. Ideally I'd have something fast enough to let me do triple-monitor Eyefinity since I've accumulated a nice 24" 1920x1200 widescreen and two identical 1600x1200 Dell 20" LCDs, and it would be cool to give gaming a shot at 5120x1200, but that may be a bridge too far for high-detail gaming with AA.
Not that $500 will go far, but a storage array will help with virtualizing my servers. Selling products on a physical server is so last decade. But, I'm not quite ready to put all the data in someone else's cloud.
I too would like to buy a Tegra 3 (Kal-El) Tablet, I would like it to be like the Asus Transformer, (with Keyboard and Battery Dock, but only about 13" and have a Dedicated GPU present in the Dock to actually play games on it. I'm thinking something like Thunderbolt (Lightpeak) for the interface.
Would have liked a tablet for the portability to do browsing, email, light productivity work. Maybe the spinoff will resurrect the tablets. If not perhaps an ultralight laptop if I find myself $500....
Bowers & Wilkins MM-1 speakers. I heard them, I loved them. No pair of speakers come close to the sound without a subwoofer. Their power signature is minuscule at normal range. Less power = more $ I'm saving in studio.
I am waiting for Nvidia's new video cards to come out. If they came out this year, I'd totally buy one but it looks like I'll most likely have to wait until next year
I'd have to say I'm most looking forward to mobile Ivy Bridge chips for the power savings these "tri-gate" transistors are reportedly bringing. I'm eager to finally replace my 2005-era laptop and an Ultrabook+Ivy Bridge solution looks perfect from what I've seen so far.
As for what I'd do with it, it'd be my main laptop for traveling... mobility, battery life, and build quality are important but gaming is solely reserved for my desktop. An ultrabook or similar Ivy Bridge laptop fits those needs perfectly and should make covering events on the go much easier.
Sorry if this is a double post, i'm having internet problems and i cant find my first comment so i dont think it went through.
I'm looking forward to getting my 1TB hard disk because i started doing youtube commentary's and the avi files are huge. So this is going to help me out tremendously because right now i can only record a little under an hour at a time before i need to start rendering out parts. As you can imagine it really sucks having to stop playing a game every hour and render out parts for about 3 or 4 hours before you can jump back into the story. With this new drive i should be able to record for about 4 hours straight if need be which is going to save me tons headaches.
Well its tough to just narrow it down to one piece of hardware when it comes to improving my business. That being said, I plan on piecing together a workstation that's built for 3D rendering and presentations (mainly using autoCAD and Google Sketchup - I'm in the custom cabinetry business). I would imagine the most important component would be an nVidia geforce GTX 560 Ti to drive the 1080p T.V. that we have in the conference room. And I suppose the next most important component would be an SSD for quick file transfers, both random and sequential (this would be for the heavy rendering programs, and not a boot drive b/c I really don't care how long this machine takes to boot up).
I would buy a soundcard because on my 4-year old Dell laptop, the sound doesn't work. I am going to fix it up so I can finally listen to things. Sounds on a laptop/computer are extremely important.
I'm looking forward to buy a new laptop for my wife since her current one becomes really outdated (it's the first generation of Intel Core pocessors, 1.6 GHz, DDR 2 and all other "good" stuff), furthermore the buttery holds like half an hour at most. It's really time for a new one.
I agree with the initial comments that an SSD would be a nice purchase; however, I am looking to get a housing for it, also...a new laptop with a nice new SSD within. I know that $500 isn't enough for that, but it will make a nice start.
After your review of the OCZ RevoDrive 3 X2 960GB i must have it. It makes my RevoDrive look like a baby and a grown man shouldn't have to feel like a baby even if you GF forces you to dress up as one for a weird sexy fantasy.
I'm looking into buying or building a central home server for storage, backup and remotely accessing files. I currently have an HP desktop, laptop, MF printer and even an old failthful HP 32SII calculator (go RPN!).
I'm most looking forward to work buying an SSD for my laptop.
I plan on installing Windows 7 on it and removing the laptop's standard hard drive.
It will help in my work because it will significantly reduce wait times when loading programs, restarting, and applying updates. The combination of the already slow laptop hard drive (all laptop hard drives are slow compared to same-generation desktop hard drives of the same relative caliber) and the large performance drop caused by enterprise anti-virus software leads to long waits for any task involving disk I/O. I've already installed an SSD in my work desktop system and noticed wait times for similar tasks drop to about a third of what they once were.
I'm looking forward to buying an HP Touchpad or two once they become available again. I missed out on the earlier firesale due to all the hoarders and resellers. From what I've seen, the HP Touchpad with WebOS proves to be a great mobile internet browser, with surprisingly competent e-mail capabilities--exactly what I'm looking for when on the go!
I would definitively want an SSD and another 1 (or 2) monitors. The SSD would increase the start time of everything on my computer - making it extremely fast and reducing wait time by a huge amount. I would want the monitors as it would increase the usable screen real estate substantially - letting me do more at one and just have more things visible at once.
I'd love to have an ENVY laptop and all its hardware innards. It will help mesh my personal and business life in ways a netbook cannot! Thank you for the chance to win!
The piece of hardware I would like to buy most this year would be an ultrabook or similar ~11.6in ultraportable laptop. I am a full time student who also works part time as tech support/comp repair for a local shop. The small size and lightweight while still being powerful is very important and having to lug around my current 15 inch monster is killing me.
Getting hooked up with a good NAS for increasing ability to work with files over different computers while doing things around a small office. Currently mostly use email, not the best for large files...
Given the faith of the HP, I won't list the 64GB Touchpad. Though I am really enjoying the $99 one.
I am a University professor and another department is launching an iPad program. Given that I am one of the computer geeks around I was consulted closely. We are trying to push the boundaries of iPad in education. Unfortunately, I technically cannot benefit from this as I am in a different department, but I feel like I'd have a lot to contribute. I an not planning to drop my own money on an iPad. Maybe if I won $500, I would do it. (Or at least an iPod.) I have not used an iOS (iPhone OS) device since the 3G and I sold that when I got my Nexus One a year and a half ago. So I am totally dumb struck when I get iOS questions coming at me now from colleagues. So I supposed I am waiting for an iOS device and I'd help make the pilot program better.
In general the prospect of Ice Cream Sandwich, new iPod (3G?), iPhone 5 all sound very exciting. And I really-really hope WebOS will be resurrected somehow as it is probably my favorite platform. Now with all these pads in people's hands there could be a viable ecosystem out there. But investment in the platform needs to come soon. And HP does not create much confidence in developers that they need to keep focusing on the platform.
I will use it for nearly every information related activity I perform. I plan to replace my laptop with this phone for nearly all personal and business needs using the webtop and citrix receiver.
I'm hoping to get to invest in a big display. It will really help me with my programming that I do both for fun (yay Project Euler!) and also for my research as a graduate student. Right now I have a laptop that I'm using and it would be great to be able to have lots of things side by side, something I can't do on a 1280x800 display very well. :D
Though I'm still using RAID 0 hard drives, an SSD is not top priority for me. My boot times are sufficiently fast and I don't need faster application load times yet. The main thing holding me back, though, is still price. $2/GB for high end SSD's is still too much for me.
The piece of hardware I'm anticipating the most is actually a new motherboard, the X58A-OC. It's fairly affordable now and will offer me more CPU overclocking potential than my Sabertooth X58. It also has a great color scheme that matches my build, and includes spaced out PCIe slots so my top HD6950 can finally get some breathing room above my 2nd one.
I'm hoping for a new LCD monitor. I had a DELL SPVA monitor for ages, and it's been pretty nice. Now, I'm looking for a Mini DisplayPort monitor to go with my laptop. Still waiting for that one model to wow me at 21-25" range.
I'm really looking forward to Kepler. I know that it's not going to launch for sale this year, but I've decided that my next hardware upgrade is going to be to Kepler. No reason to upgrade to anything else for now. I'm going to be using the new GPU(s) for the same things I do now... folding and gaming
I want to get the new Blackberry Bold 9900. Waiting on AT&T to release it. I want to use it with my Blackberry Playbook for work purpose when I don't have access to WiFi. Also, its specs are much better than my previous Bold 9700, so I won't have the current memory related issues.
My current laptop is limping along. I have a HP laptop at work and I like it. I need something that I can load photoshop on (i.e. i5/i7) and do some editing on the road. A new laptop sure would make life easier.
I'm most looking forward to upgrading my processor and motherboard. I'm looking forward to a fast quad core system, to keep up with the next generation of games
I'm looking forward to buying a new SNB desktop this year. I've been with a laptop for a couple of reasons for the last 4 years or so, and it's getting about time. As somebody who likes to play around with machine vision applications, the boost in performance over a Core 2 Duo laptop should be impressive!
I just bought a blu-ray burner to enjoy movies and evaluate it for backup purposes for the small businesses i support. I plan to get an SSD to see just how much faster it is and if it will speed up my daily computer routine.
I am looking to upgrade my PC with SSD hard drive, more/better ram and possibly a new printer. Definitely look forward to having a peppier PC that will allow me to edit and print family photos for my loved ones easier
That's what I really need to do is set up a server or NAS. Being a small business owner it is important to have that as we are expanding and I would definitely need access to those files home or away. It would allow me to use a lighter notebook while traveling because all of it would be hosted.
After reading the recent Anandtech article on storage I'm ready to do something I've been putting off for 5 years.
I'd buy a Win7 based tablet computer. In my job as a teacher, I would use the tablet to take attendance in our online system, use VNC software to control my smartboard computer, and have it available for kids to give input on the smartboard w/o leaving their desks. The Win7 part is critical, as it allows seamless integration into our Active Directory system, etc.
I want to change from a single monitor setup to a triple monitor setup at work.
That would enable me to open different programs on different screens simultaneously.
I need a better graphics card and a couple additional monitors to accomplish this -- and possibly a better computer.
Sadly, Bosch doesn't seem to provide a standard hardware solution for multiple monitors, although we do buy from HP. Maybe this is something that we can improve upon?!?
I'm looking at grabbing a six core processor for a small rig. Due to the inadequate field budget for sales, I'll use this platform as a demo system to host various product related VMs.
My laptop a defective graphics chip (yeah, I'm not the only one, there are lots of models with the same problems) is starting to show signs of impending doom.
At one time, it was a problem once a month. Now, the graphics issue pops up once a week.
Hey, this is an opportunity to get a laptop that is more portable, has better battery life, and runs cooler than my old one.
Even though I didn't win any of the tablet give aways I'm still looking forward to getting one this year. Hopefully around BF there will be a good deal on an Asus Transformer or even a Galaxy Tab 10.1 so I can pick one of those up!
I would like to get a new CPU and solid motherboard. That money would go a long way towards getting a nice quad core CPU plus a MB. A 2500K with a Z68 based board would be a good solid build foundation that would handle everything I do for years to come.
Looking forward to the AMD Bulldozer 16 core. On a quad socket system, that gives me 64 cores of virtualization awesomeness. With the unlimited core restrictions of vSphere 5, this will make an extremely powerful yet cost effective virtualization platform.
First up, a larger screen. Screen prices have fallen and for the complex work I do, that would have the best ROI, even though I already have a 19" and 17" dual screen setup. If budget permits, a new desktop box for faster CPU + GPU for complex AI calcs & visualization
I will buy a Lian Li full-tower case and a Seasonic power supply to build an Unraid home server. Need a media server and something to back-up files from other 4 computers.
Our old PBX system needs an overhaul. 500 would be enough to get a small-form-factor, energy efficient PC to replace the ancient hardware it's running on now.
I'm looking forward to picking up my first wireless router. I've always been a huge speed freak and bandwidth hog and while I've used wifi at various coffee shops and airports and whatnot, my house is hardwired with cat5e in every room (yes, even the bathrooms). I've never felt that the convenience of wifi was more valuable than the loss in speed. This year, however, with my acquisition of a tablet "computer" that doesn't have the ability to be plugged into the network in any way except a docking station (which is unacceptable imho), I will be investing in the fastest N+ router I can find. While I may not use it for any of my actual computers, I may try it out with my lappy to see how the rest of the world lives as far as slowass internet via invisible cords goes...
My old x1800XT isn't holding up as much as it used to! Plan to pick up dual 6950GTs soon, which will be used for work since I make videogames in my spare time.
Having missed the boat on the initial firesale, I'm hoping for a nice shiny new TouchPad at some point this year.. I'm thinking it would prove quite useful at accessing as-built drawings for our facilities while out in the field so that we can find out what pipe leads where..
The SSD in my desktop is fantastic; one for my laptop would be great! It'd load Illustrator, Painter, Photoshop, etc much quicker and make loading and editing large documents therein much quicker.
I'm going to buck the SSD trend (did that upgrade recently) and wish for an 80 Plus Platinum PSU over 800w in capacity, this would be the gift that keeps on giving.
I will be purchasing a new quad core Intel Intel Core i5 2500K Processor. From the reviews I've read online, it seems like the best bang-for-buck enthusiast processor, not to mention that it can be easily overclocked through the BIOS using a P68 or Z68 chipset motherboard.
It's long past time for a new build, so I am looking forward to many new pieces of hardware. Lots of people talking about ssd's; I will definitely be using one of those, too.
I actually just started looking at the HP ProLiant MicroServers, because I'm looking for a nice Windows Home Server box. It'll be so nice to consolidate all of my documents, pictures, and videos on one machine.
I'm afraid that my dual core, conroe based computer with a 8800GT video card is getting too slow to keep up with the latest games. Unfortunately, this will probably mean a complete upgrade (motherboard, CPU, video card, memory, and OS (since I'm still running XP)). I'm not sure if this upgrade is necessary for me to do more work. It is more for its entertainment value, since I'll probably pick up BF3, once I have the hardware to run it. (I finally got around to picking up BF BC2 a few weeks ago, and I've been playing that lately.)
Hi. This is my entry for the prize. I am most looking forward to buying a motherboard this year. Once I get it, I am going to replace my broken motherboard so that I can finally have a working desktop computer again. With that, I will be able to do all kinds of stuff again, but I'm mostly looking forward to playing games again. Thank you.
A SSD drive would be nice, but I would probably buy the processor, motherboard, and memory for the new desktop build I am thinking of building, if I can afford it.... Which $500 would go a long way towards making possible!
Trying to get an Asus eee transformer for work. Smartphones are a little too small for ssh and other similar conectivity and a laptop can be cumbersome in meetings. Plus i can sneak behind the server racks and play angry birds.
I would definitely get an SSD, the decreased boot times and load times would be very nice to have. I would probably want to get one that is at least 120+ GB but at this time not having one is a huge drawback and i would take w/e i could get. Hoping when i built my next computer i will be able to afford one. Sadly my job doesn't use computers :/
The hardware I am most interested in getting is a Touchpad tablet off eBay. The primary use will be trying to make HP employees cry. Aside from that, an SSD to use as a framestore cache drive in my primary Linux comp workstation.
I need a completely new desktop, bad. I'm using an Athlon XP with 1 GB RAM and a GeForce 3... and I can't stand it anymore. Productivity stinks when I have to wait and wait and wait and wait everytime the computer bogs down(which is quite frequent).
Yeah, that's right, I don't have a smartphone too bad you aren't making them any more HP :( This would help me simply with communication and organization with true portability.
The other possibility is a nicely built, sufficiently powerful for basic use, moderate price ultraportable-ish laptop like the dm1. oops, HP is trying to sell their PC business :(
I might have said tablet (because I don't have a laptop and would want one or the other) but they were a no-go at $400+ for all-around decent ones. Fortunately I did manage to snag a Touchpad, so thanks for dumping it after a whole 7 weeks HP! I see it as a nice and simple portable very basic computing and entertainment device that's more comfortable to use than a smartphone.
I am in desperate need of new tech and have been strapped for cash because I am getting married in September and my Fiance has totally drained my "new tech" funds. Boo to that
I would buy my first ssd and a pair of headphones. My hdd is rally starting to slow down and my headphones just broke. i just wonder what ssd i will get.
what piece of hardware you're most looking forward to buying this year. SAN/Hosts/Software for VDI PiC. What are you hoping to do with that hardware once you get it? Create a VDI PiC. And if applicable, how is this piece of hardware going to help you in your work or business? Work smarter and more efficiently.
Iphone 5. Have a 3GS, owned a 4 briefly and fell in love with the display. I'd use it for reading science fiction .PDFs (Doctor Who/Faction Paradox -related) and texting myself so people think I have friends.
I would absolutely love to get a tablet for school. Being able to take notes on the go without having to lug around a laptop and have electronic versions of books would be a Godsend!
The piece of hardware I'm most looking forward to getting is a large multi-touch display, I would put this money towards developing a LED LLP table, similar to Surface (except I cannot afford pixelsense). I would like to use this table to develop applications that I could use for work, but more for hobby development.
I am looking to buy a wireless storage external harddrive... this way i can backup wirelessly and automatically and can also access it from anywhere...
IF by this year you mean within the next 12 months then I'm hoping to build a new computer when ivy bridge comes out. It would be really nice to not have to use a 6 year old copmuter when doing my CS homework.
I'm looking to pick up a 10" tablet, mostly for reading pdfs and light browsing and note-taking, so I can pare down the shelves of reference books and systems manuals.
I'm looking forward to getting a tablet, probably an Android tablet. Aside from being a really nice gadget to have, it'll also help with getting everything organized. It is easier to access than a laptop on the go yet it has a more usable/readable screen than a smartphone. I can easily use it to read an ebook on the train (really annoying doing that with a smartphone). The battery life is also much better than a laptop and less of a hassle to use than a netbook.
Yes, HP, an Apple TV is on the wishlist. Wireless control of speakers would be pretty sweet, especially if you've ever had a laptop yanked by a headphone cord?
Planning to acquire a two socket 2U server, either a SuperMicro or a HP Proliant. I host websites on my business class connection for several friends of mine, and the infrastructure I have now is getting dated. Looking forward to moving to a hypervisor on the proper hardware to enable better sandboxing and multiple virtual servers.
Input creates Output = "Garbage In Garbage Out" right?
So the piece of hardware I want to get for business this year is a powerful, small sized PC that can run the service that feeds my (soon to be launched) website Xygnal. It's an AI-driven news site.
I want to buy a new PC--I'm still on a core 2 duo from 4 years ago that was only mid-range when I bought it. With all that newfound horsepower I will retire my current box as a file server and new box will assume daily desktop duties.
If it's not too ginormous I'll get a Nexus Prime to replace my cruddy Optimus T. I'm in the field a lot for work and I've found my smartphone to be indispensable for the technical work I do.
I'm after something that'll let me take reading materials about for studying purposes. Whether it ends up being just a tablet, Kindle plus tablet, or Kindle plus something else I'm not sure.
I am looking into a new graphics card for a multi monitor setup, likely an ATI 68xx card. Also even though I don't use it too often a b&w laser printer, inkjet costs are too high and my color laser has run low and the cartridges are too expensive to replace.
Definitely looking forward to a new low-cost, energy-efficient microATX motherboard. I'm thinking either Brazos, low-end Llano, Cedar Trail Atom, or Sandy Bridge Celeron.
I'm hoping to re-use most of my existing hardware (case, hard drives, optical drives, etc) and use it for pretty much all of my basic home needs that don't need much CPU or GPU performance (multimedia, web, email, VOIP, office suite, basic photo editing).
As far as work or business, I guess much of my "research" on the internet helps increase my knowledge of work-related subjects.
I'm looking forward to getting the new NOOK Color - perhaps, if the rumors about a color e-ink type display are true. Why? I do a lot of reading and want something I can stare at for hours. I also want something I can root and customize/put the files and books I want on the device. While I'm not working I am currently a student - so it would obviously help me by allowing me to consolidate some of my text books onto one device. Also e-books are easily searchable and bookmarked, so they are preferable for studying situations.
I'm looking forward to getting an SSD (well, and a motherboard with AHCI support to allow it to stretch its legs) so I can install my OS and most frequently used applications on it.
I want to build a new computer this year and probably the most interesting piece of that build will be the SSD. I plan to use it in my daily system and I think it's going to make a good few tasks much more enjoyable.
I've been stuck with a dumbphone for much too long. The days of talk and text are prehistoric now and I need to catch up with the present times. I'm looking forward to purchasing a smartphone in the future, sooner than later. A smartphone would allow me to stay in contact with important people almost on a constant basis through email for the most part. There are other ways to stay in contact, but when I need to access my email instantly, I will be able to. I'm sure there are other neat tricks and apps that will let me streamline my future business.
I would love to have something was convertible laptop like the ASUS Transformer, but actually able to do and of the productivity tasks of a real laptop. So hopefully Windows 8 will be good enough to make this happen. Or maybe any tablet at all that let you run more than one application at once so you could actually multitask.
I just want to be able to sit on the couch, and read the Tubes, and then IM with my GF, and then when its time to work, plug it in to its dock, and put some Matlab code together. Which I can't do currently do.
I really want to buy a NAS unit to centralize my storage needs. I'm a big believer in networking and hope that this will simplify my storage priorities in the future.
I need a new tablet, a Windows 7 one to replace my old one. Pen writing is required and Android ones dont support pens and the 1 or 2 that do are terrible at pen inking and too small I require a 12" or bigger screen.
I am looking at getting a laptop computer. I am currently a graduate student in computer science, so how I will use it is simple: development, presentations, and reading AnandTech.
I'm looking forward to buying a Blu ray burner. I will use it to watch Blu ray movies as well as back up data. I suppose it will help me to back up all my work files as well.
A laptop with sandy bridge, 16Gb ddr3, 512Gb SSD, and NO DVD!! It must run a Ubuntu/Fedora distro without losing wifi, sleep modes, sound, and other major driver issues.
I would load it up with about 10 different Linux KVMs: several RH and CentOS, a SuSE, several Ubuntu, a WinXP, a W7, and maybe a WinSvr2008. This would help me test and run nearly any combination of software.
Since I have my computer on all day, I want it remains cool when it is not use but able to keep up with the workload when needed to. It will help to save energy and AC bills.
Would love to purchase a HP Integrity Server running HP-UX as an upgrade to my existing Sun Microsystems server! Will make a huge performance increase in database and web serving applications.
Definitely getting an SSD this year. Everything else about my current machine is old - 939 Optron 160 with slight overclock. I will be replacing it once Ivy Bridge comes out, but to give it a quick shot in the arm, the SSD will become my main drive. It will help both personally and professionally, though I expect the computer to mostly be used for posting to facebook and the like. Never the less, it will allow me to do HD video editing that I've always wanted to do so I can have some home movies. The current raided hdds are just too slow.
I want to buy a big, fast SSD before the end of the year. I have to use VMware constantly in my line of work and waiting for virtual machines to boot up and shut down from a mechanical hard drive probably reduces my work output by 10%.
I'm going to buy the next generation AMD or Intel Processor depending on what comes out first. Along with that of course, I'll need a new Motherboard from Asus and some Corsair Ram to go with it. I will be using this new hardware for a liquid cooled gaming machine to run the latest Direct X 11 games in Nvidia SLI and 3d Vision :) Although I won't be using this gaming machine for work, it will relieve stress after a long day at work :)
I just need a new computer all the way around, and this would go a long way towards that. If I had to choose a specific piece of hardware, it would probably be a SSD or a video card.
going to jump on the bandwagon and say another SSD, running a z68 setup with a 60gb ssd accelerating a mechanical drive. not bad but would like to go pure SSD
I am looking forward to getting an ultrabook. I've held off on getting a new laptop, as mine is first generation Intel Core processor, battery is dead, and I'm back in school. I want to be able to stick around campus and work on school and work without worrying about using the campus computers or staying too late.
We'll probably be purchasing a few monitors and a new workgroup printer for our small business. I've been happy with our old officejet in terms of reliability with minimal maintenance, and (relatively) inexpensive large ink cartridges, but we'll be looking into a laser-based network printer/scanner going forward.
As with most of the folks I agree this would be a fantastic way to pay for a new boot SSD for my laptop. I have a dell XPS 1730, and although it is only a dual core, I think the biggest thing I could do short of a new laptop is put in an SSD.
I want to get a smartphone. I have been holding out due to the data plan charges $30/month on Verizon, but hopefully it will be very useful, especially when traveling.
Of all of the parts in my aging computer that need replacing, the most exciting upgrade is an SSD. Never having played with one before, I'm very interested to see what it can do for my boot and load-screen times.
Definitely want to get a tablet this fall. In fact, I want two. One for my living room, and one for my nightstand. I feel like in a few years they will be everywhere.
I'm ordering a new laptop tomorrow, but I'm specifically most looking forward to getting an SSD. When I get it, I will just use it as I do my current laptop and HD - for normal routine work at the office and home. Since we have so called "business sensitive info" on our laptops, the whole HD must be encrypted. Currently, when a virus scan runs it cripples my laptop because it has to decrypt the entire HD and scan the entire HD. No productivity can take place while this is going on. I have high hopes that the high read speeds of an SSD will help with this process!
I think I'm ready to take the plunge and buy a color laser printer. We already had a b/w one but for the few things we need to print in color sometimes its getting too expensive. $500 would go great toward a laser printer + left overs.
I would buy a replacement charger for my HP laptop, the head is almost completely broke off. I would then buy 3 small SSD's for boot drives in each of my two laptops and my desktop pc to increase productivity by decreasing wait time. I use all of my PC's for engineering simulation and calculations, Folding at Home, and some gaming when I have time. The SSDs will help in all of those areas and the charger will help my HP laptop gain its reliability again.
As others have said, I too am in the market for a new SSD; however, I am more interested in getting a MFP right now.
I know MFPs are commodities, but I'm hoping that HP does some real work integrating WebOS into MFPs so that they can tackle OCR, scan to email and other functions available on Enterprise class hardware.
I'm looking to digitize all my bills and an auto-duplex MFP that can scan and OCR would be terrific. Currently, I have a Fujitsu duplex scanner and a server which I wrote an application that monitors incoming PDFs and OCRs them into an output directory on my network. It would be a huge asset to have a single piece of hardware that is easy enough for my wife to figure out but powerful enough to do OCR and duplexing without taking up the same amount of space as a chest of drawers.
Other cool features of a higher-end, consumer MFP would be fax preview (so I'm not constantly wasting paper and ink/toner), saving faxes as PDFs on a network folder, scan and email to distribution lists, option to cache last 10 print jobs, so I don't have to open a file to print a second copy.
Frankly, while all of these features sound high end, a simple dual core ARM processor (like the one in the Touchpad), coupled with some memory and a basic OS (like WebOS), could make these things easily attainable at a fair price. The biggest stumbling block is the software and if HP has hopes to get into enterprise software like they claim, this would be a good step in that direction.
The biggest problem I have with the current crop of MFPs is that while they do integrate scan/fax/print into one device, they are usually pretty bad at all three, and to do advanced things requires a computer/server that runs a bunch of poorly written, third party software.
I don't think I'm asking too much for someone to integrate a small 5" or 7" touchscreen (again, see Touchpad), with a capable processor (dual core 1.5Ghz is fine for most things, again Touchpad), a fair amount of RAM (memory is cheap) and a decent OS with good embedded software. It's silly to have a MFP which requires a server to do OCR. There is enough computing power in smartphones to do OCR, why can't a printer do it natively?
I need a new laptop for dev purposes. Current MBP (2008) is okay, but going back & forth with Win7 using Parallels is just a pain (still get activation issues).
I just did a new build for my home office PC including an SSD so for me it will be a third monitor to accommodate my increasing number of running programs.
I am looking forward the buying the Amazon Tablet. I need a device that allows me to check email at work and surf the web. My work foolishly runs an open wi-fi connection making this easy.
I am also using the amazon cloud for data storage and have a kindle. The Amazon tablet looks like a perfect price point and integrates the features I need / use.
Assuming the Amazon tablet is priced at $250 I might use the extra cash to pick up an HP printer. Our HP printer outlasted the Xerox printers.
I agree with many of the posters here. I'm looking forward to adding an SSD to my system. I have one at work and its very snappy when opening up SQL Server, Toad, or Excel. These are the most common programs I use daily and the SSD had made a huge impact. The only upgrade from one SSD would be to have Two in Raid.
Thanks to HP for recognizing Anandtech readers and providing a great prize.....although an HP Touchpad would also be appreciated. Sorry to see then discontinued so quickly. My first tablet-like experience with with the Palm Pilot.
I am mostly looking forward to purchasing a HP all-in-one, laser printer/copier/scanner. I am hoping to appease my wife with this new hardware.
The hardware will help me immensely with my everyday life, as it will make my wife happy, and she will (I hope) stop verbally assaulting me because our old Epson all-in-one ink jet scanner is dying, despite her being the one whom ran the Epson unit into the ground printing 800 page essays on it for her school classes.... but Nooooooo, she has to blame ME for it crapping out. Bloody crappy Epson RUBBISH!!
Have several netbooks in the house. Time for a wireless printer so we don't have to go over and hook up the usb cord every time we want to print something out. Want an all in one printer/scanner/copier too.
They may be a fad, but I'm looking forward to getting one of the ultrabooks coming out in the upcoming months. Specifically, I've got my eye on the U300s.
I would like to get a new video card, possibly, for my main PC. But, also, the prospect of getting a larger SSD would be nice, as my main, 30gb one for Windows 7 boot is getting smaller and smaller on free space.
Since I can't afford a blade server with an Opteron 16-core I'm custom building my own Full tower and plan to use the Bulldozer 8-core processor. I do miscellaneous computer work, such as data recovery, fix computers, build machines as a side job. I really work at a college and use my computer as a linux guinea pig for all types of experimental ideas. It being the only machine I have, I expect a lot from it all at once.
Higher quality LCD screens are what I am hoping become more common. That way I can afford to buy a greater variety of laptops that will fit my needs. I have a Macbook Pro with a high resolution, high quality screen but I don't like the Mac OS and bootcamp kills the battery life. Give me more options so I can work and play in high-quality comfort.
I need a good color photo printer capable of at least 11x17 (would like larger) for doing art and portrait photography. $500 could accomplish that for me and allow for some nice paper as well.
Hopefully HP doesn't exit the consumer electronics business too quickly. I'd like to get a couple of dm1z's for my kids for school. (psst, HP: $500 would really help with that purchase!)
Now that I have joined the tablet community thanks to the Touchpad liquidation, the next hardware piece for me would be a large capacity, but portable MP3 player with some quality (though may have to settle for a 32GB Cowon J3 with a 32GB microSD card inserted). If SSDs would drop in price a bunch more, I would put that on my list too.
I really am looking forward to Bulldozer, though every quarter I lose faith that AMD will actually release it this year.
Whenever it comes out, I expect it to be a great boost for transcoding video. Wont do much for my job though, as I rarely take work home and what I do take home isn't going to benefit from parallel computing.
I'm waiting for AMD's Bulldozers to arrive. I plan on getting one to build my next PC around. The PC I have now is over 5 years old so I figure it is definitely time for a new system.
While SSD's are all fun and games, what my company could really use is a nas. Currently everthing is stored local with cloud backup, but to have it stored Local, then on a NAS and then with cloud backup would make sharing and collaboration that much easier and faster, thereby cheaper for clients, especially with a document intensive work flow.
I'd like to purchase a notebook that has a keyboard where the arrow keys can by found by touch, with space around them rather than being place like they were just another key with something immediately adjacent on all sides. If it has a numeric keypad, that keypad should send scan codes AS a numeric keypad and not as the top row number keys. The mousepad/touchpad buttons should be at least a quarter of an inch back from the leading edge of the system, and the system should have an enthusiast mobile video card in it, such as a 6970M+ or 560M+. I am aware of no hardware available that meets my criteria.
This unit will be used for gaming. As I'm retired, there are no relevant work uses.
I'd probably outfit my ThinkPad with a second hard drive (ultrabay), because while I love my SSD, I'm a bit crimped on space. This would allow me to reinstall an Ubuntu partition, store more files locally, and spend much less time on space management. This will definitely help for the next few years of classes and research.
I am spoiled with a crazy fast computer at work, my home computer now feels like molasses going uphill in January. Especially when I see that HDD light stuck on for several minutes.
Recently got a 3G android, no need for 4G yet until they fix the radios, plus the areas I travel to do not have 4G. In a business case, pc's are fast enough and SSD's doesn't really "boost" productivity. Computer is always on and I'm not running crazy applications which require fast load times. A tablet to pair with my smartphone would be great to have. Considering on getting a laptop but I don't need the full functionality or the heft. Why not use a tablet to remote into the office computer if need be!
Living out in the middle of nowhere where my internet options are: dial-up, satellite or cellular; the iPad2 would make online research so much simpler. Looking to improve my programming skills, and being able to do more regular research would sure be nice.
I am looking into building or purchasing my own NAS for media streaming, automated central backups, and file storage solutions. This would dramatically help with backing up all of my PCs and simplify streaming music/videos to multiple devices on my home network.
I am very much looking forward to purchasing a newer, more powerful notebook computer.
This new notebook computer will not only run standard business applications more quickly but, far more importantly, allow me to run more Virtual Machines for demos and testing.
I'm looking forward to building a new system, and the heart of that system will probably be Llano (especially if there are more conclusive indications that there will be at least one Bulldozer-based upgrade - one model of Trinity would suffice- available in the FM1 socket). It will replace an old P4 system which sees a lot of use, and it will simplify things for family members trying to get work done at home.
Hoping to get either a netbook or nice tablet and keyboard to help my wife with her school/business. She needs the portability, but also needs to type. Probably a netbook.
I was looking at a tablet to carry with me for checking in on our network. Beats having to carry a laptop and is an easier screen to see than a smartphone.
I"m thinking about getting a whole new rig soon, but the piece I find most intriguing is the SSD (like others). II'm sorry if this is repetitive, but it would probably be the biggest contributer to overall faster OS operation.
Would love to get a 30 inch HP monitor, this would really help in getting one. Would make a great monitor to watch my stocks on to buy and sale. I would also love to see my games on it.
If input creates output for you HP, here is my input. The hardware I am most looking forward to buying this year is..... NOTHING. After my previous encounter with HP support over a piece of ram, I can see NO use of using any of your products if getting support leads to total frustration. So I see no way that any hardware from you could help me in my work, business or home. Support is the ultimate follow up to a quality product, if that is what one is selling. In my case, HP product support was found lacking and most frustrating to deal with. That laptop has been my last HP product purchased and I still pass along to folks to NOT buy HP if you want quality support. Hopefully there will be some good output.
I bought an SSD already a few months ago, that should hold me until Ivy Bridge, or failing some giant surprise, Bulldozer.
The only thing I've bought (or tried to buy) is a TouchPad. I do hope I get that by the end of the year. The office is already decked out with HP gear (a pile of 6560b laptops and a pair of Z400 workstations), so the most work-related use I can think of is making sure our new website scales well to tablets. I found a nice link[1] on CSS media queries that should help. I could also use it to pull up information during meetings, but let's be honest, I'm probably just going to use it to read tech blogs on the couch during commercials on TV.
In need of a new laptop soon, old one is getting pretty beat. a 15.6 with a current gen i3 would be nice. mostly personal with some home office/small business usage
I really want to buy a touchpad this year. once i get one i plan to use it to browse the internet, i would have also liked to have one in hopes of doing a little programing for mobile platforms, but that probably wont happen.
I think this is the year to finally spring for a Windows OS based slate/tablet. The automation I design and troubleshoot requires me to lug around my beastly laptop. It's beastly due to the huge battery I need. I hope the slates will give me the battery life I need without the immense wieght.Sometimes I have to pry my fingers from the laptops due to extended holding periods. The software I require will only work on Windows, and I require a USB port. There are other benefits as well but that is the primary justification.
I'm mainly looking to do a ram upgrade on my hp elitebook that i use for school (computer programming major) and side projects, includeing web design and program codeing. With all the buzz about SSD's i wouldnt mind trying a smaller (less expensive) SSD, just because i find it hard to believe that the they could be worth the money. I'd be very open for my mind to changed though, 500$ visa gift card could definately get my foot into the hypothetical SSD world.
Hello, I would like to purchase a SSD and install it in my office laptop. This will make it possible for me to continue working when the antivirus scan kicks in.
Anandtech correctly notes that switching to an SSD is almost always the best way to speed up basic tasks on one's computer. I'd put the money towards an SSD and, maybe later, a thunderbolt NAS.
The piece of hardware I'm most excited about is the Ducky Shine mechanical keyboard for home use. Since I started using a Das Keyboard at work I can't live without it anymore at home. It simply makes typing (what else do you do more, besides clicking maybe?...) a complete pleasure. I feel like I'm more productive and accurate at work and I hope to carry that home with me.
I will mostly code with it, but I'll do a fair amount of gaming as well.
I'm looking forward to SSD upgrade as well. I do a lot of work with images in Photoshop and will benefit from the speed boost of SSD storage. More speed equals more productivity.
Looking forward to the new line of video cards coming out soon. Once I get it, I will most likely turn up all the graphic settings on all my games including BF3 that is coming out soon =D
Planning to buy a new phone. Been eyeing the Galaxy S II. Might wait a bit more and see what the new iphones are like. Hoping to waste time on it on the way to work (bus).
I know I'm a bit behind the times, but a dual monitor would be nice. I have a large 23" now that gives lots of room, but it just means I make my Visual Studio bigger. Would be nice to have a second one for documentation or other things while developing.
I am hoping to see an Amazon tablet in my hands in the next year to leverage my Amazon Kindle & shopping experience and do web/email/apps without having to root like the Nook.
I'm looking forward to buying the next-gen EEE Transformer tablet (assuming that it is packed with an nVidia Kal-El Tegra processor, those are looking pretty sweet right now). I would use it as a replacement for my ancient Pentium-M based (single core!) laptop.
I'm looking forward to buying either a new graphics card or a tablet this year if I can. There might end up being a few others items that end up higher on the priority list though.
I am looking into SSD array in RAID0 configuration. This should give amazing performance boost in everything I do on my PC - booting, loading programs, installing software etc.
I wish prices of SSDs and controllers would start coming down already...
I have been stuck with the same C2D Intel CPU for years! I need a budget to upgrade all the components in my machine, and the Visa Gift Card would solve that dilemma for sure.
It goes without saying that a quicker machine would help with my development work in Eclipse and other projects with QuickTest Pro (QA Contracting).
I'm looking forward to purchasing a new router so I can get the most out of my new laptop's Bigfoot Networks wireless-N card. I'm stuck with an old G that's constantly going out on me in the middle of work, where I do data entry and telecommunications over the internet.
SSD has been on wish list. The price has gone down but counting on black Friday for a good deal. Would love to have one as I have heard good things about them.
I plan to get a tablet of one kind or another. I am tired of carrying around a notebook all the time with a bag and everything else. Just having a tablet is going to increase my productivity quite a lot. I'm also planning to get tablets for my sales staff because I'm convinced they will also see an increase in productivity.
I'd like to get a tablet, to allow for checking news, weather, email, etc from the couch without having to power up the big PC. Sadly my order for the HP Touchpad was cancelled, so I'm still hoping to get one sooner or later.
For me it is definitely time for a new scanner and printer combination. I have cut back on the amount of space available for my home office and am in need of an upgrade for both pieces of hardware. Since combination products are the status quo - it is time for me to move in that direction. I look forward to not having to feed one sheet of paper at a time into my printer (it has worn out and I am too lazy to get it repaired). Should make me more productive while operating from home.
I hope to buy a new smart phone to replace my aging Incredible and a SSD for the new laptop I just purchased. The laptop will help me run my company's webinars flawlessly and the SSD will help me with the load times on heavily used applications. The smart phone will be useful as well, but it's 'smart' functions will be mainly for personal use, not business.
I'm with a lot of the other people who are saying that they will be upgrading to an SSD in the coming year. I've been waiting for the technology and its issues to flesh themselves out before I jump on board, and I think it's finally about time. I just wish the ~256ish GB size drive was in the $250 range instead of $300+! As always, thanks Anand for what you do. Thanks, HP, for the great prize!
I will be doing some application development (4th Gen languages), MSSQL/Open source DB development, OS/Application trials and testing in the next couple of years which will require me to run multiple VMs (atleast 3 VMs excluding host Windows 7).
For fun, I will be browsing a whole lot of web, photo editing, and fantasy league.
To accomplish all this, I will buy a laptop that has:
Atleast a quadcore processor with hyper threading, 2 HDDs (OS, Program files on one drive, Working (code) files on another) DVD drive Good L2, L3 cache (6MB or more) 4x8 GB memory 15.4"/17" monitor Full size keyboard Good heat sink/fan system BT 3.0 eSATA port (this is where all my VMs will live) I tend to believe in the phrase "looks can be deceptive".
I'm most looking forward to rebuilding my main computer with an SSD for boot/applications. Everything else is an incremental upgrade (faster cpu, more ram, newer video card, etc), but that one item should make a huge impact on everything I do. I use my machine for everything from just surfing the web, to editing my photos, to freelance work.
After a recent system upgrade, looks like a small home server with DLNA would be the ideal hardware purchase this year. Another way to manage backups for my photography and music and let me display or stream it to the TV on the other side of the house....
Bummed though, had an HP Plasma TV, but had to replace it this year... Gave up the ghost.. Guess that's why HP got out of the TV business.. ;)
The big hardware I am looking forward to this year is a new laser copier/printer. My old school machine is about ready to kick the bucket, and a new copier would really help with cost reduction over the long run. I'm hoping to save hundred's a year will really help as every dollar counts on the bottom line.
Memory ram, to make larger architectural renderings. More ram will make me able to handle more complex models, like trees, grass, furniture, getting better results for my clients.
How often do you DEEP CYCLE your battery? You should run it until it shuts itself down and then plug it in for an overnight recharge (airplane mode) at least once a week. You'll extend your battery life significantly that way.
Sad to say, its a new processor for my home server. I tried to stream some 1080p MKV files and it totally collapsed. I guess the powersaving hardware choices I made turned out to be a bad idea.
I've been totally spoiled by the SSD in my primary machine, so the next purchase will be an SSD for my laptop (a CULV Core 2 with a mediocre-at-best hard drive).
I think I'd like to get one of the new 13ish inch laptops with the amd llano setup. I just want something a little lighter to carry around to school that can handle video, web, notes, and maybe light programming and gaming (major is computer engineering).
I'd also love to get a new GPS, but that comes in second.
I'm definitely planning on purchasing an SSD, likely an Intel drive given their emphasis on reliability. It will speed up game load times, productivity software, etc. which should also help my wife in her work from home. Thanks for the chance to win!
A new video card would be ideal. My old overclocked Q6600 is still holding up well, but I can't say the same for the 8800GT video card for the latest games. More than suffices for remote desktop use to work though!
I do a lot of computer repair jobs in the city I live in, and I like to give people a variety of ways to pay. I think that using Square in conjunction with a Android tablet would provide a piece of mind and an ease of business that would help me expand the options for customers quite a bit. Looking at a bill and paying it on a larger Tablet screen, I feel, would make people feel more at ease for using it.
Looking forward to buying SSD to minimize waiting time during boot up. Also an efficient mid tower case to replace my aging antec case. The dream case might cool things down a lot during audio and video encoding and occasional gaming.
I'm looking forward to the AMD Zambezi processor. I plan to shred through my numerical integrations in my spintronics research. The faster I can pump out numbers for my various models, the faster I can pump out research articles - the contents of which will hopefully make their way into future generations of electronics components. It's all a big self-fulfilling cycle you see...
I am looking at getting a AMD fx bulldozer when it comes out. (got to support the little guy).
I plan to use it to increase my productivity (work and for play) when working with videos, images and other programs (adobe programs can be very demanding).. Plus gaming!!
Looking forward to finally getting a real smartphone instead of a blackberry. Will help me be more efficient by being able to access the web easier and get access to both business and personal sites.
I have gotten to the point in my photography business where it would be most efficient for me to print my own photos for sale. Up to now I've been sending my images out to a lab, and while the quality has been good, the price is not. Also, I want to be able to control my print process and use fine art papers; my customers are wanting this.
a laptop. I have been looking for laptops with a good screen, but they are few and far between. I need something in the 13 - 14 inch area with a greater than 1080 resolution and 8 bit IPS Panel for graphics editing. And no shiny crap.
My old inkjet has gotten to the point where cartridges are drying out almost as fast as I can install them. Between hard copies needed for my job and two kids in college with the associated papers they have to write, the cost efficiency of a laser seems like the way to go.
I'm most looking forward to buying a new mouse and SSD this year. The new mouse is something I will use every single day. I'll use it to be more successful in games, be more productive on the desktop, and enjoy the higher precision and speed. The extra buttons and scroll wheel will help me navigate web pages faster, record and edit audio quickly, and win at games.
An SSD is something I have wanted for a while. It would also be something that gets used every day. I'd use it to have a faster and more responsive computer system. Load and seek times would be extremely low, which would allow me to do every day tasks, play games, edit music, etc much more quickly and efficiently.
I am looking into investing in a nice high quality duplex laser printer this year for my business. My business is focused on preparing healthy, nutritious meals for local schools and Head Start preschool centers. We print a lot of menus for families and even more accountability paperwork for government reimbursements. A good, fast, networked duplexing laser printer would be a big help in the amount of printing we do. $500 would go a long way in that direction!
Definitely the one piece of equipment that is missing badly from the everyday "toolbox" is a tablet PC. No, no Android device or ios device but an actual windows/linux machine that would make my increase my productivity in the laboratory work. I dearly miss having a schematic next to some piece of code as well as being able to flip from ALU design straight up to Xilinx cpu architecture work. And i wouldn't even buy it new since you can find a used one like dell latitude xt or xt2 for a genius price nowadays. For a piece of equipment which costed 3000 $ now you can pay 400-500 $ if you shop smart.
I'd like to get an SSD and a Z68 motherboard with an i5 2500k. I'm also looking forward to what AMD has in store in the GPU department this year, if they're able to get anything out the door by December, that is.
I am really looking forward to buy an ultrabook this year. Tons of new models will be out shortly and I've been waiting for a powerful light laptop for a long time which will greatly increase my mobile efficiency.
I have two of my children graduating high school this year, so I'll be buying two laptops for them for college. Looking forward to seeing what is mainstream at that time!
I already have a child in college, and the laptop I bought for him has been both useful for him and nice for me -- he can skype me when he needs something or just wants to talk. Soon I'll have three skyping me...then shortly thereafter 4 skype sessions when the fourth goes off to college!
Looking forward to getting myself a new laptop. My current Gateway is starting to show its age! It will be used at work for troubleshooting network issues, monitoring, and productivity. With the news today that Windows 8 will allow Hyper-V, it gives me even more flexibility.
an iPad 2, while not the biggest Apple fan a single app has me going for the iPad and that is 4 Flight, for $70/year I get all the aerial charts and approach plates I need in a great user interface with active gps/mfd functionality.
1. Laptop 2. Type my book 3. Increase productivity and inspiration through mobile writing, for example, writing about a stand of trees in a forest of moss and shadow.
I can't wait to get a SSD. I want the fans to be the only mechanical part left in my computer. SSDs offer less heat, the response times are great along with the data transfer rate. All of the benefits certainly outweigh the price premium of SSDs for me.
I'm looking to get a new laptop by the end of the year. It's not something I'll be using all the time, so I can't justify diverting much funds away from a future desktop build. So it is going to be decidedly mid-range. It's mostly just going to be used for typical web browsing, video streaming, so I could get away with something much cheaper. On the other hand, I will probably want to play some games when I'm on the go.
As a result, in the ~$600 range I'm probably going to get an A6 or A8. Newegg has a 17" Gateway with an A8-3500M for $610. Not bad, even though I normally don't prefer Moo Machines. If HP gave me $500, I'd buy an HP instead - even though I got burned in the past by a "Bumpgate-equipped" HP DV6000. I could drop down to a 15" model and get something in that price range with a 520M, too.
I need a new all-in-one printer in my home office. The all-in-one will help me be more productive, because scanning or copying one page at a time is just silly.
I would get an ssd for my laptop. I have one in my desktop and after using it for a while it is hard to use machine without one, also in some ways (partially because of the constant hibernation...) laptops seem to benefit more from ssds then desktops do (though size is still an issue).
I'm looking to replace my whole desktop system. I'm interested in getting an i5 processor and a z68 motherboard. I recently purchased CS 5.5 Web Premium and I am looking to learn web site development.
Definitely upgrading to an SSD soon. Just rebuilt my computer with an H67 mobo (not planning to overclock, but want access to Quick Sync) and i5-2500k. With an SSD, I'll save a lot of power as turning the computer completely off and on will be almost as fast as coming out of sleep. It should make a big difference for my video editing as well by loading clips faster and eliminating momentary lags during timeline scrolling, saving audio edits, etc.
Really looking forward to a timely release of the next generation of graphics cards and intel processors to hopefully build another desktop for the first time in 5 years. Should be fun to see how the new die shrink assists the processors. Also dreaming that power consumption of the next gen of graphics drops but doubt it.
I only have a budget for about one piece of hardware a year, so that's an easy choice! This year I'm looking at getting a tablet, to replace the aging laptop I drag around the apartment. That might wait till next year, though, since I'm really waiting for Kal-El...
I am looking forward to having a tablet so that I can be more efficient at work. There are a few other managers who have tablets and have the capability to organize their emails and work in a very productive manner. I often see them utilizing their tablets during meetings. I would love to have something convenient and small to carry around going from meeting to meeting.
The one piece of hardware I would love to buy this year would be an OCZ Vertex 3 MAX IOPS SSD. This would eliminate the bottlekneck that my current HDD causes. A $500 gift card would get me the 240GB one that I've been eyeing for many many months
I'd say the piece I'm most looking to buy this year is an SSD. They weren't quite at the right price point when I built my computer, and I'm not sure exactly how well a dual-boot hackintosh system works with an SSD, but I'm hoping software updates of Multibeast will help fix any upcoming problems. Probably once I get the SSD I'm going to transfer all my Mac stuff to it and set it up in a Raid 0+1 with (hopefully) another SSD and enjoy quick boots and response.
I'm hoping to get in on some TouchPad action when the next and final sale comes. If I'm not lucky enough to get one, I'll shoot for a similarly-priced Android tablet.
The only thing I've been trying to buy this year is the HP Touchpad after the firesale last month. I went through all the hoops -- scouring the deal forums, had all my online orders cancelled, waited in the pre-dawn fog out side of Best Buy's, etc. Failure. Not a single touchpad. If I ever get my hands on one, I'd of course use it for web browsing away from the computer (my bad back makes it tough to sit at the computer desk all day), but I'm also considering looking into developing games or other apps for WebOS (even though its future is unknown at the mo.) Alas, it'll never happen thanks to all the craigslist/ebay scalpers. :(
Looking forward to buying a netbook. I would go for ASUS but i want a 11 inch form factor more than a 12 or a 10. Looks like it will be down to HP, Apple, Lenovo, or Sony.
I'm in the market for a new laptop, I need something to run alongside my music laptop (running Serato+Ableton Live) for using with Resolume...right now I have to lug along a 3 year old AMD minitower and it's TOO MUCH to setup every time! An HP laptop seen at every show I perform, imagine that =]
Well, I'm looking to build a desktop and get a new laptop. I've got some pieces already, but I'll be looking at a new motherboard, processor, graphics card, case and ram at a minimum. I definitely will be looking for a desktop replacement laptop for when I'm on the road and away from the home office. This card would really come in handy!!!
SSD, would love to cool down and speed up my laptop. Thinking of pulling DVD drive for fast boot with SSD while keeping storage of traditional disk drive.
I am definitely looking forward to AMD's Bulldozer for an upgrade to my current AMD gaming system. It may be a failure when compared to Intel's Core i7, but it should at least preform better than AMD's current offerings. :)
Without doubt I am planning on an SSD within the next year even if I don't upgrade the rest of my machine.
I tend to have a lot running in the background. Virus scans, local backups to disk, online backups with crashplan, google music uploads, on top of my browsing, local music playing, and photo editing. Often all this is going on at once where the hard drive just thrashes in pain. SSD would be the greatest upgrade I could do for that. In particular I look forward to getting my Lightroom catalog and thumbnails on the SSD for quicker response!
Looing forward to upgrading my video card this year. I am an IT Professional and it will definitely come in handy (it won't hurt with 3D gaming either).
I'd love to get a good, sheet fed scanner with an ADF and scan everything I have in paper to a PDF for keeping up with. Im very much on the anti-paper bandwagon and pdfs can be backed up, searched and stored far easier than a filing cabinet full of this, that and the other.
Ive probably even got a few books I wouldnt mind cutting and scanning just to have them easy to search.
I would really look forward to an SSD, but probably would end up with a new processor and motherboard. It's tough to say, I already have a Raptor, and not sure if the SSD is worth it. I could use the computer for work and church to improve general computing speed.
For work purposes an SSD for my laptop will be my most important purchase, so I can get loaded & going much faster, as well as less worry about durability of data.
A Solid State Drive for sure. On top of being a huge boost to responsiveness and IO time, I think that SSD's will lead to software that takes advantage of such speeds and offers a user experience not previously practical before. As a software developer, I'm interested to see what I could do with such hardware through software.
I am looking to get a HP printer. They are awesome and I can use it to print from my Chrome Book! It will also help my wife print off stuff for her kids at school!
I am just in need of a Laptop. Great for when we are undertaking all kinds of projects around the house and yard and need to look something up on the internet. Also nice to browse the internet from the couch once in a while.
1. Hardward to buy this year would be some new components to re-build the home server. Motherboard and CPU along with a new hard drive. Maybe memory.
2. I will assemble the pieces to replace the old server.
3. The home server makes dead simple backups and network files for my family and wife's photo business. It takes all the overhead of keeping the network accessible and running off of me for the most part.
I'm looking forward to upgrading my CPU this year. I'm waiting to see what bulldozer is like before taking the plunge. Right now my processor power is lacking, so the upgrade should get me back on track for some serious gaming.
I'm really looking forward to buying a tablet. I will definitely use it at home for browsing the internet, consuming media, and checking my email. But I also intend on taking it to work so as to store reference pdf files and books on there. I also would like to see how spreadsheets will look, so that I can make easy changes to spreadsheets during meetings.
I really want to get a tablet for double duty use at work and at home. I was hoping to get a Touchpad as I am a fan of the OS (have a Pre and love the multitasking) and was hoping that with some refinement the OS might eventually live up to the Touchpad hardware. Unfortunately I didn't pull the trigger fast enough and we all know what happened next.... So now I am trying to decide which tablet platform will work like I do.
Looking for a good cpu cooler so I can actually make use of my X58 motherboard's overclocking abilities. May go with the Corsair H80 but Prolimatech has a few nice air cooled products.
I really need a new laptop, the last two I've had are HP's and they have been great! The one I have now is 6 years old so it's more than time to replace it. It will help me so much with my work making things more along faster, Now when I have too many windows open I have to wait for the computer to check up with what I'm doing next, this can be so annoying.
Plan to buy a HDTV and receiver this year. The old 6.2 receiver and CRT TV predate HDMI. I only used the TV for netflix streaming/DVDs. Did that using s-video/spdif on the old HP tx1000 laptop that just died in July. Replaced it with a dv6 w/ i5, HD6770, blu-ray, 15.6" 1920x1080. Need the new TV and receiver to plug it in to. ...And like everyone else, I plan to buy another SSD or two in the next year. Made a big difference in the old laptop when I upgraded.
I had been wanting to do some animations on my computer...(and have...but...) ...let's say...if I were a child in...say like.... Ethiopia...I NEED A NEW PENCIL!!! "Won't YOU help...with your donations of as little as ten cents a month to buy a child a pencil?" ...hey nevermind...I've got a whole bunch of ball point pens...and the narrowest hinge of my hand buts to scorn...dunno flying toaster ovens....oh is this the contest for HP? Yeah? Hardware?...I tried and tried to replace a power drive...once...(was ok I found it somewhere else....) know how ball-point pens come in "fine" and "medium" why isn't there LARGE...? (That REALLY bothers me.) this is dumb... Okey-dokey. I want LARGE all colors.
I'm simply not interested in any product with an "HP" logo on it... Never Again, is my motto. I've just learned from experience that as a company they cannot be trusted.
looking to get the hpdmz1 when they update it with e-450. the laptop's portability, along with discrete-class gpu performance, is going to help me in producing/giving presentations.
The piece of hardware that I *WAS* looking forward to was getting a Pre 3 on Verizon! Now that that plan has been foiled, I think i'm going to get a 27" IPS monitor to hook up to my new Sony Vaio Z.
Well I'm going to be building a new computer this year, so looking forward to buying each part. I guess if I really had to pick one part , I'd choose the video card. Probably going to be picking up a 6950 of some sort. This is exciting because I've never really had a viable gaming rig, so it's going to be really nice!
My first priority would be a decent-sized SSD for my main rig at home, because that's where the speed bottleneck is. I put my first SSD in my wife's laptop a few months ago, and the difference is night and day. She's thrilled, and I'm jealous...time to even the score ;-)
I'm thinking to upgrade to either a RAID configuration or a faster AMD Radeon graphics card in my desktop. The RAID would be an easy way to speed up my system responsiveness. As for the GPU, I have a Radeon HD 6770 with 1GB of video memory that I'm using in a triple display configuration, but I would like to increase the amount of video RAM available for Eyefinity gaming.
I'd love to replace my decrepit dual TFT 17" displays with a single 23" or 24" IPS LCD. I'd like consolidated real estate to keep all my tool palettes on one screen. Should result in some time savings...
While an SSD would be nice, personally I would spend the money on a better backup system that can more easily keep my large archive backed up offsite, probably using mailed Bluray discs, which are now cheap enough. For consumers, online backup is just too painful over the internet given the ISP caps now coming into place.
While my current HP w2207h still works fine I would really like a larger screen. A 24" LED lit screen would be awesome, especially if it has 3D capabilities since my new system is able to run it.
I'm about to buy a new laptop next week that will be used for python development among other things. It won't initially have an ssd, but that's probably the next upgrade.
i look forward to buying a new SSD or a bunch of 1-2TB hard drives and a raid card. Id like to run the SSD as my main drive, and have at least 4 or 5 1-2TB hard drives in RAID5 for storage and backup puposes. I only have a 500gb as backup drive and an old 74gb Raptor drive as my main drive, so I would have to find good reason to fill 5-8TB worth of space. Im guessing a lot of pr0n or blu-ray rips/movies ;)
As with many others I am looking forward to purchasing an SSD. They have proven themselves to be solid performers and I am looking forward to the speed boost over standard hard drives.
A new router, so I can connect all the PCs to the internet. It would help me greatly to be able to wire or wirelessly connect to the internet. This would speed up production by leaps and bounds :)
I have a good printer now but I suspect it is on its last leg. So a new printer appears imminent in the next year. I would prefer a good quality multi-function printer with duplex printing capabilities. Printing would be for business cards, flyers, and other in house printing here. Additionally, scanning would come in handy from time to time as well.
I'm looking forward to an AMD A-series (not E-series) APU in a thin/light notebook. So far I've been disappointed with all the 15.6" and larger offerings from various manufacturers, or the couple of bulky 14" offerings from Toshiba. Lenovo may be coming out soon with the most svelte offering thus far, a 4 pound 14" unit. I would like to see something even thinner/lighter than that, with maybe a 12.5" or 13.3" screen and no optical drive.
I would look into getting a tablet. being that im currently in school, it would be used for taking notes during lecture and would hopefully reduce the amount of supplies i have to carry around in my backpack all day while im on campus.
SSD is certainly the Hard Drive for now and the near future. You will be impressed if you use it for your boot drive. Price vs performance is still an issue, but you can use a 64GB or 80 GB SSD for your boot drive, installing Win 7. Use a mechanical HDD for storage. I have a Crucial M4 64GB , Win 7 pro , and a 500GB HDD for storage.
I will be purchasing another external hard drive, probably 2 TB, to store all my blogging info and videos. This way I can make sure to have a back-up of all my work on a larger hard drive.
I would like to get the latest and greatest graphics card so I can play the latest and greatest PC games. This does not affect my work or business directly, however, I feel I am more productive after a few hours of cathartic relief attained from killing some virtual thing.
Dear HP, I am looking forward to getting a good quality Wireless Head set for use on my computer.
Recently I've been experimenting whether it is better for me to read or to listen to audio for my academic studies. I've recorded myself reading a chapter, and then whenever I want to review such chapter before a test, I just play it at 2x speed using VLC ( If I listen to it for 15 minutes, then that translate to having read for 30 mins. Its easy to understand since it is my own voice and the material covered in less time is amazing.
If I listen to my recordings for 6 hours a day, that's like having read/reviewed for 12 hours. With this system I plan to ace my next big exam.
So far I did this for the USMLE Step 1 exam and got a great score (99), failed to do this for the USMLE Step 2 CK exam and my score was definitely no where near my 1st (77). I have one more test to take, covering all the old material + new stuff.
If I could get a nice pair of head phones, I wouldn't even be able to describe how happy and thankful I'd be since that way I wont be confined to a chair all day while studying....
crucial m4 ssd. I'll upgrade my next macbook pro with it. It'll improve everything i do, Apple uses crap drives and should have switched to all ssd's instead of killing optical drives.
My HP dv9700 is three years old now. Thinking about replaceing it with a 15.6." laptop with a Llano or i3 processor. Recently looked at HP ProBook, but I am not ruling out any vendor yet at this point. I will turn my powerful six-core workstation into a server, and use this laptop as my primary workstation with a docking station.
Like other people have been saying, I am definitely looking to buy a Solid State Drive soon. I didn't realize the benefits of having one until I used a laptop that was equipped with one... The speed difference alone would make me buy one. Waiting times are diminished so much, I can practically feel my productivity increasing 50%! (Or my movie watching... but don't tell my boss that) I definitely can't wait to be able to buy one!
7" webOS tablet! oh wait a sec..... I guess the new DM1 series... I love AMD's fusion, but i3 wins. Or AMD's new stuff if they offer that too. I just want more performance than "a little faster" than an atom (video aside)
I'm looking at getting a fast quality scanner so I can finally go entirely paperless in my law practice. With the federal courts requiring paperless filing for the most part, and the states following closely behind, a fast quality scanner will be most helpful. Not to mention, going paperless will certainly help reduce billable hours for my clients.
I'm most looking forward to a larger iPhone or a small tablet, like a 7", that I can still fit in a pocket. I expect to use it extensively for RDP access to my office workstation, as well as internet access and browser apps. Having remote access to my office PC, I can effectively work anywhere.
I want to buy a new GPU to replace my ages old 8800 GTS. I need hardware acceleration for video decoding and I'd like to bump up the graphics settings on more recent games.
looking to grab a new video card to finally replace my gtx 260, SSDs are nice but still a little expensive for me to start a budget for one since i cant see myself buying under 250gb and they still seem to have problems that need worked out.
The one piece of hardware I'm most looking forward to would be the Galaxy Tab 7.7.
I've gotten to play with the original Tab as well as the Playbook, and I have to say I really like the 7" form factor more than I originally thought I would. The lightness of it makes it much easier to hold for long periods without fatigue (iPad 1 and Xoom being my points of comparison), and the width makes it possible to thumb-type without needing a split keyboard.
With the 7.7 having a slightly larger display with much better specs, while still being thinner and lighter, and (gasp) actually running a tablet optimized OS... It's easily the thing thing I want to buy the most.
It simply seems like the ideal device to leave laying around the house for checking your email, looking up a recipe, browsing the web, playing the occasional game, or reading graphic novels (I still think e-ink is much better for ebooks). It would also be great for taking to prospect meetings at work, since the Tab actually fits quite nicely into a jacket pocket... I could finally retire my pad-folio.
- tablets but not that cr@ppy like hp were making slavishly copying Apple. Should be sued like Samsung. Hp is totally blind, no even short sight vision. Tablets must be HD 2560x1600 or even higher, 13+ inch, quad core, preferably windows 8 or Android. Transformer type ( to be used as a laptop too) - or smartphone but it has to be HD 1280x800, 5", quad core - SSD but it must be PCIe not SATA to get 1-2 Gig per sec speeds when price will drop < $1 / GB - AMD new 32nm Bulldozer 8-core chip
That high res tablets and cells will be usable even for businesses, any businesses as opposed to the current toys. you will be able to make even the presentation from them. 13-14 inch screens will finally substitute the printed journals since A4 format page and 300dpi is how most journals are printed. SSD will be used for speeding up database. AMD for multicore parallel simulations
I'd love to replace my optical drive with a Blu-ray burner this year. I'd use it to watch video content, and possibly to archive or transport files on disc.
While an ssd seems to be the popular choice, and I am very interested in the next round of video cards, I am looking forward to bulldozer the most. It has been talked about and speculated to death and I really just want to see what it has to offer at this point.
I'm looking forward to Thunderbolt accessories for my Macbook Pro. I'd like to get a raid-0 enclosure and be able to do editing on external drives via the Thunderbolt bus.
It's new laptop time this year me thinks! It'll have to pull triple duty for entertainment, audio recording, and video editing. $500 would go a long way towards properly kitting it out...
Time to replace my 8 year old PC, so of course I'll be jumping on the SSD bandwagon with this build. Looking forward to Bulldozer and AnandTech's all-inclusive year-end build guide.
I picked up a Touchpad during the HP fire sale and I like it, so I think I'll try to get another one to give as a gift for Christmas this year. Hopefully the reports of additional stock from HP are true.
An HP LaserJet Pro M1217nfw for my photo business that I am starting. I will use to print bills, because I just need black and white, otherwise all color stuff will come from one of my professional printing services. Also being able to wire it in to my wireless network so I can print on it from my desktop, laptop, and HP Touchpad is always an appealing aspect.
I'm simply looking forward to scrounging up some cash to acquire some more HDDs to increase the amount of storage on my desktop. I've been reading into RAID configurations and RAID 10 has caught my eye because of it's combination of RAID 1 and 0.
Definitely need a new pc or laptop. Old hardware is old. Would like something a little faster in boot up times and with processing data for work. A new HP laptop would do the trick....
Currently have a 4 year old system. It probably wouldn't be all that bad if not for kids installing junk left and right on it, but I'm holding out for a wipe/reinstall until I can pick up a new CPU & motherboard.
My next upgrade will be to get new input hardware. My $5 keyboard has served me well, same with my logitech MX1000 which is now showing it's age in the high resolution market. I will get Logitech's Illuminated Keyboard and the G700 wireless mouse. Then I'd still have some money left over I'd probably pick up an ssd.
I'm looking into getting 3d equipment. A lot of people have been talking about SSDs and I would be on the same page as them but I already have an ssd and it has changed my computing experience for the better.
Now I'm looking to enhance my experience with 3d. Prices are finally coming down and thus it looks to be an interesting investment.
Undoubtedly, the piece of tech I'd most like to get my hands on is Bulldozer. The code name has been getting tossed around for way too many years and when released, will end an era of computing that exists inside enthusiasts' minds. A completely new architecture from AMD - whether or not this breaks SB / IB, it's going to be a momentous occasion.
I would like to get a quad-core version, and spend a bunch of time working on tuning/tweaking it. First with the K10Stat software, which allows me to lower idle clocks down as low as 100MHz, and lower Voltage accordingly. Then once I've figured out good values, set them in the BIOS using dividers. With mobile Athlon II and Phenom II chips, as well as their desktop counterparts, this can really lower power consumption, heat generation, and fan noise. I hear these new processors will be more efficient than their predecessors, and am excited to test this out.
An SSD or new video card would definitely be useful. My desktop serves as a file server and the SSD would make everything much faster. And my gaming has been on hold due to having an older card so I could definitely invest in a better one. Thanks again HP!
i plan on getting a smartphone soon. i'm still using a normal dumbphone :/ for the answer to the second question I mostly want it just so i can fool around on the internet/forums/facebook/etc while at work or whatever :)
my video card is very outdated. I'd pick up two video cards and run crossfire. I'm looking to do gaming on PC now instead of console as consoles are very antiquated now.
I took advantage of a 25% discount coupon since my HP touchpad was put on back order and just recieved a dv6 A8-3510MX AOY with asymetric xfire linked radeon HD6750. I have yet to truly test it out but so far its light, powerful and efficient.
If I have to use my card at HP, I will get a LP2475w display. It will consolidate my displays into one and clear up space on my desk. If I can use the gift card anywhere and since HP no longer sells phones, I would probably get a new smaller than an iPhone phone.
What I'm most looking forward to buying is a smartphone. I'm still using the old technology and have been researching the various features and options on the smart phones as they are released. So far I've decided I want android but it seems there's always a new one over the horizon, making my decision to finally take the plunge easy to postpone. I would enjoy the luxury of being able to access the web on the go, including email and my social networking contacts.
I'm primarily a laptop user, so my hardware lust definitely falls into the SSD court. Such a beautiful piece of hardware, I've been drooling over 'em for months now.
Looking to buy SSD to replace HDD in my hp laptop. I use it to run projects in visual studio and some sql server. SSD will improve the response time and therefore faster coding.
I'm hoping to get my hands on a netbook, for those times when I want to do real typing, but don't need much actual computing power. For entering my students' grades and responding to their email while I hold office hours it will be fantastic.
I'm looking to put together a new desktop PC. My current one is showing its age: the fan bearings are starting to wear; the processor is several generations behind the latest, and the storage is becoming inadequate for my needs. I'm waiting on AMD's launch of their Bulldozer line of processors to see what they do to the price of motherboard/CPU combos before committing to a purchase; hopefully they will bring competition back into what is currently a one-horse race in terms of mid-high end general CPUs.
Despite all the hype over tablets, the PC form factor is still the workhorse of business, and will remain so for a long time.
I will buy a tablet at some point, maybe the Galaxy Tab. A tablet looks more useful than a laptop for one-on-one presentations or to show off family pictures. It won't replace a laptop, but it would be a great companion to a laptop.
Build a new all-in-one server for my home. Running ESXi with OpenIndiana, WHS 2011 and Win2k3 server. OpenIndiana creates the ZFS storage via iSCSI for WHS and Win2k3.
To complement my new more powerful machine, I am anxiously looking forward to the new monitor that will show off my paintings to their very best. This should enable viewers of my work to appreciate (or feel more confident to crit) what I show them, first time, on a wide screen, before we even get to printing. Of course my eyes should be plenty happy too. Cheers.
I am looking forward to the next generation SSDs. It will be my newest boot drive and if possible get two to raid them and make my computer even more efficient with more space too.
I am really just looking forward to getting a new computer. This current rig is 5 yrs old, and it is time to upgrade. Since I mainly use my computer for gaming, I will probably go the unlocked i5 or i7 route, although anything with ram faster than my current 667 will be a boost. On the business side, multi-core will definitely be of help while I open and run project after project...ugh I get tired just thinking of it.
I'm just planning on getting extra RAM. I recently built a new PC (around April) so I already have a rig running a 2500k which will last me a while. Therefore I have no plans for any major hardware purchases. But I do want more RAM, to go from 4GB currently to 8GB. This will allow me to feel more comfortable about having lots of browser windows as well as big apps like Matlab running together. Currently, I end up using over 60% of my RAM just from browsing the net with Firefox. Kind of sad, really.
I might need a laptop - I'd grab a fusion, probably; handy for on-site work. That or a bulldozer desktop. 'Course, if I had the gift card, I'd have no excuse not to get the bulldozer. :>
I'm getting money together right now to get a 560, mainly because it comes with a free Batman game, which is a great deal. This is going into my almost 4-year old gaming rig, so I'm upgrading from an 8800GT! I'm looking forward to seeing how some of these newer games are really supposed to look.
This will help me in my work by helping me unwind at the end of the day. :)
Starting on some new endevours this year which will include the preparation of many documents for use in courtrooms and legal cases, so the biggest thing I'm looking forward to is trying to afford a laser baser MFP device. Need something dependable with reasonable print speed as this would be a critical component for my work. Would be great to be able to afford duplexing and color, so something like this would be a tremendous help to getting started.
I've been slow to get a tablet because I want more power. Need to be freed from the laptop / boat anchor yet I need to read, research, write and teach with my computer. Plus I travel by motorcycle or hired van every day and need something more portable and durable than a laptop with a longer battery life to boot as there's rarely a chance to charge during the day.
Possibly contemplating on picking up another HDD that would see use in terms of storage outside my main computer. It would be for various and important camera files from over the years that I'd rather not lose.
I would say a Linksys E4200 router, but I have that now, so I would like to be able to get a new laptop, I have Vista on the one I have and it won't let me upgrade to Windows 7.
The one piece of hardware I am most looking forward to purchasing is a second computer. I will be purchasing a higher power machine to make my graphics work go a little smoother.
I'd purchase a SSD to improve load times on my pc. The speed increase would definitely improve my productivity when I work at home. Not to mention the fact that it'll help boost speed for gaming sessions.
Im thinking about investing in a SSD for my main desktop to help with speed issues and to help with managing my 4 2tb externals. With a SSD on my desktop it will SO much better at multitasking and faster hard drive to hard drive communication.
I am really considering a whole new computer set up, but the piece I am most excited about is the CPU. I am waiting to see how bulldozer does, but either way my CPU will be the biggest difference froming from a dual core wolfedale. I can just imagine how much faster everything will be with it.
I am looking forward to buying a NAS device this year. This device will help me establish a separate storage pool for my business data. I plan to use this NAS device to host my CRM system; accounting / invoicing system; intranet / portal site; and workstation backups; so I can continue to provide my clients with great, customized service. This purchase also serves to demonstrate how a NAS device can serve SOHO and small businesses when having a server is undesirable.
I would like to get an Android smartphone (like Google's next Nexus phone). I would mainly use it for personal entertainment. Of course, it could possibly help me be more organized at work.
....I'd like to buy a decent webcam for my mom's computer so we can Skype. She's too stubborn to get a newer computer, so I have to work around her! LOL!
Surely an SSD! Been wanting to replace the slow 5400rpm disk in my laptop from a loooong time.. It'll also be interesting to see performance gains with using SSDs for databases in my research work...
First, let me say that I've had a ZR24w for a year and it's great! One of the best purchases I've ever made. I had been disappointed with other HP products, but I took a chance on this one sight-unseen and it's a great one.
I have an SSD already for my desktop machine, so my next purchase will likely be an ultrabook. I'm looking for something small and light, fast enough to do "office work" that I can take with me on the road. It should have a nice display, a decent keyboard, and no optical drive needed. An internal SSD would be ideal!
I'm looking forward to buying a new Android dual / LTE smart phone... I'm hoping with LTE that I'll be able to receive phone calls in side house :) This phone will help with work as it will allow me to access data faster and allow me to trouble shoot issues faster.
I'm looking to upgrade my smartphone. I wanta phone that uses Verizon's 4G LTE for the fastest mobile internet. A faster internet connection will help me when I need online tools or programs when working on a client's computer.
My kids are in school full-time so it's time for me to go back to school and update my education and resume. I would love to have a tablet or laptop to help me. Thank you for the chance!
I am really looking forward to buying my first laptop - getting rid of my 6 year old desktop and going mobile! Going all the way - i7 with 8 gigs of RAM!! Really looking forward to SPEED.
It's time to upgrade my socket 775 system. I need a mobo, cpu, and memory so I'll start with the mobo (I need something to plug the rest of the stuff into). Eventually I'll upgrade the graphics (I have dual 8450s), switch to faster 6.0 hard drive and get some USB 3.0 stuff, but I'm OK for now. I'll wait for Windows 9.0 - whenever.
I am interested in buying a platinum rated PSU as well as an i5-2500k system. I already have a 2600k, but I'd move the 2600k to a dedicated WCG cruncher and use the 2500k for my gaming system. Those are the two upgrades I would want to do.
I already have two SSDs so I am not really needing a new one, but a platinum PSU would help.
I wanted bulldozer, but it consumes too much power for crunching. Sandybridge it is.
If I won it'd definitely go towards an ultrabook. My current laptop is phenomenal, but it's huge and a pain to lug to work and class every day. I'd probably regulate it to F@H, gaming, and as a server, as well as do a lot of SW development on it. Just can't afford to replace it now.
I'm hoping to complement my SSD boot drive with a RAID 10 array, for some redundancy in my mass storage. I have too many projects to risk losing anything to a single drive's failure. With HDs of up to 3TB capacity, that would have the potential to be a VERY bad day.
I'm looking forward to upgrading my processor, and hence MB, RAM, and GPU. I'm currently running an Athlon XP 2500+, because it still works for everything other than gaming. I'm also looking forward to doing a new build, because it has been so long since I've changed out any hardware. I don't think this will do anything for typing up articles in LaTeX, but it will be nice to have some modern hardware.
I'm starting to eye parts for a mini-ITX or pico-ITX small form factor build to make my own router. I would also use a small capacity SSD in this build.
I will most likely toss on pfSense there ( with contingency plan to roll my own using a Linux distro if pfSense disagrees ).
I'm getting sick and tired of having core routing and network management stuff married to sometimes quirky wireless Access points. ( despite use of tomato or dd-wrt to improve ).
This way I can just worry about upgrading Wifi access point ( s ) and let my DIY router be powerful and last alot longer for upgrade cycles.
I have a project to tune a server plus LAMP stack from the ground up to provide peak performance with PHP-based web applications. This will include solid state storage, Intel E5620 CPU, a solid motherboard, and lots of other goodies.
I just bought the 8560w with the Dreamcolor display, but wanted to get rid of all the HP bloatware. However, in doing so I lost the factory color calibration for the display. I missed out on the $79 Newegg deal for the X-Rite i2, but am looking forward to score a good deal sometime before the end of the year. It would also help with making my 3 2007fps match in my desktop setup.
I'm looking forward to getting a tablet perhaps for use at school and just for playing around with it. I hope to get one that has a nice pen input for taking notes and drawing stuff.
I'll be putting together a SSD testing rig, as I having to test with my main rig to chase down the source of my SF 2281 woes. I also do endurance testing on SSDs and it's not cheap when you're doing it as a hobby.
Most looking forward to purchasing a SSD of course! As Anandtech has claimed many times, replacing the OS drive with a SSD could be the single most noticeable upgrade one can make.
Already have a decent SSD in my desktop, works great, but my laptop can take an mSATA drive, and for some things the current HDD is driving me nuts. Takes so long to do some things, especially in Lightroom/Photoshop, even with 12GB of RAM.
There's Intel's mSATA drives out, but I'd also like some alternatives to look at, SandForce based, maybe some Samsung based, so we can get some competition and maybe get the price down.
I am most looking forward to buying a new laptop for work. I currently have an old-school Dell D630 - it has been great over the many many years,'s time.
I hope to be able to compile my projects faster with my new laptop; faster ram, faster HD, faster processing. This will save the slow moving headaches.
Definitely a new mechanical keyboard with a back light. Like the new Ducky Shine or the Corsair K90. Also would not mind getting the K60 wasd 1-6 key to try out.
Next major purchase will be a laptop. "Development environment" consists of a few VMs and a text editor. Really nice-to-haves are: quad-core - don't wanna any CPU contention between VMs 8 GB RAM SATA III SSD - VMs seem really sensitive to disk IO. 120GB prolly good hi-res 15" screen.
i am tired of updating software, Vista, Windows 7 now windows 8 and backing up files before an upgrade. if i have a home server i can have all my media in it so that i can upgrade with out any worries.
The piece of hardware I am the most excited to build is a small form factor HTPC. Consolidating my 600+ dvd collection down to 10 hard drives on a single storage platform would be great while retaining Dolby Tru-HD and 7.1 sound formats...
I guess I am kinda excited about the purchase of HP's Cloud software, but I think we are a little ahead of ourselves in setting up a private cloud. But I guess we will see.
an upgrade for my desktop to the new Intel chipset with the SSD cache for your hard drive. I will simply sit around surfing the interweb and trying to figure out what is slowing me down now. Ah that would be my connection. Somebody start working on that OK?
I would really like to get a samsung hercules smartphone. I like to be able to keep tabs on my work email at all times and this would be a big step up on my current phone plus all of the fun features one would expect from a snappy new phone.
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punjabiplaya - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Definitely looking into getting an SSD. I hope to increase boot times and spend less time waiting around waiting for the HDD. Hopefully, I can start selling SSDs to my customers and convincing them that the performance is worth the price premium.ImSpartacus - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Yeah, SSDs are going to be big in a few years. It's best to get comfortable with them early.eezip - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm going for an SSD too. Hopefully it will make my PC feel a bit more spry so I can wait out the Bulldozer vs Ivy Bridge battle and build a new PC.Since I just started doing video editing, I can certainly see the value of an SSD with the much faster data transfer rate. And, although I don't game too much anymore, short level load times will be nice. I know I'll be playing Diablo III when it comes out.
CKTurbo128 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I agree. SSDs are getting more affordable (looking at Crucial M4s) and the performance improvement over traditional hard drives is quite significant.locogmac - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link
Yeah Still waiting for prices of SSDs to come down I'm a small business owner but still can't afford the SSDs. Would make patient time in chairs much less when pulling up xrays, but I need more storage for patient xrays and pictures and it just too expensive now.Relayer71 - Wednesday, September 21, 2011 - link
Prices have come down the last year, I'm sure these will become more affordable and become mainstream or standard in the next year or so. Or at least I hope so!Asteon - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
i would like to get my hands on SSD w/ new BD chipsets. Try booting up a gentoo on it.hansmuff - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I got an Intel 120GB SSD in April. I will say that never, ever will I go back to not having one. I don't care that they are somewhat pricey right now.The improvement in response times of the machine are so drastic that for the first time ever, the machine always, ALWAYS, waits for me. Windows updates, virus scans and such happen without me even realizing it. Programs launch pretty much instantly and my machine can be used the second the desktop appears after a cold boot.
It's just a real joy and a HUGE improvement.
jeffapohl - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Likewise, I am interested in getting an SSD!snickercole - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Definitely the next upgrade for me, unless my aging power supply dies!quadrivial - Friday, October 14, 2011 - link
I love the ssd idea too.Kibbles - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Yea SSD's are pretty nice. I have a 120GB Corsair SSD and it's great except I'm at 100GB already... The 240GB SSD's need to drop below $300 or the Intel 320GB one needs to be below $400.I'm also looking forward to some 28nm electronics. GPU/Tablets/Smartphones/etc. I think we've been on 40nm for over 2 years.
Hruodgar - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm also thinking about anssd. Really want the faster response times since I do a LOT of multitasking.
olwenrda - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Having an ssd in my MacBook Air has made using a laptop a better experience than my desktop with traditional hard drives and this is with the older core 2 duo Air. Looking to get one even as a caching drive for my desktop when i upgrade.papajohn - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
want to buy a tablet!bigdaniel - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
It looks like SSD is what I want this year!designerfx - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I concur. I want to by an SSD, and also a new graphics card, either a top end 69xx ati or a 7x card when they release em.cohetedor - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Hoping to get a nice small fusion laptop and an ssd for my htpcSongEmu - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
i have one SSD. best investment ever. for $500, I'd probably get a 128 GB one to replace it and a better mobo... got a cheap Asus, which was a mistake...UNHchabo - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
SSD for me as well. Maybe two, so I can use one for SSD Caching? :)crazzyeddie - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
SSD for sure. Its by far the biggest speed boost you can give to most decent machines.Morphuess - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I have an SSD and I love it. My desktop machine is modern and fast, but my laptop is almost 10 years old, and it is heavy, slow, and has no battery life. My next hardware purchase will likely be a new laptop. Since I have a powerful desktop machine, I want something ultraportable and light, but as a demanding user I don't want something weak like a netbook either. A fast enough laptop that is easily portable will let me get my work (and other things) done wherever I happen to be.sullrosh - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
im upgrading my laptop to a ssdcybereql - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
SSD's FTW! start-up times are a fraction of what they were before.mnelsonx - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Sounds like a consensus for SSDs, with good reason. One of the last remaining weaknesses in PC performance has been boot time. I don't have an SSD yet, but I can certainly see a more productive workday with quicker boots and near-instant resumes from standby - or hibernate for that matter.I want my...I want my...I want my S - S - D.
prophet001 - Monday, October 17, 2011 - link
lolbro you're old
me too b/c i know exactly what song you're talking about :D
The Crying Man - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
An SSD would be nice, but I would rather buy a Fusion based notebook to go along with my two other HPs that're still running!Turnkey1 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
New monitor - it turns out bigger is better (at 27", not so sure about more than that).unrulycow - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'll agree with everyone else and say I'm looking to get an SSD for the holidaysstrahd618 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I would pick up an SSD for both HP Laptops my wife and I are using for schoolsoliqas - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Looking out for AMD's Bulldozer CPU, especially if it lives up to its hype.ankapadi - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I would buy a samsung series 7 laptop coming out this fall. I would use it as a mobile laptop for my school use.Capt Caveman - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Just got my first SSD. What a vast improvement.lordyismir - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I would definitely get a new ssd.lordyismir - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I would definitely get a new ssd.mongmingmong - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I am looking at getting a nas to backup my family's data.nutmac - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Apple's 27" Thunderbolt Display.sotoa - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
Looking forward to a new laptop. Hopefully one with Z68 mobo.oopoopaacaac - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link
256gig SSD Sata III would be something I would like to buy.ssurban - Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - link
Is it too late top enter?nhilyna - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
Would love to get my hands on an Intel Sandy Bridge 2500k. Have heard lots of positive things about it. 2500k CPU+Z68 motherboard+SSD = one awesome PC. Yeah.millercommamatt - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to getting a Tegra 3 tablet, assuming that they're available buy the end of the year. I'm mainly wanting to use to interact with PDF documents that don't work well on eReaders but benefit from a touch based interface.hotsacoman - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
The amount of knowledge (books) that can be stored on a tablet is overwhelming, regardless of the brand. By far the best use of a tablet is the ability to have all the information one could ever want available instantly. Awesome!durinbug - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Since I already bought my fun things for the year (video card, ram), I have to say the only thing I'm slightly looking forward to is a new printer. Predictably, I don't seem to be able to find exactly what I'm looking for - b&w laser all-in-one, full duplex printing and scanning, wired ethernet, 500+ page paper capacity, less than $500. There are a lot of them that come close, but all the models I've seen (from any manufacturer) fall down on one or more aspect.Not very exciting, but hey - if I win, it would expand my budget to the point where I could actually get something decent!
GreenOrb - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Thanks HP. I hope I get lucky this time.pennyfan87 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I want a TouchpaD!!CuE0083 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am definitely wanting the Nexus Prime!TheDeepThought - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would love to have a new Sandy Bridge laptop that will help me edit my photos fasterFuturecomm - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Recently moved and looking to get a Tablet for my start up business.brushless - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Hopefully getting a SSD for my business laptop. I am sick of 7200 RPM mechanical drives!!! It should make me more productive! :)dcollins - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking to get an SSD for my laptop. That machine is my primary work device so any additional performance will transfer directly to enhanced productivity.arnavvdesai - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Hoping to see what kind of Input / Output they aim to create. HP has kinda fallen low on my list of companies which excite me with their tech.UberLaff - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Are they sure they can afford to do this? Their stock price to quite a hit the past few weeks.thrawn3 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would be a nice little gift to help a student.deadsix - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Maybe I can finally start on my file server!tonyn84 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Right now I'm looking forward to the Radeon 7xxx series, mostly because I need one, my old card just overheated and died on me. I plan to be playing games again and I hope it comes out in time for Swtor.randyklein99 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking to update my router this year and throw dd-wrt on it - going to use it as a print and file server to free up my laptop currently in that role.desimunda420 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Would love to get some SSD's and see my productivity shoot off the roof!AuDioFreaK39 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would use the $500 VISA card towards the purchase of a new HP 30-inch LED-backlit LCD monitor. The upgrade to a 2560x1600 resolution with room for more screen content would make an exceptional addition to my academic working environment.vtnwesley - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'd probably just upgrade a few things on my current computer. Nothing too exotic. Double the RAM to 8 gigs, sandy bridge cpu, that sort of thing.stang95 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Would like to get a Windows home server so I can backup all my home computers and have central storage for my media files.Harsh3090416 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
That's enough money to pay for my student housing for a month.FragKrag - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would definitely buy a galaxy s2AVP - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Just got a tablet for my father in our construction / engineering business and he loves it. Now we another with a wifi hotspot. Saves so much time and money.Filch - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
It might be time to get on this.Jakub77 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Would like to get a tablet to take to school with me.mataichi - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking for a tablet for portability.romo - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Agreed. I would like a tablet with which to play with myself and entertain the niece and nephew.jeglwar54 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Thanks HP, I hope I'm the one!tmheroes - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I've been looking to finally get myself a new i7 and motherboard.ragmen - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Going to get Another SSD and monitorTrackSmart - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm most looking forward to upgrading to a dual core, 4G LTE smartphone. The broadband-like speeds will make getting work accomplished on the phone - or on my tethered laptop - a lot faster while traveling.Lunyone - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm going to buy my first Smartphone this year. I'll be using it to get myself better organized and also to stay in touch with friends/family better. I'll also be using the gps function in the phone to better aid me in getting to where I need to go, if I don't look it up prior to leaving the house. There are lots of other things I'll be using this phone for, but that is the main reasons for getting a smart phone for me.ddrum2000 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
id still like to win something thoughmr.benitoc - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'd love a new tablet so I can bring with me everywhere!Vepsa - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm most looking forward to getting a 5 or 8 bay eSata enclosure to add more HDs to my home server.geniekid - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Just waiting for the 65W TDP Llanos to come out before building my HTPC! The PS3 just isn't cutting as an adequate media system. I'll be using it mostly for streaming Amazon VoD/Hulu on my HT setup. It will only be affecting my business productivity in a negative sense.dantsai - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
looking forward to seeing what Apple has in store with the iPhone 5, or possibly a SSD!jmnewton - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Prolly a Mac Mini and maybe an update to my windows box too. My 4yr old MacBook Pro is getting long in the tooth and my windows desktop is showing some age too (though it's not too bad as a C2Q w/ 1st gen Intel SSD).SandyBridge will be nice.....
(2) 1080p (min) monitors to hook up to them and to my work laptop when I work from home (that's getting upgraded to SB too in Q4)
Oh and an iPhone 5.
Lots of upgrades for me.
robcomptech - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A new color duplex laser printer is on my list.max347 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking forward to buying a new convertible tablet this year. I had the TC1100 from HP actually, and am looking to move toward something like a transformer. Something slimmer, with better battery life is what I am looking for. It makes all the difference when you present a proposal with a sleek device. It is palpable- pulling out a 2in thick notebook and 'hearing' the guy say "oh here we go" vs. whipping out a polished thin screen ready to go.rlm102385 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I really need to build a new computer.mexicilliano - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm also looking forward to picking up a tablet. It would be a very nice addition to my hardware, as I could take it on my travels to read research journal articles. Lugging around a laptop is good enough for now, but I would prefer a tablet for this purpose. My student budget limits me from purchasing one right now, when it would be most useful in my graduate studies in engineering...HarpoDarpo - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking forward to buying a nice pair of 24" monitors. I can't wait to rid my self of a terrible 17" monitor and a 22" with a bunch of stuck pixels. I want to say it will be primarily used for schoolwork and programming, but lets face it, I just want a nicer screen for gaming.yelped - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
With G-D's help, anything!ecuador - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Since I am set PC-wize, I am looking forward to replacing my N900 with the Nokia N9. Having a handheld linux machine always with you has come in really handy (sshing to fix a problem while at the beach etc), however I could do with a more polished phone experience and an even more powerful machine. I will miss the hardware keyboard though!lukewayne - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
looking forward to quad core tablet running a full version of windows. not sure if that is this year or next. ... would probably just use it to watch movies at work ;PThe Other Sean - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Avast!WooDaddy - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Since I work on many VMs, I'd love to purchase tape storage so that I can safely store them. I do backups to bluray but sometimes they can get larger than 25GB. Tape storage, especially LTO, would be a safer way for me to backup all at once without having to constantly make separate 25GB virtual hard drives.Homelessboy - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would really like to get a quadcore tablet in hands. After seeing the Kal El demo, just imagine what kind of games they'd be able to make with that kind of processing power.dgingeri - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
The part I'm most looking forward to getting is a new AMD FX-8150 or 8170 chip, depending on when I can get the money together and what's available at that time. I'm really hoping it will be a nice upgrade from my current Core i7-920 at 4.2GHz. I'm hoping it will improve my system's gaming performance, or at the very least, make my server more capable of running virtual machines for my training and certifications.(Yes, I'm running Server 2008 R2 at home with Hyper-V, running 8 virtual machines with 16GB of memory currently, in order to get my MCITP-EA and VA certifications and advance my career. My current server is an unoverclocked Core-i7 950 that wouldn't even overclock past 3.8GHz in my main system, so the 920 went back in my main system and that one went to the server.)
redstar427 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am interested in a new HP ePrinter.I could use this not only for my PC, but also my Android smartphone and tablet.
I am learning how to develop apps for Android and the ePrinter could help me immensely.
yibrushn - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking for a complete desktop upgrade and this would go a long way toward my ssd and motherboard purchases!nyonya - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
At some point will definitely jump for an SSD, probably also a secondary media computer for the bedroom.DaveLessnau - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
My wife's computer is having some issues. So, if I'm very, very lucky and can sneak it past her, I'd like to buy the makings of a whole new computer for myself and pass my existing one on to her. If I had to, I could probably get by with just a new motherboard, memory and processor (re-using the existing parts).fhaddad78 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
As a student learning computer programming, I am finding myself in need of more and more screen real-estate. I'm usually coding in one or more windows, while viewing eBooks and online resources simultaneously. In that regard, my next purchase is going to be hardware to support 4 monitors. Having such a set up would improve my productivity by viewing more open windows simultaneously. I find myself spending a significant amount of time sorting through lots of open windows and constantly shuffling through them in order to keep relevant information visible. Having more monitors, while a luxury, would definitely allow me to spend more of that time coding and reading instead.LinkTiger - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I've always been a fan-in-theory of ultraportable notebooks, but I think this is finally the year in which the price, technology, and timing in my life have finally come together to allow me to get one. Such a machine would finally let me do work on the road again after the demise of my last laptop (minus e-mail on my smartphone). My home and office workstations are awesome, but sometimes, a guy needs to write some code from a hotel room or coffee shop. It just happens.The Saint - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Really hoping to track down and buying an HP Touchpad.I'm not sure what I'll do with it once I get it, but I sure would like one!
SylvyrRavyn - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
most definitely a ssdnik1108 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking to overhaul my computer a bit more and add a larger SSD along with a 27" monitor. Now if only I could win this!junk2011 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I win!idiotsavant1 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
most looking forward to getting a SSD driveudaykishore - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I wish to get a HP Slate that supports Windows 8 ! Hope it will be in competetive form factor and smooth !!tzhu07 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Like many have said, I too am looking forward to an SSD upgrade over the old disk drive. It will definitely speed up my overall experience and load apps like Photoshop much faster. This SSD will also speed up my workflow in web design and development.GSJ - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking forward to buying the GS2 and a decent pair of bookshelf speakers. Both will help me to relax better and thus be more efficient when i work :)blackjag - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'd put it towards a new TV, but I would love to see a 12" or 13" tablet. Its annoying working with technical papers as pdf files on a 10" screen. If they made a tablet that was the same dimensions as a sheet of paper minus the margins that would be great.schizoide - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to picking up a kal-el android tablet-- this is when tablets really start getting excess computing power, which allows for all kinds of neat (if largely cosmetic) effects.Uritziel - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm definitely looking forward to getting an Android tablet. Not only will it provide much entertainment, it will also help me with my Android development work.ninadd - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
...for all my applications would be on top of the list to have this yearAssBall - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking to join the Netbook crowd this year. It would be a perfect thing to take on the road to hotels to submit paperwork when on the road.crimson117 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I plan to buy an SSD once prices drop a bit more.It will help speed up my everyday computing.
This would be for a non-work PC.
TopHeavy - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Recently moved and looking to get a Tablet for my new job.blufire - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to an SSD, probably from the OWC Mercury series. Because I love my wife, I'd let her use it in her Core i7 MacBook Pro :) She brings her MacBook Pro around for her work, and it would make her system more durable in addition to adding Teh Snappy™nandreetta - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'd like to replace my ailing four year old MBP now that Lion is holding a mirror up to all of its flaws of age, but I'll probably try to squeeze another year out of it. That leaves the iPhone 5 as my most likely hardware purchase this year. I can't say it will be particularly beneficial to any real work. Quite the contrary really, I expect productivity to plummet further.jacobness - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to buying a 13" Macbook Air. Why? It weighs so little, is so beautiful, and gets decent battery life. My back will be thanking me. So will my eyes. I don't need a fast laptop, or a powerful one, just a functional one with a good keyboard, good screen, and good battery life. This fits the bill beautifully. What am I going to do with it? Code websites, carry it around, create iPhone apps.mwells9 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'd like one of those new ultrabook laptops that's small but with enough horse power to allow for FPGA simulation and programming in the field. $500 probably won't cover the whole thing but would certainly make a dent in purchase price.Marc
pravusnex - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
one comment about what piece of hardware you're most looking forward to buying this year.NAS
What are you hoping to do with that hardware once you get it?
I have found that online backup simply doesn't work when you have a lot of home videos collected. I also do some video editing and need a place to archive. I would like to use the NAS for backup, media center, and general file server. I am considering an actual file server, but I also want the NAS just to improve my admin skills.
And if applicable, how is this piece of hardware going to help you in your work or business?
I have a small business and would like to have a separate partition for all of those files.
ranald - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I want a bigger and faster SSD for my laptop. It really helps with the software I am using. Thanks HP!chedrz - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'd really like to get an SSD for my PC, but it'll probably have to wait. My desktop is going on 6 years old, so rebuilding the whole thing sounds like a really, really good idea these days. I'd really like a new motherboard & CPU.arepune - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
iphone is the hardware o am looking up to buy, maybe it si hyped but it should pretty much like a mini computer in your pocket..bhuel - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Probably the iPhone 5.Peteman100 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A tablet for searching for and reading academic journals. I'd do it on an HP WebOS tablet if they would keep making them!koald58 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Pre 3 - Oh wait, that's not gonna happen now.Guess I'll just have to settle for a new DL380 this year.
Ralph124c41 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Need to put together an NSD. 16 Gig and RAID. Running LINUX.metageek - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Hmm. My camera, phone, and laptop are all new this year, and I'm not sure a tablet would make much difference in my life, so I'll say a new lens for my camera. The camera is a Panasonic GF2, with the bundled 3x zoom lens; a prime lens would probably be nice for indoor use, such as family get-togethers this winter.Flux0r - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
for shipping labels. My last one brokemplee - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking forward to getting an ssd.q_ex - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Hoping to get a PC oscilloscope sometime soon. Otherwise, I'm stuck with benchtop ones (which interface unbelievably poorly with PC's) on one end of the spectrum, and the more expensive (for comparable sample rates) DAQ boards on the other...I've never used a PC scope, but here's hoping it'll occupy that sweet middle ground.
sunnyoc - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Hi,I am looking to purchase HP Elitebook 8560w with DC2 Panel for my business work in developing RIA apps using Adobe Flex (Desktop, Browser based and iOS based). I would really appreciate HP if I win this giveaway.
TyphoidMary - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking forward to a new bulldozer chip.Crucial - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Winning!btsfh - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Either an iToy 5 (if it ships with LTE on the Verizon network,) or build a new system. Zuma is just too slow on my old C2D :)SRHelicity - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Although my laptop is getting very long in the tooth, I'm definitely looking into an SSD for my next upgrade. I am often opening and closing large applications and datasets for my job, so there'd be great benefit to owning an SSD. And hey, the faster I can move data, the better I can do my job!Rookierookie - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A new laptop would be nice, since my current one is 4-yrs old and counting. I don't think I can get used to Tablets.AmdInside - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I've been wanting HP's Dreamcolor 24" monitor for the longest of time. A $500 VISA gift card would sure go a long ways to helping me acquire one :) I've heard so many good things about this monitor from fellow photographers.wyrmslair - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I read the newspaper every day at lunch during the week. As of yesterday, the LA Times jumped from $.75 to $1.00, which leaves me at spending $260 per year from here on out. At that price, I can justify a reasonable tablet to drag around with me and likely have to replace every couple of years. Oops, I guess I can't get an HP tablet anymore and it was very high on my list... I guess an Android tablet will get my business... It's a shame since one of my good friends is deep into the WebOS community and did have me convinced that was where I would go both by logic and experience with his tablet.hoshun - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
next batch "final" of hp touchpads or one of the smaller ips monitorsbrobichaud - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm after a tablet for sure.bebimbap - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking forward to the amazon tablet. Kindle was such a great device that i'm expecting great things from their take on what a all in one tablet should be. I would like to browse internet and read "how to" manuals on basic maintenance around the house. It would be great for work if i could always have access to my files on the spot and present it without people having to print a few pages at the slow copier.HeavyTraffic - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'd like to purchase a Nokia W10 or a new tablet by the holidays for some light surfing and mobile computing, plus ebook reading.MattVu - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
4G with a good data plan to keep me connected at all time.dmk2000 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking to get large capacity SSD for my Desktop Projectmpietal - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking to get a tablet to use as an educational device for my 3 little kids. They love playing educational games on it.leonowski - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
in!billdcat4 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
def interestedderickso - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'd really like to put together a home file server, I have multiple computers that each have raid arrays inside them wasting valuable space and duplicating un-necessary hardware, one for the home that is fast enough to handle Adobe Premier editing would be ideal.SanLouBlues - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking forward to getting the new Infocus wireless router which hooks up to a projector that lets multiple users connect over the wireless network and do side by side displays of different computers without anybody having to screw with passing around the wireless dongle or a cable or any other garbage like that. It's going to save us a lot of time and effort.hshendon - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking forward to upgrading my monitor to a large-ish widescreen like 24". I will be looking at saving power, using more desktop space and, finally, a refreshing way to take in PC games in all their widescreen glory!Lanax - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would purchase a new monitor for my recently bought computer allowing me to multitask better at work while reading articles and writing grants.Oniwaban - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I plan on buying a smartphone for the first time this year.mikedice - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I hoping to get an android tablet and develop a custom application for my brother-in-law's family business. He hopes to automate a process that is currently paper based.phait - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am an independent graphic/web designer who has been considering purchasing an HP tablet (notably the TouchPad), or possibly another HP offering. I see a tablet as a great way to share my work with prospective and current clients during meetings, and illustrate ideas and keep notes.djseomun - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'd like to buy a SSD to hopefully boost the performance of my four-year-old ThinkPad.DanNeely - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
New high end desktop. For gaming, and to continue pretending I might start moonlighting with a share/donationware business.Shuxclams - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would love to upgrade my monitors to a HP 2711x, the gift card would totally help!george1924 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Dual Core + LTE. Hoping for the next Google android flagship phone. I do like keyboards, though. We'll see.worthless - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Still waiting for SSDs to drop in price enough that I can afford one. We are almost there!!hammer256 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Really want a tablet for reading and organizing PDFs and books.RBrian - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking into getting a new printer... cheap 3rd party ink destroyed my old one... HP seems to have a nice selection!ooiman92 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
what I need is an ssd. hdd takes too long to loadvarneraa - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'd like use $500 to move along my new computer build, probably helping with a high end graphics card, which I would use for all of my non-work related gaming.ChAoTiCpInOy - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking forward to buying a new AppleTV if it gets updated this year.hasherati - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Waiting on both the iPad3 and iPhone5.DSperlak - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I really want to build an HTPC and would really love to have one of the Ceton cable card PCI devices. I'm always working when my favorite shows/sports are on, and so having this would make working late more palatable as I could record and watch them later, without having to wait for on-line distributions or having to settle for highlights.Lazlo Panaflex - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to upgrading my desktop(s) to Sandy Bridge in the near future. The extra cash would certainly help.coolhardware - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Most looking forward to buying a Dell Vostro V131. It will be my primary travel laptop and I love the low price <$600, matte 13.3" LCD, USB 3.0 and other decent specs PLUS they added a backlit keyboard!Lenovo X220 is a nice machine too but a bit thick and the price premium (especially to get USB 3.) is very high. Of course the IPS display is lovely... but all things considered, I'm getting a Dell ;-)
Also like HPs lineup but I don't usually go for glossy glare type LCDs :-(
dmgr0108 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm buying a SSD for sure this year.Chriz - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Budget been really tight, could use a system upgrade.rohitp - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am needing a better GPU for my desktop, so that I can do some opencl programming to improve the speed of our image processing algorithms.solgae1784 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Hopefully an SSD....price is still a bit high to justify the premium, and people mostly still use one hard drive, especially on laptops. It will still eliminate one of the biggest performance bottlenecks and also one of the components prone to fail the most.SpaceOddity85 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Getting an inexpensive TouchPad if that last shipment isn't already all spoken for. I'd love a tablet I could hack without remorse, but I like webOS too.sherazch - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
As a photographer I continuously run out of memory. I carry a couple of 1TB portable drives everywhere so that I have my data with me at all times. Can't wait for when I can buy a 2-4TB portable SSD drive (protection against falls). Was also going to buy a Touchpad to show of photos but alas all three stores cancelled my order. Thanks Anand and HP.duffman55 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Hopefully I can afford to upgrade the processor in my main computer this year. I will use the upgrade to conquer the (virtual) world.yashupadhyay - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking forward to buy Toshiba Ultrabook. This lightweight beast will help me in my business travels.rallstarz - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
i'd like to try out the ssd waters....BigLan - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I need to replace my aging black and with laser printer, probably with a color laser with a duplexer. An all in one would be nice, but probably a bit outside my budget, and I do very little scanning/copying.NoWayMan - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Need to get a discrete RAID controller card; my Vista x86 build from a few years back has never been as stable as I'd like with the on-mobo RAID 5 array. Want to move to Win7 x64, and will need to do a full rebuild, so plan to also get off the MB RAID to hopefully get better performance, stability, and features.brownk5 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
None of the computer systems in my office have been updated in over 4 years, so we really need to bring in new laptops to eliminate the 5 minute boot ups we are currently experiencing.Duraz0rz - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking to buy a new CPU, memory, and motherboard once Zambezi is released. My system is getting a bit long in the tooth.celebwendi - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking to upgrade to a versatile tablet with keyboard option or ultrabook/ultraportable laptop. My old netbook is no longer cutting it for personal use or work so I'd like to pick up something similarly portable but with a lot more functionality, performance, and resolution to help out of the office.smwht - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Planning to build a file server. Need somewhere safer to put my photos than the single 2tb disk in my desktop. (Which is backed up, but still...)jjcrandall - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
It's been a while coming, but it looks like I need to rebuild my HTPC. I've been thinking about just purchasing a custom built one, or building it myself. (I'm getting lazy) Most likely an A series AMD processor, because of the good integrated level graphics, as well as low power consumption.AndyPJ - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'd love to build an HTPC as well.kurtpete - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking to pickup an ultrabook when they start appearing...blanked - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm most looking forward to buying an HP ZR30W 30" monitor! I've got Photoshopping and coding that I need to do, and I needs more space! Productivity ahoy.swx2 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Hopefully building a new desktop once Intel announces their new CPU lineup... of course, all depending on how they perform. *looks at Anandtech expectantly*bigdog1984 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I plan on purchasing or building a file server possibly running ZFS to centralize all of the data on my computers. This would free up considerable workspace in my house. All of my current machines are laptops with at least 2 external drives attached.MacTheSpoon - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm most interested in upgrading to an LTE phone. If the question is directed at computer hardware, then I'm looking to see which netbooks will use the new 1280x800 Pixel Qi screen. I custom installed their low-res one in my netbook and using it outside this summer has been beyond awesome.L1FE - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Need a larger SSD for my main machine and a laser printer for office work!mliska1 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'll be building a whole new desktop by the end of the year. my old LGA775 computer can't be upgraded any more and I need something to max out BF3 and D3, plus lots of multimedia streaming (ESPN quad-screen live streaming of college football FTW!). 2500k or bulldozer, Radeon 7k, SSD, the works!Also have a Pavilion dvt6 that runs great, despite vista (not HP's fault). Will probably replace in with another Pavilion in a year or 2.
justaviking - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I haven't won one of these giveaways yet, but I'll keep on trying.chillmelt - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm definitely buying two SSDs, one for my laptop, and the other for the desktop. While the cost per GB is still far from HDD levels, the performance over an HDD and price per GB is are going north.angstrom60 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I really need a new router. When I bought mine in 2004 (?) a 3Mbps WAN connection was considered speedy! I'm not sure what processor it's using but the 2011 version of it is probably in my mouse. :) When both of my connections are saturated the router CPU shows 97% utilization at the web interface (when the built-in web server can get enough CPU to render the page!).I've got 36Mbps aggregate downlink bandwidth across two WAN's incoming and about 7Mbps outgoing, and I really need a multi-WAN, load-balancing router sooner rather than later.
martyrant - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Been wanting to build a new VMware box at home to simulate client environments for work. I think I have just about everything else lying around.formulav8 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Tablet for my wife would be nicemichiganave - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
May get a tablet with the next generation. I have not had a tablet before and would probably use it mostly for entertainment/surfing the web. I would be unlikely to use it for work or business.pcsavvy - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Would like to get a SSD so I can work more efficiently.pentaxis - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Sign me up!disastar2 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I do a lot of small parts modeling in CAD but it's just not the same looking at 3D parts on a 2D monitor. A 3D printer would really help me jazz up my results and excite my clients!fzaba - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to the Samsung Series 9 for my primary work laptop. Things are finally coming together... It has a lightweight and smallish form-factor at 13" (perfect size), a dual core CPU that turbos as needed, and an SSD so that hard drive performance isn't a glaring bottleneck. Perfect for travelling on the job.Jebzilla - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking forward to upgrading my processor from 2 cores to either 6 or 8.schoenrock - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
well, im in need of a new computer, be it windows or mac OSX. I need something that has DirectX 11, so I can use the UDK to its fullest.onlineaddy - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Another multi-drive server machine.anon3803 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Maybe I'll get lucky this time. I'm thrilled with my Touchpad (first ever HP device), and look forward to getting more HP stuff. :-)vignyan - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
a desktop with decent sized SSD and large HDD. With core i5 or i7 sure makes my students happy that their programs are not running slowly. Our lab hardware is long overdue of refresh, but we don't have to break a bank to get these.SpaceRanger - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Thank you HP for a very generous offer! :)Infernus - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking to buy a dedicated CPU/GPU crunching 4U server. My desktop is nice, but when I'm busy working on an After Effects 1080p composition I typically have other 1080p compositions waiting to be rendered. This will increase my business's efficiency and hopefully lead to more prospects since I'll be able to handle additional work.r3b1 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
WINDOWS 8 TABLET!rpmrush - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
HP just about gave me a tablet and now possibly $500. Sweet!pakpak - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
i'm seriously looking into getting a tablet.sivmagen - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
As I haven't yet joined either crowd, it seems to be the right time.Depending on the platform, I might consider writing some apps for it.
chaudx - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Honestly I have all the hardware I need for now. A tablet might be nice to play with though.Saxie81 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
hmmm looking for a small capable laptop for business presentations, maybe something with an e-350?celestialgrave - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A sandybridge laptop. Longer battery life = more productivity on trips :)superxero044 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Plan on using it for gaming.xygot - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I really want to buy this laptop with all the bells and whistle. Unfortunately, the price quote was too much. Now if I win this $500, I can definitely afford it :)I'm going to use it as a personal/work laptop. I'll install VM workstation to be my work desktop. I do work from home and sometimes spend a few hours inside starbuck. I won't be ashamed anymore opening my 6 yrs old company provided laptop if I have my envy beats :)
solidst8 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I plan to get a tablet, though undecided what brand/OS.DarthPierce - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I will be upgrading my ~4 year old laptop to a quad core SB one with an SSD and I anticipate enjoying the upgrade as much or more than my previous upgrade which was from the original pentium-m (banias) to a core2 new laptop will be used in just about everything: grad school, working from home in engineering, and gaming. For work, I look forward to greatly increased simulation speeds!
mevensen - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Been really looking at the smaller tablet form factors lately, Particularly the ones with effective active stylus integration. Currently, that describes the HTC Flyer and the upcoming Samsung Note. I've always looked for the tablet that will provide effective pen input within a clean UI (Microsoft Courier, still looking for you). Previously, I had thought the 7 inch form factor was too small for tablet computing (5.3" I think is still too small), but that intermediate size is starting to grow on me.These devices, however, need a Microsoft style handwriting recognition to really seal the deal in usability and utility.
rlhunts - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
My current 24" monitor died and am having to use an old 17" CRT for the moment. Would definitely like to get a new 24" IPS LCD.Rukkian - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Please enter me in the drawing.Neutralman - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking to buy a 256 GB SSD some time in the Fall. Hoping to show my clients the benefits of SSD and that the price premium is well worth it.scoombs - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I need to replace my color laser with an MFC model to allow the family to more flexibly manipulate information.NinjaGnome - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm hoping to pick up an SSD for my laptop and possibly buying a new laptop if diablo 3 comes out. I'd also like to buy a tablet for reading and surfing around the houseDug - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I wish I could buy a desktop and laptop for our company that doesn't have shiny piano black all over it. Especially in the business sector. Your marketing team is wrong if they think this is a good idea.Remove the ridiculous amount of model numbers and categories for picking a desktop or laptop computer. Model numbers like p7qe, h8, s5xt are very forgettable.
You've become the GM of computers and look where all those model numbers for essentially the same product have gotten them.
Really, just make a desktop. Pick cpu, memory, hard drives, video card. Done.
I'm on your business desktop page right now and they all come with Windows Premium?!?!?
Really? This is business, we need Windows 7 Pro 32bit or 64bit.
Ship it without bloatware so we don't have to re-image every machine that comes in.
Do this and then I will be exited because it will make my job easier and I'm sure a lot of other IT people ordering computers.
flashbacck - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
a tablet if I can find a good deal on one.blrg891 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I need a new laptop. Intel-based of course. I develop advanced math software that is platform specific. Currently, I am developing for Intel and their AVX. I am looking at opencl in the horizon. So, a dedicated GPU is a must. A bluray player would be nice for entertainment on the go. As a student, a laptop is necessary so I can program on the go from class to class. A nice SSD would help with productivity in reduced compile times and OS speedup. I have an older HP currently, which would be nice to retire.xspsi - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
*crosses fingers.*nafhan - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Probably going to put together a file server. Not real exciting, but should be fun.AdamPflug - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I really want a new video card (currently just have a GTX 260), but that new Sony head mounted display could be awesome too.Stuka87 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am REALLY wanting a shiny new video card for Battlefield 3. 500 buy a very nice one :)An SSD would be great as well.
plectrum - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
it be fun to take HP's money and spend it on their killed off tablet, if one can get one.cgramer - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm most looking forward to upgrading my ancient Ambit cable modem to a new DOCSIS 3.0-compatible modem, such as the Motorola SB6120. It will help me immensely when I telecommute using my excellent work-issued HP EliteBook 8740w, in that I'll be able to much more easily work with files on my company's network over the VPN. Currently working over the VPN with my old modem is glacially slow.Thanks, HP!
omel_h - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to getting a very light & compact laptop with built in wireless cellular modem. One of those new AMD Fusion-powered laptops, maybe a dm1z. It'll help me because I'll be traveling a lot. WiFi only just won't do. Something affordable is necessary as I'm not looking to blow $1500-$2000 on a laptop.joer80 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I will take it to go to my toy fund.. I want to buy a samsung series 7 laptop to replace my aging lenovo t500 for work. :DTookie123 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'd get a mfc wi-fi color laser printer! It'll help with reducing some device clutter.sitharien - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking forward to upgrading my 780i system with a new Cougar Point / Sandy Bridge system. My 128GB m4 will run so much better in it.megakilo - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Same as most other people. I'm looking for an affordable SSD for upgrading my old Macbook to improve overall system performance.tukkas - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
hp proliant ftwNXTwoThou - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Thing I'm most looking forward to is a new mouse. After picking up a tablet, new phone, etc, I'm all tapped out on equipment purchases.max40watt - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'd have to go with a SSD and perhaps a new graphics card. Speed up my old system's boot times and general use.ExarKun333 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking forward to getting a 300GB+ SSD to replace my 80GB for Win7.seinzumtode - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Here we go again . . .Makaveli - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Make this available to Canadians all of your readers aren't in the US.DIAF HP.
welshy992 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Setting up a new website, I'd like an HP server with the new interlagos amd server processors that was just released.disports - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Recently bought a HP DM4 laptop for my gf and she loves it! Looking forward to purchasing a tablet to better meet my ever changing needs as a consumer! I've gone from desktops to laptops back to desktops and then back to laptops only to see how I consume/create change so quickly. Feel like a tablet would best suit my needs! Thanks!kamuiGT - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Definitely looking forward to an iPhone 5 and maybe even the iPad 3, if it comes out this year.captninsano - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
i would go ahead and build the HTPC i have been researching for over a year now...gloinsir - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Show Me The MONEY!jordanclock - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to picking up an Android tablet. I'd love to be able to have access to all the information (and most of the entertainment) I'll need anywhere, but without having to boot up a laptop. Also, it would beat a clipboard and pen for taking inventory!ALLisONE - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Bulldozer, that's it!kenstockwell - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A new laptop to get ready for SQL 2012 (or whatever they call it).metalarmored - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm definitely looking forward to the new ultrabooks coming out this fall. Having a light weight notebook with a long battery life is something my current laptop doesn't provide.stm1185 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am a 3D Modeler and Texture artist looking for work, and one of the first purchases I will make when I get that job is a professional quality IPS display to use alongside my current HP 2710m, which is actually quite great for a TN display with color quality better then any other TN I've seen, but I think I will be far better suited with a HP ZR30w (or that 30inch Dell makes*) since it has a much higher resolution, 16:10 aspect ratio and IPS panel viewing angles and from the reviews I've read almost perfect color representation. Thanks to HP for this contest.deluca541 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
if i can afford it, i'm planning on buying an iMac. i'm not really much of an Apple fan, but i'd like something a little different than Windows for a change. i write for a living, but i don't need a laptop, and could use something with good screen real estate for the home office. having iMovie and GarageBand onboard is a plus, too, because i edit video and audio for my blog. an iMac out-of-the-box would have all the software i need to get my business going.ishbuggy - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A Kal-El tablet for sure!jsl4980 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I want an HP dm1z, skip the gift card and send the laptop ;-)Cormag - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Well, I will buy two HP Touchpads when they come back on sale...then use the rest towards buying a new i5 gaming rig...bakinnan - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A new wired/wireless HP printer would be what I would get. The old one, a older USB model just isn't as flexible as we need it to - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Other than a full HD screen the most important thing for a laptop is somehow it can be upgraded in a couple of years.chaosrain - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking to downgrade my laptop to a longer-life llano-based model. My hope is it will be lighter and more flexible for business travel while still being sufficiently powerful to do most stuff.CharonPDX - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
My existing laptop is a circa-2006 Core Duo. My 'primary' battery just blew up (well, failed and expanded - no catastrophic failure, no explosion, no fire,) and my secondary only holds about 2.5-3 hours of life any more. I'd love to get a new "Ultrabook" to replace it.I run a small business, doing on-site computer consulting. While the economy has all but killed it, I'm hoping to revive it this year. (From 2004-2007 I had five-six employees, I'm down to just one plus myself now.) Having a new laptop with decent battery life will make life easier. Before this weekend, I'd have to swap the battery during the day. I don't feel like spending $70 on a new battery for a system I really should be replacing anyway.
sithscout80 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would buy a laptop or tablet.Rinadien - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I like cash, cash is my friend....barbeque - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am really looking forward to buying an HP Touchpad so that I can learn to develop webOS apps and maybe make a little money from sales on the app store.bakaboi94 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking forward to getting a new video card in anticipation of the new games coming out.Omid.M - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Whether it's the iPad 3 or a tablet with Krait or Kal-El, I've been reading a LOT and it just makes sense to have a tablet to read and tag text on; I forward a lot of stuff I read to other friends and colleagues. Plus, I want a tablet so I can do on-the-go presentations.You can't really do that with a laptop or smartphone. A tablet is the perfect device for those things.
MrJawbones - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Thanks HP! I'll make sure to check out the blog.dineshym - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I usually connect my laptop to TV to browse online videos. More than watching cable channels I use my TV as a laptop big screen to watch videos, Facebook etc. Also I wanted to get a good blu-ray player for some time now. Sony Internet TV NSZ-GT1 Blu-ray disc player fits my purpose of blu-ray player and it has google tv with chrome browser. So buying this product will free my laptop being hooked up to TV :-). There is speculation that this product might get upgraded to latest android version, thatz cool.NTruong - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking to build a home server for centralized storage of work files, remote acess and most importantly, backup of important documents.vagvoba - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am more and more freaked out about losing the data from my computers. By now, I have accumulated so much important data (music, video, pictures, emails, documents, software, contacts, etc.) that losing it would be horrific. Although some of them live in the cloud as well, that doesn't make me sleep much better.That's why I make backups regularly. However, having a single external hard drive doesn't comfort me fully. It's getting old and experience taught me that hard drives die young. I'd rather want to have backups of my backup too.
So my plan is to by a new external hard drive, if possible with network interface. Price is less of an issue. What I want is fast (gigabit ethernet), silent, secure and very reliable.
Spoooon - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking to get a laptop or netbook sometime this year.I do substance abuse counseling with adolescents and have to wait outside with them until their rides come and get them. Sometimes this turns in to a 1.5 hour wait where I'm just standing around typing my progress notes on my phone. A laptop or netbook would ease the pain. :)
quantumsquid - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to a new gaming laptop for LAN parties.adamkavon - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Dual core just isn't cutting it any more. Probably going to wait for the cheapest Zambezi.Jason1892 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
i am hoping to buy an ipad this year if possible and i will be using it for movies and somegames and books n for work research and referenceAnanke - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am more and more inclined in getting a small home file server, to centralize all my home pictures, videos and do a backup of several home computers. Many NAS, like Sinology for example, will work, however they are somehow expensive for the limit of expansion given. It seems that simply using Win 7 on a dedicated computer is a better deal overall.piti - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking forward to get SSD for my laptop.zorky9 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking to buy a NAS to centrally organize and backup files.Abel007 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Personified. Thanks HP. Love your Touchpad!momentum - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I love HPjnmfox - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I've split my phone, email, txt, web between a phone and iPod Touch, will be nice to just have one device to work on.Gibson12345 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to getting a new smartphone. I'm frustrated with the Android update situation, and the new crop of Windows phones has uninspiring hardware. Much as I dislike Apple, that iPhone 5 is looking tempting.o1die2 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I look forward to a sata 6.0 capable motherboard for my new ocz sandforce ssd. I will purchase around the holidays when prices drop. My current board won't even run it in achi mode. It's too old.PawnX - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
My old hp lazerjet 4 plus needs a new fuser so I'm in the market for something reliable, but a little faster. Duplexing would be a bonus. Still researching fuser life, and maintenence frequencies to see what will fits my current bill.A networking card would be nice as I don't like relying on a print server. Jet direct cards are handy for a smaller operation.
Massuvious - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking forward to picking up a tegra 3 tablet when they come out. Will be using it for reading science journal articles, reading books, and watching videos.lebarle - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
If I were a rich man....I would buy a new Z68 motherboard featuring the intel SSD cache (Smart Response Technology) and a 20 GB Larson Creek SSD and see just how fast SSD caching is. I would also need a new 2500K processor since my 1156 pin Lynnfield i5-750 is not compatible with the X68 motherboard.
haxor911 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I really looking forward to a new NAS device. What I want is a home server that supports all the goodies of DLNA plus the usual set of NAS services. What was missing from the previous home NAS boxes was drive expandability with RAID5. Get to it. Make it cheap too.EnzoFX - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking to buy: Another Touchpad! =P Actually a printer is in need right now.Hoping to do: Print and stay connected on the go?
How's it going to help? Not much lol
Vincent - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to upgrading to either SandyBridge or Bulldozer. I'm not sure what I'll do with it yet, though!tony34 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Am planning to get a laptop and wireless connectivity for use at home. Will allow me to do more work at home while also giving me the flexibility to move around. Thankscollegeguypat - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would love to upgrade my gaming desktop from the Q6600 I have to a new i5.momentum - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking to buy into the tablet craze to find out what is so special and how a tablet could be beneficial to my personal computing and possibly my companies computing needs.rykerabel - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Finally someone is making another phone/tablet so I can replace my Dell Streak 5. I've loved the size but Dell barely supports the device and has even discontinued it for the American market. This prize would enable me to buy the Galaxy Note off contract and not have to deal with the ridiculous carrier limitations. Well fewer of them anyway.themossie - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Give me that solid state sweetness.slatr - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking forward to the release of Kal-El and will be getting a new tablet.Kal-El/Tegra 3 will be nice whether I am connecting to work via Citrix receiver or playing a game of Angry Birds.
ssurban - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I love HP gear!Cali3350 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Actually just about to order a HP Omni Pro 110 from Amazon. Need a simple all in one for a new office area im creating :)The Omni Pro 110 is a all in one so it really saves on the space and leaves some more desk room for some more shelves :)
[email protected] - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would use the $500 to buy a tablet. Windows 7 or Android Based. I would find this useful for testing and using at the customer site.sclasley - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would love one of their Dream Color monitors. I can contribute a small ball of yarn, 1 brand new wooden toothpick and a used piece of masking tape along with the $500 gift card for it...tviceman - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to Tegra 3 tablets!n0cmonkey - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm thinking about putting together a new machine. I need some space for more VMs.cobberbearr - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to buying a new SSD, probably a Vertex 3.Onus - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I no longer have a laptop or tablet, but have thought often enough how nice it would be to have one, so that is the most important single item I would want if I win.kanhaiya - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Definitely a tablet at the right pricepoint with decent enough features. Already have a great server subsystem setup and looking to buy a couple of tablets to outfit my business.nidhanwala - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking forward to getting a MacBook Air. I love the iPad, but looking to go from a MacBook Pro / iPad to just the MacBook Air. This will be helpful in my classes as it will minimize the amount of things I need to carry.Saltticus - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I look forward to purchasing an SSD. Load times are much too sluggish on my personal workstation. While processor and RAM speeds are important, swapping them out wouldn't give me the productivity boost a new SSD would give me. Multitasking and accessing multiple programs at once without the delay would be very nice.orphius - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking forward to buy a SSD equiped ultra portable laptop - powerfull enough to edit my photographs using adobe (Photography is my hobby). I will be able to carry this laptop everywhere (conference or vacation) and work my tail off.wogzi - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Either the Momentus XT for my failing laptop hard-drive or I'm thinking of buying one of those super cheap Touchpads now that WebOS apps are getting popular on the nets.GokieKS - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Either an SSD when prices finally become decent on a 200GB+ drive, or a new videocard - leaked specs of ATI's new products look very very interesting.noxipoo - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
a tablet with IR blasteruse it as a universal remote in addition to tablet
help me control more things with just 1 gadget in the house
anactoraaron - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
will be an ivy bridge laptop. core tech is really dated and my old laptop is due for an upgrade. Running photoshop CS5 isn't possible on my current laptop.LordSojar - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Piece of tech I'm looking foward to buying most this year? That would be a new Kepler based Tesla card, and it would be to increase productivity for my research into the dynamics of electron flow at the sub 1nm level.HP can certainly help make that happen, because I'll probably need a new motherboard in my workstation to facilitate another Tesla card. :)
duploxxx - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
while it might be old hw, my existing photosmart is reaching its EOL status, would like to replace it with a new AIO network based photo printer, then i am able to print all the 1000000 colors that i see from my dreamcolor display.....CodeMonkey00 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking for a new business laptop to use in a software development environment, hopefully the new HP Elitebook that was review recently.oldmanflair - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Tablet of some sortluderacer411 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Would definitely like to upgrade my launch day EVO 4G. One of the Samsung Galaxy S II phones would be perfect.KIAman - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
This would come in handy to get a wireless network printer to replace my aging laserjet.climber07 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
My computer has quickly outgrown it's original case. The size of the video card and the space between the drive cages have necessitated the purchase of a new case. With the need for more hard drives, I have come to the conclusion that the Lian Li PC-P80 E-ATX server case will allow me to adequately install and cool all of the components. The size of the PC-P80 case should alleviate the need for external HDD storage and install larger and faster hard drives in the chassis itself. With three 140mm front fans, cooling the internal components should not be a problem. The increase in fan size from my current 80mm ones will also afford a much quieter case while maintaining adequate airflow.Jnutt - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
It's about time to upgrade from old fasioned mechanical hard drives. Price, size, and speed are starting to go down, up, and up!Wicked Yeti - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am definitely looking to replace my clunker Motorola Cliq XT with a Samsung Hercules later this year. Ever since getting a smartphone, I am finding that it just helps a lot of aspects of everyday life run more smoothly.Majes - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I've been itching to upgrade to 1080p and would love a new video card for it.OrbitalSI - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Need to acquire a color printer... however still undecided on laser vs. ink jetKaboose - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking at picking up a new cell phone this year (or early next year), looking to get a phone with ice cream sandwich I will be using this phone for basic communication (IM, Text, phone calls, and email) This phone will also allow me to access PDF's and word documents for work.discotea - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
looking forward to my new work laptop if it gets here this year. I'm still stuck with a dell D630 which is garbage, Glad we changed vendors to HP so can look forward to some probook or elitebook from HP either this year or next year. And maybe a new desktop htpc so i can watch all the dramas i download. my current computers cant handle 1080P MKV files smoothly. can't even handle 720P files either.kepler - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I could definitely use a new monitor, and HP's LP2475w certainly fits my bill at 1920x1200. I'm sick of this 16:9 stuff shoved in my face!Jefro - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
We are looking forward to installing an inexpensive Linux-based network-accessible storage (NAS) device that can function as a printer server, disk server, and web server for our "private cloud". This device, which burns about 10 watts, will replace a 6-year-old Core2 Duo desktop system that current serves those purposes (no pun intended) while burning over 120 watts.xadmin - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
New Sandy Bridge CPU to help out with my computer. It has been slow and this will help out my home business tremendouslyHimeNoHogosha - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I think an SSD would provide the single biggest performance boost to my desktop at home.ynk1121 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I think it's time I buy a whole new laptop. My computer is getting a little long in the tooth. Hopefully it will happen this year provided I have the funds to do so.quickbunnie - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I want to buy the Sony HMZ-T1 because personal displays done right are sweet. 3D OLED personal displays are priceless (at $800).MULuke - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
My 1.8 ghz dual core is feeling a little old.lastsoldier - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
i want more SSDs to make the rest of my computers more responsive, efficient, and productive.MJEvans - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Focusing on 'new hardware' there are probably three possible pieces which might occur depending on the value of each segment over the next 3-6 months.Ram: 8+ GB of DDR3 since I tend to have far too many tabs open under chrome and it's segmented processing model seems to cope with different mappings of 32 bits across a 64 bit address space. More open tabs/programs.
Phone: Some type of android with at least a fast dual core, openGL (anything hardware based, depends more on performance than actual spec), HDMI port (capable of driving DVI monitors w/o anything but cable shape adapters; fully passive), android (which I'll root ASAP), and preferably a size-frame of 4-6 diagonal inches. More reliable phone, poor portable media player when in transit as a passenger and GPS unit otherwise.
CPU/Mobo: Depending on reviews and availability I might update my desktop and/or home fileserver CPU. More threads would be useful for games, VMs, and the occasional trans-coding of videos; such as videos of me fighting the daily commute. - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm most looking forward to buying the $99 HP Touchpad, if it ever comes back!!!!typical_it_guy - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
An HP tablet would be awesome!balamasti - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Good luck to everyone and specially to me.kaborka - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm still waiting on my TP order to ship! I need it for my vacation.kimmer2k - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
please, me want!Ryard - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Like so many other people, I'm hoping SSDs are going to drop in price by Black Friday time frame. Everything else I've just bought and is running silky smooth.kalki - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am holding out for a Radeon 7000 series video card when they are released. It should be cooler, quieter, and faster than my old 4870, and good for playing the latest games.An|mos|ty - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking for 2 more 24" 1920x1200 monitors. Nothing helps with productivity more than an extra monitor or two.dschaeffer - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
ssd for faster system accessTripwir3 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A new tablet would be awesome.Muscles - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
The next piece of hardware I plan on buying soon is a new laptop. I need it for work activities (email, spreadsheets, etc.) since I'll be traveling a lot this Fall. I can't be without one!flatfour - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking to replace my ancient core 2 duo laptop with a sleek ultrabook form factor. Looking to lighten my load and increase productivity. As a student, being more mobile and long battery life will definitely come in handy.rillbee - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Could really use a laptop upgrade or a new tablet!dajungki - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
would be rockin in my rig. Love to see what kind of speed it's capable of!MasterDuke17 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I have one in my main desktop and love it so much I'm going to put one in every computer I own.Cr0nJ0b - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Do I post here to get entry?kurahk7 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking forward to Bulldozer :DScabies - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
a tablet. OH THE IRONY.would use it for: developing that home inventory program idea I've been kicking around
would help because: I have a G1 and a Vibrant to mess around with. a tablet would allow me to cover everything!
GX93117 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking to purchase a portable SSD drive to run my virtual machines at work and home. Why do selective file backup these days...just backup entire computers at VMI.Myrandex - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm most looking forword to purchasing my HP TouchPad. I've never had a tablet before, so I don't know everything that I will use with it, but I look forward to seeing what level of integration I can achieve between it and my HP printer downstairs, as well as using it as a nice media device. It won't really assist much with work unless I store technical manuals on it and use it as an eReader, which I might do.Jason
clockworkjpm - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am hoping to buy a reasonably-priced NAS or build one on my own. My office research involves large data sets spanning hundreds of GB per set. I'm no google, but I want to have a place to safely dump all actively-useful data. I'm hoping to set up a RAID5+0 or RAID6 array with ~10 TB of available space.Samzebian - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
An LTE phone from Verizon, I'll use it for tethering to my laptop and HP Touchpad, but mostly for listening to music from google music. It will help me at work by allowing me to relax on my break, thus creating a more productive employee.dougwesson - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking forward to seeing if a tablet can replace my laptop. I only use it to surf around the web and read, so why not? I have a desktop if I need to do heavy work, but just for reading and research I would like to see if a tablet can take over.raducanon - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am going to buy an SSD harddriveI am going to be more productive because it's faster.
ctbalk - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
My desktop is still king and I'm waiting to see what AMD comes out with next and how it compares to the Intel's current lineup. Anandtech's performance charts and reviews will determine which CPU vendor gets my $$.murraymartini - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Wish me luck!akanucho - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Trying to decide if I should jump in with a Core i5/i7 or hold out for Bulldozer/SB-E. Just getting into photography at a semi-serious level, and I'm finding that processing times are killing me when I have to batch process 12-15GB of RAW images. Probably should have upgraded a while back (still running a tired E8400 Wolfdale), but I just couldn't decide which piece of my machine would be the first to get upgraded. A SSD is probably next in line, but it'll have to wait its turn.gateo77 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Definitely buying a tablet this year.wayliff - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Thanks HP! I hope I am the lucky winner.Could definitely use it.
fralexandr - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
hmm i'm looking forward to buying either a computer (maybe prebuilt, maybe not), or a camera (pentax k-7, k-5, or k200d)for the computer, it'd help not working with microsoft office documents and pdfs simultaneously on an 11.6" 1366x768 notebook screen, as well as having an improved keyboard interfacing device (better feel, numpad).
for the camera i'm hopefully going to find a field biology job, and it'd be nice to have a weather resistant camera.
hollovoid7 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I plan on buying an SSD, Hopefully some larger cap. drives come in lower prices soon! I think it will be interesting to see how the performance is affected.neothe0ne - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
the hardware I'm most looking forward to getting this year is a new wireless card for the product I got just 2 months ago.. the pavilion dv6t-6100 CTO, which is incredible bang for the buck (minus the budget-level wireless card)carassius - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Will be starting a side business in 2012 which could use its own out a veterinarian in need!
timThompson - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
New phone, I expect.Andypro - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Thanks!Rictorhell - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
The one piece of hardware that I want, more then any other, right now, is a tablet. As far as computer hardware goes, anyway. If I get a tablet it will probably be used mostly for personal things, but I believe a tablet would make a good study tool, as well. I would like to put all my pictures and stuff on it.alexwy - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
good luck everyonerseiler - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
SSD, hoping to build up a new machine.n0b0dykn0ws - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to purchasing additional RAM.The ability to run virtual machines is a boon for someone like me.
Simozene - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking forward to an NVidia Kal-el based Windows 8 tablet.rascalion - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm definately in the market for a new display. It would really boost my work from home productivity to have another monitor available for my work machine as well as still being able to use my desktop.semandjem - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
An SSD would go so well and with prices down I could pick up a decent size one too! :-)Jeff7181 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to getting my hands on a DL980 at work. Too bad they're only available in 4-socket configurations.Kakureru - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
ill pay off my laptoplunchboxman - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
ahh, time for a tablet, probably toshiba thrive. going to use it for some entertainment and try to install autocad and use that to work from home.campbbri - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Hoping to purchase a new 30" display for photo editing (either HP's ZR30W or Dell's U3011).Although my main reason is photography, I think people far underestimate the productivity increases you can get from a larger display (or multiple displays) in the workplace
If I was HP I would push display size and number of monitors as part of the overall enterprise support package. If nothing else, employees view how high tech their network is by things like that they can see, and not necessarily how many servers are in some rack in the basement.
Possum - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking forward to buying an Android tablet with hardware that can at least match the iPad 2's specs. This will mainly be used as an e-book reader, web browser, and media consumption device (movies and music) when on the go and not near a computer.LB-ID - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm planning to buy a new laptop for traveling. Something thin and light, but still full-featured.Mishera - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Its a tossup between bulldozer and nokia's new phones. Really looking forward to bulldozer and how Amd's multi-threading approach works. It will be interesting to see what nokia cooked up on the WP7 platform. Though I still don't know how That UI will pan over in the business world...LuluTheMonk - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking to get a cellphoneBelegost - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm up for $500, that would pay for the SB upgrade my fiancee keeps saying no to.New Z68 board, 2500K and 8GB of ram would be great for running neural network simulations for my graduate work.
fmriguy - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Would love this prize to help with an upgrade to i5/i7.Chubblez - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
An ML150 G6 would make life easier and take less room (which would make my girlfriend happier). Hell, given current work load, I think I can even get away with an ML110 G7.PCTC2 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I was looking to purchasing a new rack mount chassis for my existing server to get it out of the office and into a datacenter. This will get redundant power and networks, and a nice climate-controlled area. The funny thing is, this is a personal development box, but power is getting expensive and it'd be worth it to get it into a datacenter.sivmac239 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Besides some SSD I am looking to buy a duplex scanner.rembo666 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Thanks HPphuzi0n - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I really want an SSD to load up apps instantly.Kamikrazy - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
The 4870 is getting a little long in the tooth...and the monitor is a 22" 1680x1050. They work fine, however, they are a bit dated. CPU is still i5-750.foobaz - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
My next hardware purchase will be a new monitor, probably 27" with display port. I write code for a living and the more I can keep on screen the more productive I am.FITCamaro - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
To reduce the clutter of books.Deadeye37 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking forward to getting an Android Tablet. It would give great entertainment on the go for my kids and my wife. I'll enjoy it too!lelliott73181 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would purchase a additional server to allow my remote users to be able to still check mail, intranet, etc if the main location ever went down. We as a company aren't sure yet about the cloud, so we still have our own servers at colo's.chz0 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A nice slim laptop with USB 3.0 and an SSD. It will be my first laptop and this could help me in my pursuit of speed! :)TrustedOak - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
We work out of our home about 3 days a week and really need a good multi-function network printer.petulant - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Going to purchase an SSD for OS and apps.strid3r - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Getting a NAS/file server solution. It would definitely help with my work as I'd be able to access my work from anywhere.Avalon - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Hoping to get a thin and light laptop this year. With my recent job switch, there's now a lot of work I could do on the go, or at home, that I'm currently unable to do since I can't bring a desktop PC everywhere. It would make life easier, that's for sure!KLC - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I want to get a WebOS tablet...fatmanosu74 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
SSD is what I want. It is the main thing that can speed up the user experience.Barok - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Missed the HP Touchpad "giveaway". I'll give this one a try.danjw - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would like an OCZ Agility 3 240GB for my desktop to use as a boot drive.superflux - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Ironically, I want one of those inexpensive Touchpads.Other things I would like to buy in the future is a laptop like of those Sony ultraportable laptops with media dock. Though it would be nice if the fans were much bigger.
lcjgol - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm going to get an ultrabook. I'm an academic who travels fairly often, and I'm always looking for something light. It has to be windows, so I can't wait for more ultrabooks to come out.martajd - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
My old Phenom II 940 is starting to show its age, the thing can't hardly overclock either :(ph0masta - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I plan on buying a tablet of some sort. It will improve my productivity by allowing me to view/edit documents during my commute.HayesK - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
another cpu for Folding @ Homeedshin95 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm hoping to get an SSD that's finally affordable now.worm - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I need to add a more automated way to complete backups. The processor of the new NAS, and Gigabit Ethernet get the speeds when they to be, and since I added a tablet, there is another reason. Just need to pick the right price point.rayjayturbo - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking forward to the second run of tablets. I'll use it for books and streaming video.mugwet - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking forward to a group of parts with a brand new from scratch build. Replacing my aging mainboard most of all. I am looking to have a high end gaming machine again.zhill - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I need an automated backup/file-server system for my wife's growing photography business. Nothing slurps up GB like photography with a 21MP camera. Either a NAS (possibly a Drobo system) or a full fledged file-server, not sure yet.vailr - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Some kind of color tablet device, for playing Scrabble.Either an iPad or some Android tablet would be fine.
thralloforcus - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking forward to building a dual processor Intel rig to run as a 24/7 rig for Folding@home in addition to my current 2 computers folding. It's all for the science!kinglewi - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking to buy a new graphics card this year -- hopefully AMD's 7000 series (fingers crossed). It will be the final piece to my recent Sandy-Bridge machine with SSD, all thanks to Anandtech reviews.SAMSAMHA - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I really want a tablet but they are so expensive. So sad I did not win any of the tablet giveaways. I like tablet so I can browse web while on my couch and check email, play games. I know tablets are a bit overrated but I think they are nice device to have as that third system for casual use to get information.Tablets are appealing because it does not require smartphone data plan which I cannot afford or else I would so want a smartphone:).
Really like the transformer because it serves as tablet and also for work but so sad I can't afford one:).
QChronoD - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking to replace my 4y/o Fujitsu tablet with one of the new ultrabooks coming out soon. Really like the look of the Samsung Series 7.webmaven - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking forward to the ASUS Ultrabook.asliarun - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm planning to buy a 10-inch Android tablet / e-book reader when prices go under $200. I plan to use the tablet to access the internet, read books, magazines, newspapers, and tehcnical journals. Nothing fancy. My most promising hope is the upcoming Amazon tablet with a custom Android branch.The tablet will also allow me to cancel my newspaper subscription.
doramjan - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I really want a webOS printer :)samuraid - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm planning to purchase an Intel Xeon E3 processor for a new home server I'm building. With it, I plan to virtualize a number of machines in the house and offer large file/backup storage for my web sites. The efficiency and power savings offered by virtualizing on such a CPU will be a welcome improvement.xaspen - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking to buy a new laptop. I intend to use it for work and mobile gaming while on travel. It will allow me to perform critical work functions while still being able to have the flexibility to have some fun gaming in a hotel room.venkataram88 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am thinking of buying a new laptop powerful enough to do my college work and light gaming.An envy 14 is powerful and looks beautiful!! Hope i get lucky enough to win this.
sigmatau - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Like many other commentors, SSD for sure! This may sound sarcastic, but I am really expecting magic when I upgrade from a regular HD.mlx395 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would love to get a HP TouchPad. Missed out on the "fire sale", but still want to get my hands on one. I would use it for everything, including getting "good mom points" by letting my teenagers use it. :Dcdd2001 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to getting a new video card, probably a GTX 560i sometime in the next few months. I'm currently using a GTX 280 and with some of the new games coming out soon I'd like to upgrade.codefeenix - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
My 4850 is getting old, but my motherboard is too. I will probably be getting a new mobo + RAM this year.rizzuh - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
i need to upgrade my graphics card to a gtx 580 for bf3!atong01 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Thanks Anandtech and HP! Whoever wins this is one lucky individual!lan8 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking to upgrade my ancient laptop to something sleek and sexy...and relatively cheap for the hardware compared to most of the other ultrabooks out there at the moment. It will help me run a few old mac programs and dual-boot to windows for game design I'm doing in my spare time.dapperDerek - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am already 8 virtual systems on a single system with only dual quad cores and 16 GB RAM w/ 7200 RPM SATA, but will be deploying three of these in our lab to host all in one test environments for my company's product sets. These things rock!For personal use I've been eyeing the Eee Pad slider but given I run a hack pro at home and have an iPhone 3GS, I'm just not convinced they'll all play nicely together.
len32dog - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am really looking forward to getting an android tablet, or a tablet that can flash to android. it would be sweeeet!chrislada - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
An Android tabletAGMS - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
i will use the 500$ to buy myself a laptop and use it to take notes in classCjbopie - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
What piece of hardware you're most looking forward to buying this year?:SSD's!
What are you hoping to do with that hardware once you get it?:
Install it ASAP! Moving parts are overrated. Its a safe bet to say, that anything is better than my current hardware.
"Old and busted, New and hotness." - Will Smith (M.I.B.)
If applicable, how is this piece of hardware going to help you in your work or business?:
Well with increased storage and efficiency to access stored files, productivity is sure to follow in an elevating trend.
aneirin - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I have an old Netgear ReadyNAS NVX with 4 Tb Raid 5 SATA. I will transition to a bigger NAS (maybe 8 Tb), with the ability to serve iSCSI and NFS better than decently, and migrating my servers to virtual on VMWare's free hypervisor, latest generation.Still considering to make it a Nexenta appliance. It depends on whether I can get the money to put a good SSD for ZIL. This will be either a self built NAS or made by Raidundant. check them out
secretmanofagent - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to purchasing that, and using it for my photography as opposed to iPhoto.danact - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
My analysis software does a lot of writes to the hard drive so I would like to set up 2 SSDs in a Raid 0 to speed up the analysis.danact - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Actually reads and writes.usama_ah - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I have enough functioning computers for the family, and a smartphone. My next purchase would be a tablet, something on the smaller side (7") so that it's truly portable. Once I purchase it I hope to use it to easily check email and browse Google Reader to stay on top of medical and tech news. The 7" tablet would help me log in to my hospital's electronic medical record system through Citrix Receiver. I can review results, images and order tests on the go during morning rounds.etcsweeps - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm most looking forward to buying a new video card because it kicks off my reintroduction to computer games!Deckard Lain - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking for more RAM for my workstation, because 4GB isn't enough when I constantly have 40+ windows open.Phynaz - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Will use this to put an SSD in my personal HP Pavilion Elite :)miahshodan - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
cause mine is an athlon xpTifosi248F1 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking at getting some form of large capacity NAS device. I do a lot of work with film and video, and it takes up a lot of space. Having a large multi-drive array and being able to have it separate from my system will be a big help in storing the files, and I'll be able to keep them longer with less impact on my available space. It will also free up the drives and drive bays in my system for personal use once again.JaleelM - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking at an SSD to put in my second HDD slot on my xps 17. The extra protection and speed is worth it. They're getting cheaper by the week.jsbiggs - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Would absolutely love to purchase a new CPU, i7 2600K. Been running a Core 2 Duo E4400 for quite a bit of time now, and it's far past time to upgrade. I'd even love to run my computer as a server for doing freelance development work, which this would help out with greatly.someyoungguy9 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
With a 6 year old laptop and only a bit saved up, I'd definitely use that cash to getthe latest and greatest laptop. My beater laptop has seen better days...
mtwardochleb - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm hoping to get a TouchPad and put Android on it so it has future support. I'll then give it to my disabled mother so she can use it to check email, video chat, watch movies, listen to music, and read books.nickhs - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm really looking forward to a decently powered with great battery life ultrabook that finally looks something like the next generation of laptops.clumsyalex - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
looking forward to picking up an ssd as well for my lappy.arcanemagus - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am most looking forward to getting a SSD to replace the HDD in my laptop. When I get it I will be re-installing my OS and appreciating the blazing speed offered by the SSD.akahoovy - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A professional printer to make large prints. I've recently been expanding my portfolio as an illustrator and I would love to have a high quality printer to make large, beautiful prints that I can mount as part of my presentation when I go to clients.brainsbro13 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would like to finally upgrade to a newer CPU with turbo boost technology. Hoping that this will help balance a machine that does split duty of multitasking and gaming.If I see a noticeable improvement, I can start pushing work to let me upgrade the desktops for similar benefits (sans gaming of course :)
uprisingchuns - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Read the fileserver article and was hoping to work on a build myself. I would like to back up all the computers in a small office to a central manageable location.mauler1973 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I hope to be able to buy a few SSD,s this year to be able to spec out a few builds for prospective customers. I want to be able to show a few different avenues for them to see what kind of speed can be found with different price brackets.Fiddlefan - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Would like a new server to replace my creaky HP home server. Neither HP nor Microsoft did a good job of standing behind that product.Zorlac - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
What piece of hardware you're most looking forward to buying this year?PCI-E SSD
What are you hoping to do with that hardware once you get it?
Increase overall system speed
And if applicable, how is this piece of hardware going to help you in your work or business?
Higher productivity and overall computing enjoyment
Azuroth - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I do a lot of video editing and compilation for clients, and I'd like more magnetic storage so I can keep more recent projects on hand and not have to get them from backup as often.I've also been playing around with getting an SSD to improve the overall speed of my editing machine.
Nafets - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A. This year I'm probably going to splurge on a new SSD.B. Of course I'm going to install it and enjoy the benefits of "instant access" and much higher speeds than what I have now.
C. This purchase isn't going to change much for anything I do at work...
tehnaku - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward for the iPhone 5, it will replace my 4-year old Android phone and will certainly allow me to communicate and work more effectively.Also, an SSD because they are awesome-sauce!
ExodusC - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to buying another HP TouchPad so I can give it to a friend... I love mine.faizoff - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Most likely the Corsair Graphite600t series is what I'm looking forward to getting. Esp after reading the review here.hansmuff - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking to buying a NAS for my home.Background: I have 4 Desktop machines, 3 laptops, 3 IPod touch devices in the house. We have a number of digital cameras, a camcorder, music collections (legally purchased MP3 files from various sources like iTunes and Amazon) on all of those devices.
The problem is centralizing (people tend to not find their stuff, because it's stored on the wrong device and they forgot which one) and backing up (lots of family photos etc) are impossible tasks to do well without a large central repository.
Of course, there are also concerns about hard drives filling up on some devices because they are storing too much video content and can't offload it anywhere.
I've come to the conclusion that one NAS with online backup will be the best and easiest to maintain solution. All 3 issues (centralization, backup, space allocation) will be solved, and the solution will be expandable to some degree.
So, this is the big plan. The hardware will roll in some time in October, and I will spend the winter playing with configurations and roll-out of network resources to all devices.
mrcactus - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Without a doubt, I'd invest in a file server. My nonprofit has been using dropbox as a gapfiller solution, but the 8GBs is quickly filling up. We need a long term solution to effectively collaborate and share documents, but money is tight these days.mga318 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm going to be picking up a new desktop in the next month or so to more effectively for my home business.Curt4Computers - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'll be buying a new tower with an SSD this year. That should speed up everything I do as a Computer Repair business.wessonality2smf - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking forward to getting a new Sandy Bridge laptop to replace my current Pentium-M...superunknown98 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Palm Pre 3......aapocketz - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am going to get a new smartphone to upgrade my current Droid OG. I will use it to make phone calls and play angry birds maybe.forestgomp - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
HP Mini 210-3002saGift: daughter loves pink....
Load up with OpenSuse!
brybir - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I currently use two HP Compaq LQ1951g monitors attached to a HP 8000 Elite convertable minitower. Should be a good system right? Unfortunately, by using this combination, my desktop monitors are limited to fairly low resolution (1280x1024). So, I would use this money to buy better monitors or a better video card, or whatever is necessary to get respectable resoluation on my desktop!JakLee - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Depending on when bulldozer comes out, either a new procesor or a 2nd video card this year (6970 ftw!) - and fyi, just bought a wireless HP Printer - its been awesome (brown nosing FTW!)murray13 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Oh what I would give for a new AIO color laser printer. Having just one machine to do it all would be just great. As it is now there are three different printers sitting around. It would provide less clutter, fewer supplies to buy, better output. Not to mention space, I could get almost a whole desk back and put it to good use.ehicks05 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to a new monitor after 5+ years of the same oneJRBY - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
give me free money! NOW!Quadzillah - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Definitely and SSD. Not so much for work or business, but to load windows and games faster.paradox226 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would by a 240 Corsair Force GT for my latest build.aznchum - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking forward to Ivy Bridge to get that performance boost over my q9400.bznotins - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Most excited about a new fanless HTPC!aylak - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Give me my cheap HP Touchpad I couldn't order.Marlin1975 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Could use that on a new HP AMD Llano systemShortyZ - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to a new 30 inch HP LED backlit LCD monitor.bobbozzo - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I want to get a tablet computer, for general web use @ home.WeaselITB - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I agree with several other commentators on this -- an SSD (or two) is in my future. From a business perspective, my work is just about due to cycle me into a new laptop and I'm going to try my best to convince them to go for an EliteBook ... :-)OctaneZ - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A HP Microserver N36L, to be used to gain experience with the ZFS storage system.DaveX - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
HP TouchpadRead books on it
Slmblck - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Like someone mentioned earlier I would probably use this to upgrade the Envy 14 I've got with a nice performance ssd. Great laptop but an ssd would make it incredible. Thanks to Anandtech and Hp!Aikouka - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm mostly looking forward to upgrading my mobile device. Overall processing speed isn't that bad, but what I'm hoping for is better connection options. With the web becoming very media-centric over the past decade, cellular data rates have barely kept up with demands. It's especially worse with the fact that brochures and spokesmen seem to refer to the theoretical high-ends, but us consumers realize that we're almost never going to have perfect conditions.I'm mostly hoping that even though signal quality may not change, getting a fraction of 20Mb/s is far better than a fraction of 2Mb/s!
The benefit that I'm hoping to see is that I won't feel as "tethered" to my land-based connection.
BrownSound - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
It would probably be towards a blackmagic Decklink Studio for HD and SDI video editingSpartan10590 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm in desperate need of a new monitor as my previous one is lying on the floor next to me, completely unusable. I'm hoping to be able to purchase one soon, but like you're typical college student, I simply dont have the money for one. I'm an engineering student, so when it comes to dealing with things like AutoCAD or my dips into Photoshop on the side, the bigger the better.Plyro109 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm planning on getting a new monitor, as my old LCD from 2007 is getting very dark. This would certainly help me get it!NauticalGopher - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Excited about the new All-in-one PCs. Need something small and simple for a kids computer.Eletriarnation - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to getting Samsung's Galaxy S II (or "Epic Touch 4G") when it arrives on Sprint next Friday - the ability to access email and the web and even VPN into work from anywhere should give me a lot of added flexibility and responsiveness with my job, and the SGS2's powerful hardware gives me confidence that I won't feel too limited by working through a phone.Vostochny - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
New Smartphone this year, new Desktop and tablet next year.victorjake - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'd like to upgrade my current work computer to an SSD drive. Boot times would help immensely in my productivity.gomakeit - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking to replace my aging Core 2 laptop with a state-of-the-art Sandy Bridge one.aspleme - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I have a gaming desktop that I built from scratch, but I could really use something portable. If I won, I'd probably pay a bit more attention to tablets and get whichever one seemed the best option.diavetinh - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking forward to owning a ultra-slick HP ivb's ultrabookMalatar - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I most want to buy another SSD so I can have my OS and games in a RAID 0 configuration...amorde - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking forward to the Amazon tablet both for the possible free Prime shipping and reading materials through Kindle.castlefox44 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would ideally want an ultrabook with the new AMD fusion APUs.I would love the portability of a 13inch lighter device without having it give that much up.
I would use it to help me code on the go for a new game I am creating for Linux.
quagga - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Actually the bit of hardware I'm most looking forward to now is a new Lens for the camera to take some new spiffy photos.gunblade - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking forward to all ultra light notebooks that rival Macbook Air.Hopefully they will be out soon and get to lower price point with Ivy bridge.
pingpongboss - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Quad core tablets. Gonna use it for schoolfatmanJ.J. - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
what I'm most excited about this year is hopefully getting enough money to build a new PC and this $500 would be extremely helpfulbsp2020 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Or two if I win this.Taenon - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am actually looking forward to getting a fusion processor. Sure I have a powerful desktop and laptop, but the old Atom based server is aging and I want to build a new, more flexible one. I also want to have the fusion processor to experiment with OpenCL and AMD's zero copy path for APU's. This is what I do for a living, so it would be fun to see what is possible as fusion increases.starson - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
If they're ready soon enough I'd like to get some of that 28nm Radeon action. If not I would probably get a Ceton InfiniTV 4. Either way I'd use what is left over for my first SSD.qwerty45 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Im hoping to get a new phone. I still have one of those old clamshell phones and and hoping that maybe I could get a smartphone like an Iphone.This would help me be able to connect to more people and be more productive.gevorg - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I hope I can get Bulldozer for another rig I'm about to build.ajpatel325852 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I ordered a touchpad from the HP small business division, Now I have to wait six to eight weeks for it. I think winning this sweepstakes would lessen the emotional anxiety I feel.captainBOB - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
My family has a ton of digital stuff scattered across several computers and its hard to sort through it all since we don't have a centralized location for file storage.I would use this to build a dedicated file server, while i could take an old PC and turn it into one with FreeNAS i would like to build a lower power system since it will be always on capable of expanding into the future, that doesn't take up too much space.
dotheygandalf - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I want a SSD in my laptop to speed up an aging machine. While it would be nice to have a fancier laptop with a newer cpu but sometimes you have to deal with what you have and make the most out of it.Athex - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would be getting an SSD, I still don't have one yet and would love the performance boost!b7of9 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to getting a tablet....lagitup - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I think it would be nice to have one and at $99 with an android port in the works its a no-brainer.IlllI - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
yes. ssd is the future! its so much faster than typical platter hard drive. now if only they can get reliability up to par :Ptaisingera - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would like to put the $500 towards a Sandy Bridge laptop to replace my aging Thinkpad T61.breathesrain - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm wavering between and SSD and a new motherboard...I really want to get an E-ATX mobo because my case has room and I'd like the increased working space, as well as the increased possibility for expansion.An SSD would dramatically increase performance, meaning a lot fewer wasted CPU cycles-and more efficiency is almost always better.
antiocles - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
HP 15C. Awesome scientific calc.legoman666 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I want to buy a android or MeeGo phone with a hardware keyboard. I'll use it for phoney stuff as well as goofing off at work. I'll also use it for looking up hardware information when I'm not at a desk.nevergrownup - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Roll those dice!bplewis24 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Need a new laptop badly. It's mostly for general web consumption, but also for mobile productivity.drumhellar - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
In the market for a desktop now, for the purpose of starting a game shop with a couple of friends. My el-cheapo laptop is a tad bit anemic for that purpose.dnd728 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Mednd728 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A fast SSDThrakazog - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
My next major purchase is looking to be a small but powerful laptop, we'll see what comes out....kly1222 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking forward to a new 30" monitor within the next year. This prize would greatly help my purchase. The extra resolution would increase my productivity.PyroHoltz - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm mostly looking at getting an SSD for my HTPC, file server and gaming rig. I feel this will allow me to work more reliably and hopefully more quickly. Mostly I want one because I hear such great things about them.J3S73R - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
SSD. It will be my working drive, however not my main drive. I do a lot of editing of WIM files for deployment using DISM etc to customize the several images we have and it would greatly improve the speed of the process thus allowing me to be more productive.AlvinPing - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'll be getting a new smartphone (SGS2), as I am beginning mobile app development and need decent hardware to work with (and no, my ancient HTC Hero will not cut it!).Also considering a Kal-El tablet to start developing Honeycomb apps on, once I really get into the swing of things.
bkiserx7 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking to buy (3 or 4) 2TB Drives to build a ZFS file server so that all my storage is in 1 place, easily accessible, and easily backed-up.snide23 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
HDD, so I can RAID 1 our server and provide some peace of mind to myself.dieselJosh - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A portable projector with onboard speaker will likely be acquired to facilitate field presentations.diesavagenation - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Bulldozer CPU. AMD FTW! Visual studio compiling, data mining and gaming of coarse!Qmzn - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
If I had money to spend on new hardware, it would be on a lightweight 11-13 inch notebook that could run Avid Media Composer 5, if that even exists.c4v3man - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Printing out rough drafts on my current printer takes quite awhile, but if I had the ability to print out on a color laser, My output would allow me to get back to input much faster. Being able to proof faster will raise productivity when writing my own articles for my tech newsletter.RocketGuy3 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'll be needing a gigabit NIC and a new HDD to complete my build of a Ubuntu workstation. I'll be using this system both as a fileserver for my home and as a development PC to work on a facebook app that I'm building on the side, along with any other personal development projects I pursue in the near future. Doing that kind of work on Windows was beginning to be a pain, so I'm killing a few birds with this stone.an0n42 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A bit cliched after browsing the other reviews, but I'd say SSD for sure. The improved battery life for a laptop and increased I/O make it the most worthwhile upgrade in an age of cheap ram and "good enough" processors.quadrivial - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I look forward to buying a SSD. Nothing like instant loading times.4dm - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am about overdue for upgrading from 802.11G to 802.11N. My trusty WRT54G hasn't failed me yet, but I feel it is about time to upgrade to MIMO. Doing so would allow me greater throughput when transferring huge files across my VPN when working from home.pikatung - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
SSDShinobisan - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I have avoided buying an "all-in-one" printer up until now.My theory was that I would get better equipment if I purchased a printer and scanner separately. Also, if something broke I would have less to replace.
And... I have never needed a fax machine.
Two things have happened:
1) Technology is to the point where an All-in-one printer (at a decent cost) would provide the capability I need.
2) I ran out of room on my desk for my clunky old flatbed scanner.
So... I will be doing a little research, and the off to market I go.
edmccaffrey - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
An SSDhax0rkeith - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
definitely a modern MB and CPU. the 3 year-old stuff i have slows me down a bit too much.lytylim - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking forward to an SSD. An SSD will help me get work done faster since I won't be waiting for my HD to finish.manwdaplan - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I will be buying a Iphone 5 when it is releasedlncualop - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm really tempted into getting an SSD for my laptop. I'm definitely getting it to replace the 7200 rpm drive in it, which would hopefully give me a big performance boost.Hermulus - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm lookiing forward to buying a new laptop w/ HD display and SSD to replace my old Dell with Centrino processor so I can do some 3D renders, convert movies for my tablet and phone all without having to wait all night long. This will make my life so much easier. A true multitasking workhorse that will save me loads of time.colargol - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A wireless printer and an external HDD for wireless printing (duh!) and backups at home. Thanks HP!bata99 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
SSD for sure! The speed will allow me to get more done! Also will probably add another moniitor for multi taskingpabicaBill - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
SSD would be good... add to the old Mac Book Pro..visionviper - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A new CPU and motherboard!phillipefelut - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'd would buy a dm1z to complement my mpc 1000 when I'm on the road.Would really help separate my work space from my playrferrar1 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
ceton infinite tableware tuner. Going to use it to replace my cable boxesrferrar1 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
darn autocorrect. The funny part is I wrote that using my HP Touchpadnickb64 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to finally getting a new desktop, hopefully by the end of this year.I got a new laptop for school, an HP, ironically, and am starting to get more interested in photo and video editing. The laptop is capable, but I need a desktop again, as laptop storage capacity just isn't quite there yet and while performance is good, heavy stuff does tend to get the machine rather warm thanks to the quad core CPU. I need more power to drive a big screen, and the laptop doesn't quite have it.
I'm thinking about getting an SSD for the laptop or a tablet at some point as well.
k2340 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
If the 4TB internal hdds come out and are cheap enough... I need a huge space upgrade for my server.kartikjayaraman - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm really looking forward to buying a new laptop this year. My older one is so outdated :(mavere - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Really looking forward to getting a Macbook Air or Ultrabook'esque laptop in the near future.I already have a decent laptop, but I find myself only carrying my iPad even though I can't do as much on it. A machine like the Air would combine both the portability and usability needed for work on the road.
txlonghorn - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Going to shop for a 10" tablet. Don't have any real use for it, but sure is convenient to check email ans couch surfing. Smartphone is just too small for my old eyes.wollyka - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A new smartphone with a screen >= 4 inchVSpeck - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A new TV. My current one is so busted I'm embarrassed when others see it.toms98pc - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Need a new laptop for the wife so she does not always need to bump one of the kids off.vtx1300 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking forward to replacing 1G with 4G RAM sticksIt should enable all the VMs to run much faster
El_Capitan - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
HP and Dell are competitive in their 30" IPS monitors, but winning the gift card, I think I'd pick an HP 30" 2560 x 1600 IPS Monitor. :pDavid5534 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to getting my 1TB hard disk because i started doing youtube commentary's and the avi files are huge. So this is going to help me out tremendously because right now i can only record a little under an hour at a time before i need to start rendering out parts. As you can imagine it really sucks having to stop playing a game every hour and render out parts for about 3 or 4 hours before you can jump back into the story. With this new drive i should be able to record for about 4 hours straight if need be which is going to save me tons headaches.ellory - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking to get a Kindle. Hoping to read. And it will help in business by enabling me to have my reading with me when I travelLtGoonRush - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm really looking forward to a new videocard. I'm using Crossfire Radeon HD 4850 512MB right now, and while it's enough for most games, there are times when Crossfire doesn't work (such as windowed mode) and 512MB isn't enough VRAM for modern games at 1080p plus. I'm thinking of getting a Radeon HD 7950 or maybe the 7850 depending on how they actually turn out. I'm really looking forward to the simplicity and reliable performance of a single, fast videocard. Ideally I'd have something fast enough to let me do triple-monitor Eyefinity since I've accumulated a nice 24" 1920x1200 widescreen and two identical 1600x1200 Dell 20" LCDs, and it would be cool to give gaming a shot at 5120x1200, but that may be a bridge too far for high-detail gaming with AA.blastingcap - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
for speed and reliabilitydeadflare - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
i want to win plzjhh - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Not that $500 will go far, but a storage array will help with virtualizing my servers. Selling products on a physical server is so last decade. But, I'm not quite ready to put all the data in someone else's cloud.sidm2k11 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking to get a galaxy s ii soon: this will replace my current phone and netbook.Black1969ta - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I too would like to buy a Tegra 3 (Kal-El) Tablet, I would like it to be like the Asus Transformer, (with Keyboard and Battery Dock, but only about 13" and have a Dedicated GPU present in the Dock to actually play games on it. I'm thinking something like Thunderbolt (Lightpeak) for the interface.JMS3072 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A Socket 2011 processor and mobo.Rocket321 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm most looking forward to getting a 10" Tablet to use for web surfing, e-mail, e-book reading, and netflix/video streaming.nosillyid4me - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Would have liked a tablet for the portability to do browsing, email, light productivity work.Maybe the spinoff will resurrect the tablets.
If not perhaps an ultralight laptop if I find myself $500....
aldoe - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Most looking forward to a Thunderbolt dock to support high speed interfaces (USB3.0, Video, etc..)Hoping to allow Apple and MS products to utilize the same accessories.
prickly - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would like to get an DQ57TM with i5-650 as the base for a new file server that has better power consumption that my current 4 year old hardware.I need to do more research but with a pico PSU this looks like a great setup for either ESXi or a file server.
Djjug - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Bowers & Wilkins MM-1 speakers.I heard them, I loved them.
No pair of speakers come close to the sound without a subwoofer.
Their power signature is minuscule at normal range. Less power = more $ I'm saving in studio.
thestinkinggenius - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would like to get me a NAS device (probably a dual bay Synology), so that I can have reliable backups.TehKyosho - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am waiting for Nvidia's new video cards to come out. If they came out this year, I'd totally buy one but it looks like I'll most likely have to wait until next yearKougar - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'd have to say I'm most looking forward to mobile Ivy Bridge chips for the power savings these "tri-gate" transistors are reportedly bringing. I'm eager to finally replace my 2005-era laptop and an Ultrabook+Ivy Bridge solution looks perfect from what I've seen so far.As for what I'd do with it, it'd be my main laptop for traveling... mobility, battery life, and build quality are important but gaming is solely reserved for my desktop. An ultrabook or similar Ivy Bridge laptop fits those needs perfectly and should make covering events on the go much easier.
David5534 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Sorry if this is a double post, i'm having internet problems and i cant find my first comment so i dont think it went through.I'm looking forward to getting my 1TB hard disk because i started doing youtube commentary's and the avi files are huge. So this is going to help me out tremendously because right now i can only record a little under an hour at a time before i need to start rendering out parts. As you can imagine it really sucks having to stop playing a game every hour and render out parts for about 3 or 4 hours before you can jump back into the story. With this new drive i should be able to record for about 4 hours straight if need be which is going to save me tons headaches.
Sunny129 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Well its tough to just narrow it down to one piece of hardware when it comes to improving my business. That being said, I plan on piecing together a workstation that's built for 3D rendering and presentations (mainly using autoCAD and Google Sketchup - I'm in the custom cabinetry business). I would imagine the most important component would be an nVidia geforce GTX 560 Ti to drive the 1080p T.V. that we have in the conference room. And I suppose the next most important component would be an SSD for quick file transfers, both random and sequential (this would be for the heavy rendering programs, and not a boot drive b/c I really don't care how long this machine takes to boot up).Eric
shorteeee7 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would buy a soundcard because on my 4-year old Dell laptop, the sound doesn't work. I am going to fix it up so I can finally listen to things. Sounds on a laptop/computer are extremely important.churchgeek - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I have 2 old CRT montors that I still use but would love to get a couple of nice 24" LCD monitors instead.yuriylsh - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to buy a new laptop for my wife since her current one becomes really outdated (it's the first generation of Intel Core pocessors, 1.6 GHz, DDR 2 and all other "good" stuff), furthermore the buttery holds like half an hour at most. It's really time for a new one.RealNinja - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I agree with the initial comments that an SSD would be a nice purchase; however, I am looking to get a housing for it, also...a new laptop with a nice new SSD within. I know that $500 isn't enough for that, but it will make a nice start.twkatadin - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
SSD + more memory for me to speed up my computer - especially when running eclipse.phil42 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
my disk is going.i hope to use the new disk that i buy with my visa gift card to prevent data loss :)
Ratman6161 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A 24 inch LCDGhostClocking3 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
After your review of the OCZ RevoDrive 3 X2 960GB i must have it. It makes my RevoDrive look like a baby and a grown man shouldn't have to feel like a baby even if you GF forces you to dress up as one for a weird sexy fantasy.kcnnine - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I plan to get a touchpad for watching movies and TV shows, and also for viewing/editing photos.NGneer - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking into buying or building a central home server for storage, backup and remotely accessing files. I currently have an HP desktop, laptop, MF printer and even an old failthful HP 32SII calculator (go RPN!).wribbs - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm hoping to have some sort of 3D device by the end of the year. Whether it's a laptop, tablet, phone, TV, or something else remains a question.Sivar - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm most looking forward to work buying an SSD for my laptop.I plan on installing Windows 7 on it and removing the laptop's standard hard drive.
It will help in my work because it will significantly reduce wait times when loading programs, restarting, and applying updates. The combination of the already slow laptop hard drive (all laptop hard drives are slow compared to same-generation desktop hard drives of the same relative caliber) and the large performance drop caused by enterprise anti-virus software leads to long waits for any task involving disk I/O. I've already installed an SSD in my work desktop system and noticed wait times for similar tasks drop to about a third of what they once were.
SARS - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to buying an HP Touchpad or two once they become available again. I missed out on the earlier firesale due to all the hoarders and resellers. From what I've seen, the HP Touchpad with WebOS proves to be a great mobile internet browser, with surprisingly competent e-mail capabilities--exactly what I'm looking for when on the go!Doctor_T - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would definitively want an SSD and another 1 (or 2) monitors.The SSD would increase the start time of everything on my computer - making it extremely fast and reducing wait time by a huge amount.
I would want the monitors as it would increase the usable screen real estate substantially - letting me do more at one and just have more things visible at once.
gbbarsing - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Hoping to buy a 7" tablet and remote into my work PC via VPN.bikeohio - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'd love to have an ENVY laptop and all its hardware innards. It will help mesh my personal and business life in ways a netbook cannot! Thank you for the chance to win!sagar@anandtech - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I do photography and need a good powerful laptop with me so that i can edit my snaps on the go.A laptop with core i7 quad core processor, AMD graphics card and good storage would be good for me.
OMGkragnor - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
The piece of hardware I would like to buy most this year would be an ultrabook or similar ~11.6in ultraportable laptop. I am a full time student who also works part time as tech support/comp repair for a local shop. The small size and lightweight while still being powerful is very important and having to lug around my current 15 inch monster is killing me.maluterp - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I think this would give me the most performance for buck.cdoubleu - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Need terabytes of space so looking for a big NAS.LeTiger - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Getting hooked up with a good NAS for increasing ability to work with files over different computers while doing things around a small office. Currently mostly use email, not the best for large files...ituggle - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
SSD for my home rig. Still looking at tablets and waiting for the iPad2 killer.Venom450 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
great for upgrading from some old techokko321 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Come on my turn now : )littvay - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Given the faith of the HP, I won't list the 64GB Touchpad. Though I am really enjoying the $99 one.I am a University professor and another department is launching an iPad program. Given that I am one of the computer geeks around I was consulted closely. We are trying to push the boundaries of iPad in education. Unfortunately, I technically cannot benefit from this as I am in a different department, but I feel like I'd have a lot to contribute. I an not planning to drop my own money on an iPad. Maybe if I won $500, I would do it. (Or at least an iPod.) I have not used an iOS (iPhone OS) device since the 3G and I sold that when I got my Nexus One a year and a half ago. So I am totally dumb struck when I get iOS questions coming at me now from colleagues. So I supposed I am waiting for an iOS device and I'd help make the pilot program better.
In general the prospect of Ice Cream Sandwich, new iPod (3G?), iPhone 5 all sound very exciting. And I really-really hope WebOS will be resurrected somehow as it is probably my favorite platform. Now with all these pads in people's hands there could be a viable ecosystem out there. But investment in the platform needs to come soon. And HP does not create much confidence in developers that they need to keep focusing on the platform.
I feel I am digressing.
funwlinux - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I will use it for nearly every information related activity I perform. I plan to replace my laptop with this phone for nearly all personal and business needs using the webtop and citrix receiver.nikbaj - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm hoping to get to invest in a big display. It will really help me with my programming that I do both for fun (yay Project Euler!) and also for my research as a graduate student. Right now I have a laptop that I'm using and it would be great to be able to have lots of things side by side, something I can't do on a 1280x800 display very well. :Dbghowell - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
SSD for my desktop! (well and a new mobo, processor, ram, and GPU)....but the SSD!Actius - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A new smartphone. Most likely a Windows Phone.twin - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Need a new laptop for homeaznofazns - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Though I'm still using RAID 0 hard drives, an SSD is not top priority for me. My boot times are sufficiently fast and I don't need faster application load times yet. The main thing holding me back, though, is still price. $2/GB for high end SSD's is still too much for me.The piece of hardware I'm anticipating the most is actually a new motherboard, the X58A-OC. It's fairly affordable now and will offer me more CPU overclocking potential than my Sabertooth X58. It also has a great color scheme that matches my build, and includes spaced out PCIe slots so my top HD6950 can finally get some breathing room above my 2nd one.
nickersonm - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to upgrading my GPU once the next generation of products comes along.ucisilentbob - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Yay for HP Moving forward.narbeh - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I really in need of changing my 5 years old laptop that i some how keep it alive and using its last juices, that would be a great help.wyliecoyote - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking for a new video card. It is way past time for an upgrade.cparka23 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm hoping for a new LCD monitor. I had a DELL SPVA monitor for ages, and it's been pretty nice. Now, I'm looking for a Mini DisplayPort monitor to go with my laptop. Still waiting for that one model to wow me at 21-25" range.tom_yellowblue - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
My old Core2Duo machine is showing it's age when working on pictures.JTK21351 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm really looking forward to Kepler. I know that it's not going to launch for sale this year, but I've decided that my next hardware upgrade is going to be to Kepler. No reason to upgrade to anything else for now. I'm going to be using the new GPU(s) for the same things I do now... folding and gamingSCshooter - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm really looking forward to getting an i7-2600k to power a dedicated folding box.smvarma - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I want to get the new Blackberry Bold 9900. Waiting on AT&T to release it. I want to use it with my Blackberry Playbook for work purpose when I don't have access to WiFi. Also, its specs are much better than my previous Bold 9700, so I won't have the current memory related issues.wsume99 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
My current laptop is limping along. I have a HP laptop at work and I like it. I need something that I can load photoshop on (i.e. i5/i7) and do some editing on the road. A new laptop sure would make life easier.UnlikelyKiller - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Significantly speed up application startup.kmmatney - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm most looking forward to upgrading my processor and motherboard. I'm looking forward to a fast quad core system, to keep up with the next generation of gamesV-Money - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would like to upgrade my Nexus one to a Nexus Prime. I think it would go nicely with my new touchpad once I can get Android onto it :-)Godlier - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking at getting a new motherboard to build a new long overdue system around. :Dbrjames - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to buying a new SNB desktop this year. I've been with a laptop for a couple of reasons for the last 4 years or so, and it's getting about time. As somebody who likes to play around with machine vision applications, the boost in performance over a Core 2 Duo laptop should be impressive!jankyscoes - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'd put the money towards a new gaming pcDiosjenin - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I could do with a high-capacity SSD to replace my laptop's hard driveENOTTY - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm talking about something like an Aeron or one of the Humanscale chairs. A bad back will kill any fun you have at gaming, programming, etcDragonNOA1 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I just bought a blu-ray burner to enjoy movies and evaluate it for backup purposes for the small businesses i support. I plan to get an SSD to see just how much faster it is and if it will speed up my daily computer routine.navyac - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking to upgrade my PC with SSD hard drive, more/better ram and possibly a new printer. Definitely look forward to having a peppier PC that will allow me to edit and print family photos for my loved ones easierSaffleur - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
That's what I really need to do is set up a server or NAS. Being a small business owner it is important to have that as we are expanding and I would definitely need access to those files home or away. It would allow me to use a lighter notebook while traveling because all of it would be hosted.After reading the recent Anandtech article on storage I'm ready to do something I've been putting off for 5 years.
sky2002 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I want to get SSD for my Macbook Pro. It will help speeding up many applications.GeoBoy)SU - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'd buy a Win7 based tablet computer. In my job as a teacher, I would use the tablet to take attendance in our online system, use VNC software to control my smartboard computer, and have it available for kids to give input on the smartboard w/o leaving their desks. The Win7 part is critical, as it allows seamless integration into our Active Directory system, etc.dudde92 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
probably an android tablet or a nook colorunclben - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Ironically, I need money to replace my Pre, now that HP flushed webOS down the toilet.xeni - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'd like to get a tablet.flacoman3 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
This moolah would go towards a new laptop to render with. Architecture majors need big power for big renderings, so wimpy laptops won't do!ichow23 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I want a HP Touchpad for Christmas!halff - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
count me in!FangsDad - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
My PC is 7 - I could use a new one!godl!ke - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A new graphics card...exclusively for Battlefield 3.tester42 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I can really use a new all-in-one printer. Mine is on it's last legs and I spend more time fixing it than printing.kashiedin - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm waiting for bulldozer consumer chips from AMD so I can compare with the i7. I'll pick up the winner and use it to do some rendering for clients.tdelco - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Purchasing Razer Blade towards the end of the year. Hoping to play the latest games while still testing the backdoors!Bolas - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I want to change from a single monitor setup to a triple monitor setup at work.That would enable me to open different programs on different screens simultaneously.
I need a better graphics card and a couple additional monitors to accomplish this -- and possibly a better computer.
Sadly, Bosch doesn't seem to provide a standard hardware solution for multiple monitors, although we do buy from HP. Maybe this is something that we can improve upon?!?
Che - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would love an ssdblahoink01 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking at grabbing a six core processor for a small rig. Due to the inadequate field budget for sales, I'll use this platform as a demo system to host various product related VMs.wisque - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking to invest in a WHS 2011 box for media storage and backups. Memory kits and SSD's for my laptop and PC/TV are on the list too.egotastic - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Yes, great post, and look forward to the win wth my fingers crossed.ken88 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Most looking forward to getting an SSD. I'm going to be doing the same things that I'm doing now, but hopefully a lot faster.kumquatsrus - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
i would like to have an hp touchpad to replace my aging laptop.egotastic - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Want to get a large monitor and a new intel chip, with no news on AMD's Zambezi release for consumers.
SpyCrab - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I hope to buy an SSD later in the year for quick speed for my PC.jeffkz - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Not looking forward to buying anything, unemployed.Would be nice to win.
mpo - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
My laptop a defective graphics chip (yeah, I'm not the only one, there are lots of models with the same problems) is starting to show signs of impending doom.At one time, it was a problem once a month. Now, the graphics issue pops up once a week.
Hey, this is an opportunity to get a laptop that is more portable, has better battery life, and runs cooler than my old one.
GottaZoom - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking forward to adding a small server to our new business!bobbyh - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
i want a new video card ati 7000 seriesNam Khuong - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I don't play video a lot but if there are some spare cash I'd like to buy a new graphic card and try out some of the new games.joshery420 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A graphics card. A new GPU has always been my favorite part of upgrading my computer, and this year is no different. :Dgassyjoe - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Even though I didn't win any of the tablet give aways I'm still looking forward to getting one this year. Hopefully around BF there will be a good deal on an Asus Transformer or even a Galaxy Tab 10.1 so I can pick one of those up!Sailor23M - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking to buy a network storage solution for my small business and a printer which I can share over the network as well.harbin - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
That I want to put into my laptop. It will speed up the system.s1175290 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
take the plunge and pick up an Android tablet. They just seem so cool.Syllabub - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would like to get a new CPU and solid motherboard. That money would go a long way towards getting a nice quad core CPU plus a MB. A 2500K with a Z68 based board would be a good solid build foundation that would handle everything I do for years to come.nixon788 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking forward to the AMD Bulldozer 16 core. On a quad socket system, that gives me 64 cores of virtualization awesomeness. With the unlimited core restrictions of vSphere 5, this will make an extremely powerful yet cost effective virtualization platform.Jettubby - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
SSD drive, Video Card, and Wacom Tablet for photo editing.drjlaw - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A few battery slices for an Envy 14 would be nice.BlueFlash - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
First up, a larger screen. Screen prices have fallen and for the complex work I do, that would have the best ROI, even though I already have a 19" and 17" dual screen setup. If budget permits, a new desktop box for faster CPU + GPU for complex AI calcs & visualizationsanjivmshah - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
an ultrabook of coursearizonan - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I will buy a Lian Li full-tower case and a Seasonic power supply to build an Unraid home server. Need a media server and something to back-up files from other 4 computers.ARoyalF - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A 4g phone which would make tethering my laptop more pleasant.LKO - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Our old PBX system needs an overhaul. 500 would be enough to get a small-form-factor, energy efficient PC to replace the ancient hardware it's running on now.skarydrunkguy - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to picking up my first wireless router. I've always been a huge speed freak and bandwidth hog and while I've used wifi at various coffee shops and airports and whatnot, my house is hardwired with cat5e in every room (yes, even the bathrooms). I've never felt that the convenience of wifi was more valuable than the loss in speed. This year, however, with my acquisition of a tablet "computer" that doesn't have the ability to be plugged into the network in any way except a docking station (which is unacceptable imho), I will be investing in the fastest N+ router I can find. While I may not use it for any of my actual computers, I may try it out with my lappy to see how the rest of the world lives as far as slowass internet via invisible cords goes...lightsire - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
My old x1800XT isn't holding up as much as it used to! Plan to pick up dual 6950GTs soon, which will be used for work since I make videogames in my spare time.ssssss - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Would appreciate it greatly, and appreciate AT daily.crumja - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
hopefully that's enough to buy a few touchpads on discount! It'll help in doing office work on the go.ssssss - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
..... it would come in handy.freezervv - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to getting an HP laptop.Afaik, they're one of the highest quality and most stable brands.
wldfire - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Having missed the boat on the initial firesale, I'm hoping for a nice shiny new TouchPad at some point this year.. I'm thinking it would prove quite useful at accessing as-built drawings for our facilities while out in the field so that we can find out what pipe leads where..Jambe - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
The SSD in my desktop is fantastic; one for my laptop would be great! It'd load Illustrator, Painter, Photoshop, etc much quicker and make loading and editing large documents therein much quicker.xxtypersxx - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm going to buck the SSD trend (did that upgrade recently) and wish for an 80 Plus Platinum PSU over 800w in capacity, this would be the gift that keeps on giving.rlink - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
And a whole new computer to go along with it :)Current hardware is aging...
Will be using it for software projects.
syclonix - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I will be purchasing a new quad core Intel Intel Core i5 2500K Processor. From the reviews I've read online, it seems like the best bang-for-buck enthusiast processor, not to mention that it can be easily overclocked through the BIOS using a P68 or Z68 chipset motherboard.maharajah - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
SSDs on all boot/app drives.Bogdobbler - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
It's long past time for a new build, so I am looking forward to many new pieces of hardware. Lots of people talking about ssd's; I will definitely be using one of those, too.jtv - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
would love to get an ssd for my work machine, just a small one for a boot volume.peterphile - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
for meeeeDigobick - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I actually just started looking at the HP ProLiant MicroServers, because I'm looking for a nice Windows Home Server box. It'll be so nice to consolidate all of my documents, pictures, and videos on one machine.Spacecomber - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm afraid that my dual core, conroe based computer with a 8800GT video card is getting too slow to keep up with the latest games. Unfortunately, this will probably mean a complete upgrade (motherboard, CPU, video card, memory, and OS (since I'm still running XP)). I'm not sure if this upgrade is necessary for me to do more work. It is more for its entertainment value, since I'll probably pick up BF3, once I have the hardware to run it. (I finally got around to picking up BF BC2 a few weeks ago, and I've been playing that lately.)MLSCrow - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Hi. This is my entry for the prize. I am most looking forward to buying a motherboard this year. Once I get it, I am going to replace my broken motherboard so that I can finally have a working desktop computer again. With that, I will be able to do all kinds of stuff again, but I'm mostly looking forward to playing games again. Thank you.anandreader106 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Gotta go with an 24+ inch LED HP Monitorguardianzwill - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am most looking forward to buying an n9.DawnII - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Definitely would want an ssd, need some performance enhancements!crunch888 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
sign me upthanks
jill495 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'm most looking forward to a SSD.Grebuloner - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'd put it towards a six core SNB-E CPU/MB upgrade cycle is in and I want power.What I'll do with it? Game, code, Photoshop/photo editing, distributed computing, file serving.
Won't help much at work...maybe some custom programs to demonstrate math concepts to my kids (teacher FTW).
hsiehinator - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
itd be awsome to get 500 bucksKenneth2011 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
A SSD drive would be nice, but I would probably buy the processor, motherboard, and memory for the new desktop build I am thinking of building, if I can afford it.... Which $500 would go a long way towards making possible!AirAlex - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'd put it towards an AIO touch screen!curum - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would like to buy an SSD this year.rudder - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Trying to get an Asus eee transformer for work. Smartphones are a little too small for ssh and other similar conectivity and a laptop can be cumbersome in meetings. Plus i can sneak behind the server racks and play angry birds.Velfie - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would definitely get an SSD, the decreased boot times and load times would be very nice to have. I would probably want to get one that is at least 120+ GB but at this time not having one is a huge drawback and i would take w/e i could get. Hoping when i built my next computer i will be able to afford one. Sadly my job doesn't use computers :/wrosecrans - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
The hardware I am most interested in getting is a Touchpad tablet off eBay. The primary use will be trying to make HP employees cry. Aside from that, an SSD to use as a framestore cache drive in my primary Linux comp workstation.pericyclic13 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I think it's time to add an SSD to my Macbook Pro, and also get an optibay adaptor to ditch the optical drive.LordOfTheBoired - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I'd get a new SSD. I've got a 30GB Vertex.I like it, but it's too dang crowded.
I will fill it with games. And possibly even play them.
roc3 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I've been wanting to try a google tv box to replace my xbox 360 (fan noise is way too annoying). and an IPS panel monitor to help with photo editing.limestallc - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
i need a new gfx card or maybe an ssd or maybe a laptop. one can never decidelatenightdog - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Hey, I'm a one man business who could use some more HP equipment.dougarcher - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Gotta keep up on all the college ball, right? - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Looking to buy an HP TouchPad when they release the final batch. I'm looking to install Android on it.hawkeye_wx - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I need a completely new desktop, bad. I'm using an Athlon XP with 1 GB RAM and a GeForce 3... and I can't stand it anymore. Productivity stinks when I have to wait and wait and wait and wait everytime the computer bogs down(which is quite frequent).MadMan007 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Yeah, that's right, I don't have a smartphone too bad you aren't making them any more HP :( This would help me simply with communication and organization with true portability.The other possibility is a nicely built, sufficiently powerful for basic use, moderate price ultraportable-ish laptop like the dm1. oops, HP is trying to sell their PC business :(
I might have said tablet (because I don't have a laptop and would want one or the other) but they were a no-go at $400+ for all-around decent ones. Fortunately I did manage to snag a Touchpad, so thanks for dumping it after a whole 7 weeks HP! I see it as a nice and simple portable very basic computing and entertainment device that's more comfortable to use than a smartphone.
jigglywiggly - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
560m in my laptop needs moar performanceMGSsancho - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
got tons of stuff in a mini case, maybe ill get a bigger one, we'll seeJustinhub2003 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am in desperate need of new tech and have been strapped for cash because I am getting married in September and my Fiance has totally drained my "new tech" funds. Boo to thatdanielmorris - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would buy my first ssd and a pair of headphones. My hdd is rally starting to slow down and my headphones just broke. i just wonder what ssd i will get.ccgenerals - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
another hp touchpad so i can put android on it. hopefully i can play more graphically intense games on it that don't work well on my phone.Rhodenator - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
what piece of hardware you're most looking forward to buying this year. SAN/Hosts/Software for VDI PiC. What are you hoping to do with that hardware once you get it? Create a VDI PiC. And if applicable, how is this piece of hardware going to help you in your work or business? Work smarter and more efficiently.chrisprcr - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I need a new CPU and Mobo.Aisorik - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Iphone 5. Have a 3GS, owned a 4 briefly and fell in love with the display. I'd use it for reading science fiction .PDFs (Doctor Who/Faction Paradox -related) and texting myself so people think I have friends.InsaneScientist - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I would absolutely love to get a tablet for school. Being able to take notes on the go without having to lug around a laptop and have electronic versions of books would be a Godsend!GuinnessKMF - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
The piece of hardware I'm most looking forward to getting is a large multi-touch display, I would put this money towards developing a LED LLP table, similar to Surface (except I cannot afford pixelsense). I would like to use this table to develop applications that I could use for work, but more for hobby development.genedude - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I will run simulations at work with a new workstation, hopefully with a new Nvidia Tesla 28nmtgm33 - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Would love an SSD to pump some new life into my three year old MacBook Pro!ramanathanal - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
I am looking to buy a wireless storage external harddrive... this way i can backup wirelessly and automatically and can also access it from anywhere...Spittle. - Wednesday, September 7, 2011 - link
Video card for sure. It'll be used for gaming, other fun stuff and absolutely no work.SonicReality - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
IF by this year you mean within the next 12 months then I'm hoping to build a new computer when ivy bridge comes out. It would be really nice to not have to use a 6 year old copmuter when doing my CS homework.jimmul71 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'd like to get an ultralight laptop with about a 13" screen with the prize money as an upgrade on my netbook so I can get more work done easier.elzahir - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm looking to pick up a 10" tablet, mostly for reading pdfs and light browsing and note-taking, so I can pare down the shelves of reference books and systems manuals.howardluo - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to getting a tablet, probably an Android tablet. Aside from being a really nice gadget to have, it'll also help with getting everything organized. It is easier to access than a laptop on the go yet it has a more usable/readable screen than a smartphone. I can easily use it to read an ebook on the train (really annoying doing that with a smartphone). The battery life is also much better than a laptop and less of a hassle to use than a netbook.softdrinkviking - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
buying a new monitor with more screen real estate.for my work, i need to read, type, view web pages, and all sorts of things at the same time. i can work more efficiently with more space.
adlai - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Yes, HP, an Apple TV is on the wishlist. Wireless control of speakers would be pretty sweet, especially if you've ever had a laptop yanked by a headphone cord?Reflex - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Planning to acquire a two socket 2U server, either a SuperMicro or a HP Proliant. I host websites on my business class connection for several friends of mine, and the infrastructure I have now is getting dated. Looking forward to moving to a hypervisor on the proper hardware to enable better sandboxing and multiple virtual servers.nategator - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
It's gotta be a Sandy Bridge CPU based system.nategator - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I can't wait to enjoy the speed in, well, everythingcriddar - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Input creates Output = "Garbage In Garbage Out" right?So the piece of hardware I want to get for business this year is a powerful, small sized PC that can run the service that feeds my (soon to be launched) website Xygnal. It's an AI-driven news site.
zachj - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I want to buy a new PC--I'm still on a core 2 duo from 4 years ago that was only mid-range when I bought it. With all that newfound horsepower I will retire my current box as a file server and new box will assume daily desktop duties.BXSlot - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
SSD for photo editing!grazapin - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
If it's not too ginormous I'll get a Nexus Prime to replace my cruddy Optimus T. I'm in the field a lot for work and I've found my smartphone to be indispensable for the technical work I do.mmaestro - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm after something that'll let me take reading materials about for studying purposes. Whether it ends up being just a tablet, Kindle plus tablet, or Kindle plus something else I'm not sure.Elixer - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Going to go with a nice laptop that has a decent gfx chipset for once.Oreokal - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I am looking into a new graphics card for a multi monitor setup, likely an ATI 68xx card. Also even though I don't use it too often a b&w laser printer, inkjet costs are too high and my color laser has run low and the cartridges are too expensive to replace.nerdyrockstar - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Looking for a drawing tablet, or a tablet pc suitable for drawing.Stanand - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Definitely looking forward to a new low-cost, energy-efficient microATX motherboard. I'm thinking either Brazos, low-end Llano, Cedar Trail Atom, or Sandy Bridge Celeron.I'm hoping to re-use most of my existing hardware (case, hard drives, optical drives, etc) and use it for pretty much all of my basic home needs that don't need much CPU or GPU performance (multimedia, web, email, VOIP, office suite, basic photo editing).
As far as work or business, I guess much of my "research" on the internet helps increase my knowledge of work-related subjects.
IceSt0rm - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to getting the new NOOK Color - perhaps, if the rumors about a color e-ink type display are true. Why? I do a lot of reading and want something I can stare at for hours. I also want something I can root and customize/put the files and books I want on the device. While I'm not working I am currently a student - so it would obviously help me by allowing me to consolidate some of my text books onto one device. Also e-books are easily searchable and bookmarked, so they are preferable for studying situations.gmulert - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to getting an SSD (well, and a motherboard with AHCI support to allow it to stretch its legs) so I can install my OS and most frequently used applications on it.furfoot - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Looking for a SSD per Anand's remarksantef - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I want to build a new computer this year and probably the most interesting piece of that build will be the SSD. I plan to use it in my daily system and I think it's going to make a good few tasks much more enjoyable.Ki11erHyde - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I want to get a larger external drive, at least one large enough so I can image my hard drives to.red_dog007 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
my newegg shopping cart is $1500. could use a little help hp!petelobl - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
We would love to upgrade our occasional photos we send and crispen our regular printed material by using a color laser vs current inkjet!metalSHOCK - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I've been stuck with a dumbphone for much too long. The days of talk and text are prehistoric now and I need to catch up with the present times. I'm looking forward to purchasing a smartphone in the future, sooner than later. A smartphone would allow me to stay in contact with important people almost on a constant basis through email for the most part. There are other ways to stay in contact, but when I need to access my email instantly, I will be able to. I'm sure there are other neat tricks and apps that will let me streamline my future business.millak - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
looking to get myself a netbook and not have my commute be as big of a timesink as it is now with nothing getting done.poonworthy - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
great giveawayaislepathlight - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I would love to have something was convertible laptop like the ASUS Transformer, but actually able to do and of the productivity tasks of a real laptop. So hopefully Windows 8 will be good enough to make this happen. Or maybe any tablet at all that let you run more than one application at once so you could actually multitask.I just want to be able to sit on the couch, and read the Tubes, and then IM with my GF, and then when its time to work, plug it in to its dock, and put some Matlab code together. Which I can't do currently do.
Blaze-Senpai - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
-hands ticket to driver-Or maybe I'll get myself one of those there tablets, but I see the SSD being more useful since I use my laptop a lot more s:
leonlee - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I really want to buy a NAS unit to centralize my storage needs. I'm a big believer in networking and hope that this will simplify my storage priorities in the future.Thanks HP!
mmshah - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I need a new tablet, a Windows 7 one to replace my old one. Pen writing is required and Android ones dont support pens and the 1 or 2 that do are terrible at pen inking and too small I require a 12" or bigger screen.furarri - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm hoping for an ssd to decrease boot times and speed up my computer!DarkNeutron - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I am looking at getting a laptop computer. I am currently a graduate student in computer science, so how I will use it is simple: development, presentations, and reading AnandTech.Reikon - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I need a new laptop because I just broke mine.Nesrie - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I am starting to peak at parts for a new build, and the SSDs are looking funchunxiaohan - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
hope the price of ssd will go downDrew_CR - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to buying a Blu ray burner. I will use it to watch Blu ray movies as well as back up data. I suppose it will help me to back up all my work files as well.l1o2l - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
SSD, graphics card, or new monitorinjinj - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
A laptop with sandy bridge, 16Gb ddr3, 512Gb SSD, and NO DVD!! It must run a Ubuntu/Fedora distro without losing wifi, sleep modes, sound, and other major driver issues.I would load it up with about 10 different Linux KVMs: several RH and CentOS, a SuSE, several Ubuntu, a WinXP, a W7, and maybe a WinSvr2008. This would help me test and run nearly any combination of software.
Stas - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
would be nice :DVinny DePaul - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Since I have my computer on all day, I want it remains cool when it is not use but able to keep up with the workload when needed to. It will help to save energy and AC bills.aarondeep - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Im really diggin the new HP business line notebookshallmarkt - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
It's a common sentiment here, but I am also looking forward to getting an SSD for my computer(s)!Ecliptic - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm interested in getting a tablet. When I travel, I'd like to have something thin and light that I can take with me.nenforcer - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Would love to purchase a HP Integrity Server running HP-UX as an upgrade to my existing Sun Microsystems server! Will make a huge performance increase in database and web serving applications.kleinwl - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Definitely getting an SSD this year. Everything else about my current machine is old - 939 Optron 160 with slight overclock. I will be replacing it once Ivy Bridge comes out, but to give it a quick shot in the arm, the SSD will become my main drive. It will help both personally and professionally, though I expect the computer to mostly be used for posting to facebook and the like. Never the less, it will allow me to do HD video editing that I've always wanted to do so I can have some home movies. The current raided hdds are just too slow.KommisMar - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I want to buy a big, fast SSD before the end of the year. I have to use VMware constantly in my line of work and waiting for virtual machines to boot up and shut down from a mechanical hard drive probably reduces my work output by 10%.randomw - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Would like to pick up an Android tablet this year.moiaujapon - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
if it exists... macbook air 15"jewie27 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm going to buy the next generation AMD or Intel Processor depending on what comes out first. Along with that of course, I'll need a new Motherboard from Asus and some Corsair Ram to go with it. I will be using this new hardware for a liquid cooled gaming machine to run the latest Direct X 11 games in Nvidia SLI and 3d Vision :) Although I won't be using this gaming machine for work, it will relieve stress after a long day at work :)Caeric - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I just need a new computer all the way around, and this would go a long way towards that. If I had to choose a specific piece of hardware, it would probably be a SSD or a video card.brollo - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Waiting for the next generation nVIDIA GPU to come out.gspence2000 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm looking to get an SSD for my desktop. I spend 10 hours a day writing software on it; speeding it up would save me a lot of time.Meghan54 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
An ultraslim laptop would be a boon to our business. It'd be the ultra portable we've been needing.flexcore - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Pick me. I could use some new gear.sligett - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I want to get an HP ProLiant DL165 G7 server this year.PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWERS! Itty-bitty living space! (movie reference)
What better way to explore virtualization and to move my clients off a hodge-podge of servers.
roxz72 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I would upgrade my old PC -- New mobo, CPU & RAM (FX-60 is still in use)Phee23 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Looking at purchasing another Touchpad. Keep making them HP!plext0r - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I've held off on Sandy Bridge so far, so I'd buy a CPU, M/B, Memory combo and update the PC.jim_jones - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm gonna get me one of them CPU's for my puter!dijidiji - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
An SSD sure would be nice.tl60 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I want to upgrade to a 24" IPS monitor..dpearceMN - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
i7 computer! Buy or build is the question.bejones - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
going to jump on the bandwagon and say another SSD, running a z68 setup with a 60gb ssd accelerating a mechanical drive. not bad but would like to go pure SSDAnonononomous - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
So I would get a quad core to replace the tri core I have now.kovachms - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I am looking forward to getting an ultrabook. I've held off on getting a new laptop, as mine is first generation Intel Core processor, battery is dead, and I'm back in school. I want to be able to stick around campus and work on school and work without worrying about using the campus computers or staying too late.arthur449 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
We'll probably be purchasing a few monitors and a new workgroup printer for our small business. I've been happy with our old officejet in terms of reliability with minimal maintenance, and (relatively) inexpensive large ink cartridges, but we'll be looking into a laser-based network printer/scanner going forward.emarston - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
This years upgrade will probably be a new video card.dewatcher - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
As others have stated: SSD for the win! But, I also would use it to get a new laser all in one.martinpm68 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Definitely looking forward to upgrading my smartphone. They're the perfect combination of "useful for business" and "useful for my personal life".Suaave - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I would like to get a SSD withon a new laptop,combined with usb 3. Always looking for the latest gadgets.Suaave - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I would like to get a SSD on a new laptop,combined with usb 3. Always looking for the latest gadgets.TechMaster52 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
As with most of the folks I agree this would be a fantastic way to pay for a new boot SSD for my laptop. I have a dell XPS 1730, and although it is only a dual core, I think the biggest thing I could do short of a new laptop is put in an SSD.Tarvaln - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to getting an HP Tablet. I mean these things look- oh, wait. Nevermind. Probably a new motherboard I think mine is dying.BOLt - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
new video card to go along with bf3 and skyrimcmonnnn $500! baby needs a new video card!
dcohen32 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I want to get a smartphone. I have been holding out due to the data plan charges $30/month on Verizon, but hopefully it will be very useful, especially when traveling.andy9o - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Of all of the parts in my aging computer that need replacing, the most exciting upgrade is an SSD. Never having played with one before, I'm very interested to see what it can do for my boot and load-screen times.abhaxus - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Definitely want to get a tablet this fall. In fact, I want two. One for my living room, and one for my nightstand. I feel like in a few years they will be everywhere.CU - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I would like to get an SSD. Time to remove a big bottleneck.r3d33m3d - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Thanks for the dream ...Red Dawn - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm definitely going to get an SSD for all my computersshermanx - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I am definitely looking forward to owning an SSD this year. also I want to upgrade my laptop's RAM to 16 G.douglaswilliams - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm ordering a new laptop tomorrow, but I'm specifically most looking forward to getting an SSD. When I get it, I will just use it as I do my current laptop and HD - for normal routine work at the office and home. Since we have so called "business sensitive info" on our laptops, the whole HD must be encrypted. Currently, when a virus scan runs it cripples my laptop because it has to decrypt the entire HD and scan the entire HD. No productivity can take place while this is going on. I have high hopes that the high read speeds of an SSD will help with this process!Shelnutt2 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I think I'm ready to take the plunge and buy a color laser printer. We already had a b/w one but for the few things we need to print in color sometimes its getting too expensive. $500 would go great toward a laser printer + left overs.seferio - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Looking forward to Fusion laptops. Hoping for something thin and light. Think ultrabook, but with Llano instead.xSuperCruzx - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Been waiting for these AMD chips to come out already! I can't wait to build a new rig so I can FINALLY upgrade!ogboba - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Looking for a new laptop (ultrabook) and using it for working remotely and my real estate business when I'm on the road.Hayest - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I would buy a replacement charger for my HP laptop, the head is almost completely broke off.I would then buy 3 small SSD's for boot drives in each of my two laptops and my desktop pc to increase productivity by decreasing wait time. I use all of my PC's for engineering simulation and calculations, Folding at Home, and some gaming when I have time. The SSDs will help in all of those areas and the charger will help my HP laptop gain its reliability again.
godlyatheist - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
SSD to upgrade my 3 year old laptop is mighty goodgoodsyntax - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
As others have said, I too am in the market for a new SSD; however, I am more interested in getting a MFP right now.I know MFPs are commodities, but I'm hoping that HP does some real work integrating WebOS into MFPs so that they can tackle OCR, scan to email and other functions available on Enterprise class hardware.
I'm looking to digitize all my bills and an auto-duplex MFP that can scan and OCR would be terrific. Currently, I have a Fujitsu duplex scanner and a server which I wrote an application that monitors incoming PDFs and OCRs them into an output directory on my network. It would be a huge asset to have a single piece of hardware that is easy enough for my wife to figure out but powerful enough to do OCR and duplexing without taking up the same amount of space as a chest of drawers.
Other cool features of a higher-end, consumer MFP would be fax preview (so I'm not constantly wasting paper and ink/toner), saving faxes as PDFs on a network folder, scan and email to distribution lists, option to cache last 10 print jobs, so I don't have to open a file to print a second copy.
Frankly, while all of these features sound high end, a simple dual core ARM processor (like the one in the Touchpad), coupled with some memory and a basic OS (like WebOS), could make these things easily attainable at a fair price. The biggest stumbling block is the software and if HP has hopes to get into enterprise software like they claim, this would be a good step in that direction.
The biggest problem I have with the current crop of MFPs is that while they do integrate scan/fax/print into one device, they are usually pretty bad at all three, and to do advanced things requires a computer/server that runs a bunch of poorly written, third party software.
I don't think I'm asking too much for someone to integrate a small 5" or 7" touchscreen (again, see Touchpad), with a capable processor (dual core 1.5Ghz is fine for most things, again Touchpad), a fair amount of RAM (memory is cheap) and a decent OS with good embedded software. It's silly to have a MFP which requires a server to do OCR. There is enough computing power in smartphones to do OCR, why can't a printer do it natively?
KCMOVIEBUFF - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
looking forward to getting a 2TB external hard drive with USB 3.0 to speed up by backups.dowant - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I need a new laptop for dev purposes.Current MBP (2008) is okay, but going back & forth with Win7 using Parallels is just a pain (still get activation issues).
nicecupojoe - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I would build a pretty sweet file server with this. It would be interesting to see what I could build with that budget.richardginn - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I like alot.Wolfhere - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I have an SSD on my laptop, and the performance improvement was dramatic. I've love to get one for my home PC as welljaydee - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm thinking about a Bulldozer upgrade!Kelemvor - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Wish I could find a Touchpad for $99 but since those are gone, I'd take an android tablet for sure. $500 would be the perfect amount. :)Denithor - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'd love this, I never seem to win but worth a shot.:)
Saidas - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I just did a new build for my home office PC including an SSD so for me it will be a third monitor to accommodate my increasing number of running programs.engrpiman - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I am looking forward the buying the Amazon Tablet. I need a device that allows me to check email at work and surf the web. My work foolishly runs an open wi-fi connection making this easy.I am also using the amazon cloud for data storage and have a kindle. The Amazon tablet looks like a perfect price point and integrates the features I need / use.
Assuming the Amazon tablet is priced at $250 I might use the extra cash to pick up an HP printer. Our HP printer outlasted the Xerox printers.
GotThumbs - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I agree with many of the posters here. I'm looking forward to adding an SSD to my system. I have one at work and its very snappy when opening up SQL Server, Toad, or Excel. These are the most common programs I use daily and the SSD had made a huge impact. The only upgrade from one SSD would be to have Two in Raid.Thanks to HP for recognizing Anandtech readers and providing a great prize.....although an HP Touchpad would also be appreciated. Sorry to see then discontinued so quickly. My first tablet-like experience with with the Palm Pilot.
elsenored - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I will be looking to buy a NAS or build a file server for my wife's company.LurchUSA - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I am mostly looking forward to purchasing a HP all-in-one, laser printer/copier/scanner. I am hoping to appease my wife with this new hardware.The hardware will help me immensely with my everyday life, as it will make my wife happy, and she will (I hope) stop verbally assaulting me because our old Epson all-in-one ink jet scanner is dying, despite her being the one whom ran the Epson unit into the ground printing 800 page essays on it for her school classes.... but Nooooooo, she has to blame ME for it crapping out. Bloody crappy Epson RUBBISH!!
wildman! - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Have several netbooks in the house. Time for a wireless printer so we don't have to go over and hook up the usb cord every time we want to print something out. Want an all in one printer/scanner/copier too.jrtroo - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Great promotion. I would help spur the economy though either a tablet or purchasing a ssd or two for our most used machines.isorashi - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
They may be a fad, but I'm looking forward to getting one of the ultrabooks coming out in the upcoming months. Specifically, I've got my eye on the U300s.lordneptune - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I would like to get a new video card, possibly, for my main PC. But, also, the prospect of getting a larger SSD would be nice, as my main, 30gb one for Windows 7 boot is getting smaller and smaller on free space.joref - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Of course I will get a LaserJet printerDarksurf - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Since I can't afford a blade server with an Opteron 16-core I'm custom building my own Full tower and plan to use the Bulldozer 8-core processor. I do miscellaneous computer work, such as data recovery, fix computers, build machines as a side job. I really work at a college and use my computer as a linux guinea pig for all types of experimental ideas. It being the only machine I have, I expect a lot from it all at once.nchrzan - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Looking forwards towards an Amazon tablet, or if that doesn't live up to the hype a windows 8 based tablet in the future.thornburg - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Looking to update my outdated desktop.jimmy27 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Higher quality LCD screens are what I am hoping become more common. That way I can afford to buy a greater variety of laptops that will fit my needs. I have a Macbook Pro with a high resolution, high quality screen but I don't like the Mac OS and bootcamp kills the battery life. Give me more options so I can work and play in high-quality comfort.folklore11 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'll take one of the new nvidia cards coming and a SSD.... If I were made of cash. Also, a HP Touchpad if you are out there listening HP?SandInMyShoes - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
As many others have mentioned, I am hoping to buy an SSD before the end of the year also. Storage is currently the bottleneck on my computer.mbarnes202 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Having just built three new systems, my next hardware purchase will likely be a wireless networking printer.jeff29414 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I need a good color photo printer capable of at least 11x17 (would like larger) for doing art and portrait photography. $500 could accomplish that for me and allow for some nice paper as well.dtebben - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Hopefully HP doesn't exit the consumer electronics business too quickly. I'd like to get a couple of dm1z's for my kids for school. (psst, HP: $500 would really help with that purchase!)prubinst - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
This is a great giveaway - Thanks Anandtech.prubinst - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
BTW - I would get an SSD if I could afford one. Thanks again.rockchick2325 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'd like to upgrade my graphics card. That's what seems to be holding it back the most. With a new card maybe I could try some new games.unhuman - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
SSD or Memory - makin my puter faster!IvanKaramazov - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I too hope to purchase an SSD this year, and I can't wait for the increased boot times and generally faster performance.Davros - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Now that I have joined the tablet community thanks to the Touchpad liquidation, the next hardware piece for me would be a large capacity, but portable MP3 player with some quality (though may have to settle for a 32GB Cowon J3 with a 32GB microSD card inserted). If SSDs would drop in price a bunch more, I would put that on my list too.stym - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
would be a nice replacement for my anemic netbook!Terzo - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I really am looking forward to Bulldozer, though every quarter I lose faith that AMD will actually release it this year.Whenever it comes out, I expect it to be a great boost for transcoding video. Wont do much for my job though, as I rarely take work home and what I do take home isn't going to benefit from parallel computing.
db4williams - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm waiting for AMD's Bulldozers to arrive. I plan on getting one to build my next PC around. The PC I have now is over 5 years old so I figure it is definitely time for a new system.ramvoo - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Me! Me! Please!legallink - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
While SSD's are all fun and games, what my company could really use is a nas. Currently everthing is stored local with cloud backup, but to have it stored Local, then on a NAS and then with cloud backup would make sharing and collaboration that much easier and faster, thereby cheaper for clients, especially with a document intensive work flow.kenyee - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
They're finally fast enough for the amount of money you pay for them...$2/GB for 500MB/sec drives :-)Skarn - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'd like to purchase a notebook that has a keyboard where the arrow keys can by found by touch, with space around them rather than being place like they were just another key with something immediately adjacent on all sides. If it has a numeric keypad, that keypad should send scan codes AS a numeric keypad and not as the top row number keys. The mousepad/touchpad buttons should be at least a quarter of an inch back from the leading edge of the system, and the system should have an enthusiast mobile video card in it, such as a 6970M+ or 560M+. I am aware of no hardware available that meets my criteria.This unit will be used for gaming. As I'm retired, there are no relevant work uses.
Scorpion611 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I am waiting for the prices to go downNanophys - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'd probably outfit my ThinkPad with a second hard drive (ultrabay), because while I love my SSD, I'm a bit crimped on space. This would allow me to reinstall an Ubuntu partition, store more files locally, and spend much less time on space management. This will definitely help for the next few years of classes and research.kfitch42 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I am spoiled with a crazy fast computer at work, my home computer now feels like molasses going uphill in January. Especially when I see that HDD light stuck on for several minutes.ushpuppy - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Will be using the SSD for Video production and red hot boots.accolite - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I will be looking into getting a better large photo color printer or maybe even a large scale plotter, not sure yet.commandoinaction - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Recently got a 3G android, no need for 4G yet until they fix the radios, plus the areas I travel to do not have 4G. In a business case, pc's are fast enough and SSD's doesn't really "boost" productivity. Computer is always on and I'm not running crazy applications which require fast load times. A tablet to pair with my smartphone would be great to have. Considering on getting a laptop but I don't need the full functionality or the heft. Why not use a tablet to remote into the office computer if need be!johngartrell - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Living out in the middle of nowhere where my internet options are: dial-up, satellite or cellular; the iPad2 would make online research so much simpler. Looking to improve my programming skills, and being able to do more regular research would sure be nice.unclechicken - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I am looking into building or purchasing my own NAS for media streaming, automated central backups, and file storage solutions. This would dramatically help with backing up all of my PCs and simplify streaming music/videos to multiple devices on my home network.Crota - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
SSD and for faster load times on all my company PCs.Hermetic - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I am very much looking forward to purchasing a newer, more powerful notebook computer.
This new notebook computer will not only run standard business applications more quickly but, far more importantly, allow me to run more Virtual Machines for demos and testing.
jensend - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to building a new system, and the heart of that system will probably be Llano (especially if there are more conclusive indications that there will be at least one Bulldozer-based upgrade - one model of Trinity would suffice- available in the FM1 socket). It will replace an old P4 system which sees a lot of use, and it will simplify things for family members trying to get work done at home.Diesel Donkey - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Like everybody else, I've thinking of getting an SSD.aggroje - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Hoping to get either a netbook or nice tablet and keyboard to help my wife with her school/business. She needs the portability, but also needs to type. Probably a netbook.Flipper34 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I was looking at a tablet to carry with me for checking in on our network. Beats having to carry a laptop and is an easier screen to see than a smartphone.SPizzi - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I am interested in getting an HP Wireless Printer All in OneWillhouse - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I"m thinking about getting a whole new rig soon, but the piece I find most intriguing is the SSD (like others). II'm sorry if this is repetitive, but it would probably be the biggest contributer to overall faster OS operation.cobra32 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Would love to get a 30 inch HP monitor, this would really help in getting one. Would make a great monitor to watch my stocks on to buy and sale. I would also love to see my games on it.MichaelD - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm hoping to buy an HP tablet should they build more.cpt.bananas - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Trying to narrow it down: either a home server or NAS. For storage, of course!Mercdoc - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
If input creates output for you HP, here is my input. The hardware I am most looking forward to buying this year is..... NOTHING. After my previous encounter with HP support over a piece of ram, I can see NO use of using any of your products if getting support leads to total frustration. So I see no way that any hardware from you could help me in my work, business or home. Support is the ultimate follow up to a quality product, if that is what one is selling. In my case, HP product support was found lacking and most frustrating to deal with. That laptop has been my last HP product purchased and I still pass along to folks to NOT buy HP if you want quality support. Hopefully there will be some good output.icrf - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I bought an SSD already a few months ago, that should hold me until Ivy Bridge, or failing some giant surprise, Bulldozer.The only thing I've bought (or tried to buy) is a TouchPad. I do hope I get that by the end of the year. The office is already decked out with HP gear (a pile of 6560b laptops and a pair of Z400 workstations), so the most work-related use I can think of is making sure our new website scales well to tablets. I found a nice link[1] on CSS media queries that should help. I could also use it to pull up information during meetings, but let's be honest, I'm probably just going to use it to read tech blogs on the couch during commercials on TV.
spe1491 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
In need of a new laptop soon, old one is getting pretty beat. a 15.6 with a current gen i3 would be nice. mostly personal with some home office/small business usagewarforge00 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Hopefully the HP TouchPad 2 :)Actually I'm looking at getting an SSD or a NAS for backup storage.
muigleb - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I really want to buy a touchpad this year. once i get one i plan to use it to browse the internet, i would have also liked to have one in hopes of doing a little programing for mobile platforms, but that probably wont happen.mwmccormick1 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I think this is the year to finally spring for a Windows OS based slate/tablet. The automation I design and troubleshoot requires me to lug around my beastly laptop. It's beastly due to the huge battery I need. I hope the slates will give me the battery life I need without the immense wieght.Sometimes I have to pry my fingers from the laptops due to extended holding periods.The software I require will only work on Windows, and I require a USB port. There are other benefits as well but that is the primary justification.
laytoncy - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
This is great to hear from a company that just made the day of tons of folks by cutting the price on their Touchpad. Thanks again HP.tasona - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm mainly looking to do a ram upgrade on my hp elitebook that i use for school (computer programming major) and side projects, includeing web design and program codeing. With all the buzz about SSD's i wouldnt mind trying a smaller (less expensive) SSD, just because i find it hard to believe that the they could be worth the money. I'd be very open for my mind to changed though, 500$ visa gift card could definately get my foot into the hypothetical SSD world.Bobsy - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Hello, I would like to purchase a SSD and install it in my office laptop. This will make it possible for me to continue working when the antivirus scan kicks in.dh2020 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
...assuming they're available by the end of the year.Sansnombre - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Looking for one of those new, sweet Ultrabooks with an i5 . . .Bownce - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
>what piece of hardware you're most looking forward to buying this year.HP Touchpad with 3g or 4g connectivity
>What are you hoping to do with that hardware once you get it?
The same great things I'm currently doing with my WiFi 32Gb Touchpad but without the limitations of (only) WiFi hotspot access.
>And if applicable, how is this piece of hardware going to help you in your work or business?
In the word of The Who, "Going MOBILE! Beep Beep!"
simon.marcus - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Anandtech correctly notes that switching to an SSD is almost always the best way to speed up basic tasks on one's computer. I'd put the money towards an SSD and, maybe later, a thunderbolt NAS.kstan12 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I would buy a core i7-2600k & over clock it so I can encode videos faster.NonTechi - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
470 decrease boot times for my dual-boot Win7/Snow Leopard box.aesthetics1 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
The piece of hardware I'm most excited about is the Ducky Shine mechanical keyboard for home use. Since I started using a Das Keyboard at work I can't live without it anymore at home. It simply makes typing (what else do you do more, besides clicking maybe?...) a complete pleasure. I feel like I'm more productive and accurate at work and I hope to carry that home with me.I will mostly code with it, but I'll do a fair amount of gaming as well.
jeffk65 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to SSD upgrade as well. I do a lot of work with images in Photoshopand will benefit from the speed boost of SSD storage. More speed equals more
FTL_Diesel - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
One of the unlocked Core i5s - my current CPU is getting a little long in the tooth.Suntan - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I would get a NAS. Mostly for automated backup storage of digital files.-Suntan
RustySharpie - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Looking forward to the new line of video cards coming out soon. Once I get it, I will most likely turn up all the graphic settings on all my games including BF3 that is coming out soon =Dchungy999 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Planning to buy a new phone. Been eyeing the Galaxy S II. Might wait a bit more and see what the new iphones are like. Hoping to waste time on it on the way to work (bus).jeffy2010 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
this is great, need something else to compliment my TouchpadJadesNet - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Im getting an SSD in about a month. Can't wait to see how much it improves performance.haley2011 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
need a printer for schooljeff11 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Hope I win onecuppm - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I know I'm a bit behind the times, but a dual monitor would be nice. I have a large 23" now that gives lots of room, but it just means I make my Visual Studio bigger. Would be nice to have a second one for documentation or other things while developing.kdttaz - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I am hoping to see an Amazon tablet in my hands in the next year to leverage my Amazon Kindle & shopping experience and do web/email/apps without having to root like the Nook.asgallant - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to buying the next-gen EEE Transformer tablet (assuming that it is packed with an nVidia Kal-El Tegra processor, those are looking pretty sweet right now). I would use it as a replacement for my ancient Pentium-M based (single core!) laptop.Scott_T - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I use it for digital paintinggrshore - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm about SSD.jtallen123 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to buying either a new graphics card or a tablet this year if I can. There might end up being a few others items that end up higher on the priority list though.rtfmx9 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I am looking into SSD array in RAID0 configuration. This should give amazing performance boost in everything I do on my PC - booting, loading programs, installing software etc.I wish prices of SSDs and controllers would start coming down already...
BigLeagueJammer - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
My PC I just built is too loud. Looking forward to getting some new fans. PCs, like children, should be seen and not heard.AlphaVortex - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I have been stuck with the same C2D Intel CPU for years! I need a budget to upgrade all the components in my machine, and the Visa Gift Card would solve that dilemma for sure.It goes without saying that a quicker machine would help with my development work in Eclipse and other projects with QuickTest Pro (QA Contracting).
tophy84 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to purchasing a new router so I can get the most out of my new laptop's Bigfoot Networks wireless-N card. I'm stuck with an old G that's constantly going out on me in the middle of work, where I do data entry and telecommunications over the internet.nhilyna - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
SSD has been on wish list. The price has gone down but counting on black Friday for a good deal. Would love to have one as I have heard good things about them.JeBuSBrian - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
crankshaft. My PC has needed one for a while.StickyIcky - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
PLEASE!mikemcc - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I plan to get a tablet of one kind or another. I am tired of carrying around a notebook all the time with a bag and everything else. Just having a tablet is going to increase my productivity quite a lot. I'm also planning to get tablets for my sales staff because I'm convinced they will also see an increase in productivity.stsh0502 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Wow every one seems to want an SSD... I spose if I win I might have to get one too!prius56mpg - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'd like to get a tablet, to allow for checking news, weather, email, etc from the couch without having to power up the big PC. Sadly my order for the HP Touchpad was cancelled, so I'm still hoping to get one sooner or later.director_mr - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
While ssd's are cool, they don't make anything look better.gameworm2 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm most looking forward to a GPU upgrade. While my 5770 is still a very good card, it's creating a bottleneck for my overclocked i5 2500k.Compddd - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Looking forward to a new graphics card on 28nm from either AMD or Nvidia :)donebu - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Amazon tabletgeek4life!! - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I am looking for a solid laptop, that will help me in school.LocalPeddler - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
For me it is definitely time for a new scanner and printer combination. I have cut back on the amount of space available for my home office and am in need of an upgrade for both pieces of hardware. Since combination products are the status quo - it is time for me to move in that direction. I look forward to not having to feed one sheet of paper at a time into my printer (it has worn out and I am too lazy to get it repaired). Should make me more productive while operating from home.preslove - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm really excited by all the ultrabooks coming out. If the Lenovo is nicely priced I'll pick one up.Mamapajama - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Samsung's recently announced 7-series tablet. Looking forward to a Win-tablet w/ decent touch controls to handle inventory/invoicing for my business.Milkybuet - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Looking into an huge External HDD and a RAM upgrade for my laptop.rsjet - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I hope to buy a new smart phone to replace my aging Incredible and a SSD for the new laptop I just purchased. The laptop will help me run my company's webinars flawlessly and the SSD will help me with the load times on heavily used applications. The smart phone will be useful as well, but it's 'smart' functions will be mainly for personal use, not business.relphie - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
ssd makes all things fastowbert - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
winjcsburg - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm with a lot of the other people who are saying that they will be upgrading to an SSD in the coming year. I've been waiting for the technology and its issues to flesh themselves out before I jump on board, and I think it's finally about time. I just wish the ~256ish GB size drive was in the $250 range instead of $300+! As always, thanks Anand for what you do. Thanks, HP, for the great prize!one random winner - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Probably upgrade my GPU, the one I have is long in the tooth. It won't likely help what I do but it'll make the downtime that much better :DBabyBear - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Should be giving away more Touchpads. :')sqlbaba - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I will be doing some application development (4th Gen languages), MSSQL/Open source DB development, OS/Application trials and testing in the next couple of years which will require me to run multiple VMs (atleast 3 VMs excluding host Windows 7).For fun, I will be browsing a whole lot of web, photo editing, and fantasy league.
To accomplish all this, I will buy a laptop that has:
Atleast a quadcore processor with hyper threading,
2 HDDs (OS, Program files on one drive, Working (code) files on another)
DVD drive
Good L2, L3 cache (6MB or more)
4x8 GB memory
15.4"/17" monitor
Full size keyboard
Good heat sink/fan system
BT 3.0
eSATA port (this is where all my VMs will live)
I tend to believe in the phrase "looks can be deceptive".
Koulikov - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm going to be getting me one of those 8 core Bulldozer's! Go AMD!kamiyo - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
time for an upgrade!tumbleweed - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm most looking forward to rebuilding my main computer with an SSD for boot/applications. Everything else is an incremental upgrade (faster cpu, more ram, newer video card, etc), but that one item should make a huge impact on everything I do. I use my machine for everything from just surfing the web, to editing my photos, to freelance work.silat - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
An SSD would be a great addition to my system. I am looking forward to faster boot times:)falx - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I would use the $500 Visa for a new video card and storage HDD. Just in time for Skyrim!lesled - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm preparing to build a whole new system to do... _everything_.Actually, expecting to focus on media development - photos and video - in addition to coding.
seadrg - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Looking forward to a refreshed 13" MBP with discrete graphics, fingers crossed.Basilisk - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
which will replace the current 42" model as my monitor!GrJohnso - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
After a recent system upgrade, looks like a small home server with DLNA would be the ideal hardware purchase this year. Another way to manage backups for my photography and music and let me display or stream it to the TV on the other side of the house....Bummed though, had an HP Plasma TV, but had to replace it this year... Gave up the ghost.. Guess that's why HP got out of the TV business.. ;)
roemer21 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
The big hardware I am looking forward to this year is a new laser copier/printer. My old school machine is about ready to kick the bucket, and a new copier would really help with cost reduction over the long run. I'm hoping to save hundred's a year will really help as every dollar counts on the bottom line.lesled - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm preparing to build a whole new system to do... _everything_.Actually, expecting to focus on media development - photos and video - in addition to coding.
Flagrant - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I just built a new PC. Still have the old HP monitor L2335 (?). But hope it dies so I can get a newer HP monitor with less lag.abcarlson - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm in for a laptop this year.AndresB - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Memory ram, to make larger architectural renderings. More ram will make me able to handle more complex models, like trees, grass, furniture, getting better results for my clients.agordon10 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
My 3gs has no battery life, looking forward to using my runmeter on long runs.Bownce - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
How often do you DEEP CYCLE your battery? You should run it until it shuts itself down and then plug it in for an overnight recharge (airplane mode) at least once a week. You'll extend your battery life significantly that way.CDew - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
An SSD is at the top of my hardware wish list.By putting the OS on an SSD, I expect to extend the life of my current desktop and enjoy a significant performance kick!
ewhite06 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Sad to say, its a new processor for my home server. I tried to stream some 1080p MKV files and it totally collapsed. I guess the powersaving hardware choices I made turned out to be a bad idea.Boogaloo - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to AMD's triumphant return to competitiveness (I assume that's a word, passed spell check).eb0 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'd like to pick up a netbook so I don't always have lug my 17" laptop along with me while I'm on-call for work.WaltW - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I need a 5 GHz wireless-N card or USB adapter for my Acer E-50 netbook to better stream FIOS HD TV from an InfiniTV card.distortnx - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Looking forward to what AMD brings to the table on the new 28nm graphics node. Great for folding and just maybe gamestacobff - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'd really like new laptop especially one with an SSD. Too often my computer speed is heldback because of my crappy hard drive.Ankurkh1 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I am waiting for an ideal tablet (preferably X86 based) which can have the snappiness of the iPad and openness of windows.zerohour92 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm definately looking forward to buying a gaming laptop assuming I can manage it on a college budget!joetekubi - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'd buy 5 HP tablets ;-)odditude - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I've been totally spoiled by the SSD in my primary machine, so the next purchase will be an SSD for my laptop (a CULV Core 2 with a mediocre-at-best hard drive).hobbang819 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
A tablet or small light laptop.Oberkanone - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Smartphone and SSD are on the list for the next year.Smartphone more integrated and efficient access to data and customer response.
SSD greater reliability and more efficient power use.
Maggietobias - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
New computer would be nice, current one needs significant updating. Definitely would include SSD of ~160 GB for boot/apps.Maggietobias
ven1ger - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Teenage daughter has been repeatedly asking for Android tablet.tom032792 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I think I'd like to get one of the new 13ish inch laptops with the amd llano setup. I just want something a little lighter to carry around to school that can handle video, web, notes, and maybe light programming and gaming (major is computer engineering).I'd also love to get a new GPS, but that comes in second.
stewc - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I definitely agree SSD are the way to go, it time affordable ssd start coming out, so no more bottle necking my system.andrewapold - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
would probably get a nice shiny HP productzer0effects - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Waiting for them to be more cost effective and stablepile - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I plan on buying and extra monitor so I can see and do more at onceAnandMeat - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm definitely planning on purchasing an SSD, likely an Intel drive given their emphasis on reliability. It will speed up game load times, productivity software, etc. which should also help my wife in her work from home. Thanks for the chance to win!jalex - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
A Tablet. Just not sure which one. Would be a little better for traveling and light-weight use.palmcrash - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
A new video card would be ideal. My old overclocked Q6600 is still holding up well, but I can't say the same for the 8800GT video card for the latest games. More than suffices for remote desktop use to work though!Dradien - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I do a lot of computer repair jobs in the city I live in, and I like to give people a variety of ways to pay. I think that using Square in conjunction with a Android tablet would provide a piece of mind and an ease of business that would help me expand the options for customers quite a bit. Looking at a bill and paying it on a larger Tablet screen, I feel, would make people feel more at ease for using it.t3hmyth - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Best of luck everybodymjh215 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to buying a new desktop, I'm in IT and work from home these days as a consultant and my system just can't keep up with me...jruff3 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm hoping for a TouchPad still (missed the first firesale, hoping for a second)Googer - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I have been a big hp fan for quite some time. I hope HP keeps selling computers for a long time to come.Bees - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I hope an HP ZR24w is in my near future...opawman - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Looking forward to buying SSD to minimize waiting time during boot up. Also an efficient mid tower case to replace my aging antec case. The dream case might cool things down a lot during audio and video encoding and occasional gaming.alfredska - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to the AMD Zambezi processor. I plan to shred through my numerical integrations in my spintronics research. The faster I can pump out numbers for my various models, the faster I can pump out research articles - the contents of which will hopefully make their way into future generations of electronics components. It's all a big self-fulfilling cycle you see...HexiumVII - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
can never have enough ssdTidicus - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I am looking at getting a AMD fx bulldozer when it comes out. (got to support the little guy).I plan to use it to increase my productivity (work and for play) when working with videos, images and other programs (adobe programs can be very demanding).. Plus gaming!!
nexox - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm hoping to get my hands on a newer SSD for my desktop, since my 30GB OCZ Vertex is getting a bit full these days.dfedders - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Looking forward to finally getting a real smartphone instead of a blackberry. Will help me be more efficient by being able to access the web easier and get access to both business and personal sites.Niege - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I have gotten to the point in my photography business where it would be most efficient for me to print my own photos for sale. Up to now I've been sending my images out to a lab, and while the quality has been good, the price is not. Also, I want to be able to control my print process and use fine art papers; my customers are wanting this.Niege
notathome - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
a laptop. I have been looking for laptops with a good screen, but they are few and far between. I need something in the 13 - 14 inch area with a greater than 1080 resolution and 8 bit IPS Panel for graphics editing. And no shiny crap.gklub - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
My old inkjet has gotten to the point where cartridges are drying out almost as fast as I can install them. Between hard copies needed for my job and two kids in college with the associated papers they have to write, the cost efficiency of a laser seems like the way to go.sfdiesel - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Bring on all of that HP goodness - Invent!Dataslave - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
SSD for the desktop.I. Liveclean - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I will be buying a new printer for my son's college projects.anindrew - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm most looking forward to buying a new mouse and SSD this year. The new mouse is something I will use every single day. I'll use it to be more successful in games, be more productive on the desktop, and enjoy the higher precision and speed. The extra buttons and scroll wheel will help me navigate web pages faster, record and edit audio quickly, and win at games.An SSD is something I have wanted for a while. It would also be something that gets used every day. I'd use it to have a faster and more responsive computer system. Load and seek times would be extremely low, which would allow me to do every day tasks, play games, edit music, etc much more quickly and efficiently.
Good luck to all!
jryder - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I am looking into investing in a nice high quality duplex laser printer this year for my business. My business is focused on preparing healthy, nutritious meals for local schools and Head Start preschool centers. We print a lot of menus for families and even more accountability paperwork for government reimbursements. A good, fast, networked duplexing laser printer would be a big help in the amount of printing we do. $500 would go a long way in that direction!toemissile - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
A tablet/ereader is tops on my list, followed by an ssd.The tablet will be really nice for all the books I need as a mechanical engineering student, and an ssd for speed adobe cs, and game load times.
goyawater - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm in I want it bad, SSD is fast. I want it.Creig - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Probably a new AMD 7000 video card or a new motherboard/CPU combo for my gaming computer.Squall_Rinoa89 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Would be nice to get a 128gb SSD :)viox - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Definitely the one piece of equipment that is missing badly from the everyday "toolbox" is a tablet PC. No, no Android device or ios device but an actual windows/linux machine that would make my increase my productivity in the laboratory work. I dearly miss having a schematic next to some piece of code as well as being able to flip from ALU design straight up to Xilinx cpu architecture work. And i wouldn't even buy it new since you can find a used one like dell latitude xt or xt2 for a genius price nowadays. For a piece of equipment which costed 3000 $ now you can pay 400-500 $ if you shop smart.ddawg609 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I also love SSDAlphaZeta - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'd get a large LCD monitor for a dual screen setup.Dex1701 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'd like to get an SSD and a Z68 motherboard with an i5 2500k. I'm also looking forward to what AMD has in store in the GPU department this year, if they're able to get anything out the door by December, that is.Nemokrad - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I am really looking forward to buy an ultrabook this year. Tons of new models will be out shortly and I've been waiting for a powerful light laptop for a long time which will greatly increase my mobile efficiency.rmsharma1981 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Definitely looking to get SSD so that I can process large files for CAD worksyvelior - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm thinking that review of code & documents in groups by passing around an iPad will be fantastic.gstovall - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I have two of my children graduating high school this year, so I'll be buying two laptops for them for college. Looking forward to seeing what is mainstream at that time!I already have a child in college, and the laptop I bought for him has been both useful for him and nice for me -- he can skype me when he needs something or just wants to talk. Soon I'll have three skyping me...then shortly thereafter 4 skype sessions when the fourth goes off to college!
mj0730 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'd like to get new processor/motherboard, for the improved performance in video editing, but also the power savings over the qx6700 I have now.Sparke - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Looking forward to getting myself a new laptop. My current Gateway is starting to show its age! It will be used at work for troubleshooting network issues, monitoring, and productivity. With the news today that Windows 8 will allow Hyper-V, it gives me even more flexibility.deputc26 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
an iPad 2, while not the biggest Apple fan a single app has me going for the iPad and that is 4 Flight, for $70/year I get all the aerial charts and approach plates I need in a great user interface with active gps/mfd functionality.zephyrwind69 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'd use it towards an Elitebook to be used for the processing I need on a regular basis.xKrNMBoYx - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
uh so where am I suppose to comment to get an entryOnewing - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
LawlerboatOnewing - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
1. Laptop2. Type my book
3. Increase productivity and inspiration through mobile writing, for example, writing about a stand of trees in a forest of moss and shadow.
dabe - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
My choice would be an SSD. I would like to personally witness how it improves performance.kaz2020 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Just bought a Dv7t and a touchpad! Show me some love HP <3cougar1701 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Would like to win something. Pleasejpeckinp - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
Wouldn't mind getting a Touchpad and porting it to Android.tricon - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I can't wait to get a SSD. I want the fans to be the only mechanical part left in my computer. SSDs offer less heat, the response times are great along with the data transfer rate. All of the benefits certainly outweigh the price premium of SSDs for me.Alexvrb - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
I'm looking to get a new laptop by the end of the year. It's not something I'll be using all the time, so I can't justify diverting much funds away from a future desktop build. So it is going to be decidedly mid-range. It's mostly just going to be used for typical web browsing, video streaming, so I could get away with something much cheaper. On the other hand, I will probably want to play some games when I'm on the go.As a result, in the ~$600 range I'm probably going to get an A6 or A8. Newegg has a 17" Gateway with an A8-3500M for $610. Not bad, even though I normally don't prefer Moo Machines. If HP gave me $500, I'd buy an HP instead - even though I got burned in the past by a "Bumpgate-equipped" HP DV6000. I could drop down to a 15" model and get something in that price range with a 520M, too.
jagilbertvt - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
amd 7xxx series video card. Need it to run my 3 24" monitors w/ eyefinity.chase7417 - Thursday, September 8, 2011 - link
a new PSU and a second 6870 for CF would be my choiceRylan - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I need a new all-in-one printer in my home office. The all-in-one will help me be more productive, because scanning or copying one page at a time is just silly.jkresh - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I would get an ssd for my laptop. I have one in my desktop and after using it for a while it is hard to use machine without one, also in some ways (partially because of the constant hibernation...) laptops seem to benefit more from ssds then desktops do (though size is still an issue).C.Bergmeier - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Looking to get a new laptop, for the sole purpose of dev workseancsv - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I'm looking to replace my whole desktop system. I'm interested in getting an i5 processor and a z68 motherboard. I recently purchased CS 5.5 Web Premium and I am looking to learn web site development.lungjian - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Definitely upgrading to an SSD soon. Just rebuilt my computer with an H67 mobo (not planning to overclock, but want access to Quick Sync) and i5-2500k. With an SSD, I'll save a lot of power as turning the computer completely off and on will be almost as fast as coming out of sleep. It should make a big difference for my video editing as well by loading clips faster and eliminating momentary lags during timeline scrolling, saving audio edits, etc.tmensonides - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Excited to try and play around with hosting wordpress and need to backup my nas....kezeka - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Really looking forward to a timely release of the next generation of graphics cards and intel processors to hopefully build another desktop for the first time in 5 years. Should be fun to see how the new die shrink assists the processors. Also dreaming that power consumption of the next gen of graphics drops but doubt it.SilentAssassin - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I'm looking at getting an affordable laptop with reasonable battery life for school. This would help a lot with my in class lectures and assignments.Koflers - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Hp has always been about innovation and engineering precision. I expect HP to always been on the forefront of technology. They have too.Confusador - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I only have a budget for about one piece of hardware a year, so that's an easy choice! This year I'm looking at getting a tablet, to replace the aging laptop I drag around the apartment. That might wait till next year, though, since I'm really waiting for Kal-El...aldendsouza - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Defnitely want to get an SSD, and additional RAM.elizab03 - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I am looking forward to having a tablet so that I can be more efficient at work. There are a few other managers who have tablets and have the capability to organize their emails and work in a very productive manner. I often see them utilizing their tablets during meetings. I would love to have something convenient and small to carry around going from meeting to meeting.nebulis - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
The one piece of hardware I would love to buy this year would be an OCZ Vertex 3 MAX IOPS SSD. This would eliminate the bottlekneck that my current HDD causes. A $500 gift card would get me the 240GB one that I've been eyeing for many many monthsschokola - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Laptop. My old one is dying.Its time for the new one so I can work in the transportation.
safusu - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I'd say the piece I'm most looking to buy this year is an SSD. They weren't quite at the right price point when I built my computer, and I'm not sure exactly how well a dual-boot hackintosh system works with an SSD, but I'm hoping software updates of Multibeast will help fix any upcoming problems. Probably once I get the SSD I'm going to transfer all my Mac stuff to it and set it up in a Raid 0+1 with (hopefully) another SSD and enjoy quick boots and response.noquarter - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Touchpad would be fun if I can get a hold of one in the next batch.intelligen - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I'm hoping to get in on some TouchPad action when the next and final sale comes. If I'm not lucky enough to get one, I'll shoot for a similarly-priced Android tablet.braymeck - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I Heart Anandtech!augiem - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
The only thing I've been trying to buy this year is the HP Touchpad after the firesale last month. I went through all the hoops -- scouring the deal forums, had all my online orders cancelled, waited in the pre-dawn fog out side of Best Buy's, etc. Failure. Not a single touchpad. If I ever get my hands on one, I'd of course use it for web browsing away from the computer (my bad back makes it tough to sit at the computer desk all day), but I'm also considering looking into developing games or other apps for WebOS (even though its future is unknown at the mo.) Alas, it'll never happen thanks to all the craigslist/ebay scalpers. :(lar34 - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Looking forward to buying a netbook. I would go for ASUS but i want a 11 inch form factor more than a 12 or a 10. Looks like it will be down to HP, Apple, Lenovo, or Sony.Scalarscience - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I'm in the market for a new laptop, I need something to run alongside my music laptop (running Serato+Ableton Live) for using with Resolume...right now I have to lug along a 3 year old AMD minitower and it's TOO MUCH to setup every time! An HP laptop seen at every show I perform, imagine that =]rhorrocks - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I have HP laptops and printers and more. Never had a problem.badger.flynn - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Hoping to pick up a Cisco 2901, studying for CCNP this should really help me out.BaronVonAwesome - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I also heart Anandtech.BaronVonAwesome - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I am going to get an SSD, so that I won't have a five o'clock shadow by the time Battlefield 3 loads up.tinwheeler - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I don't have a lap top so this would help towards that goal.benninaba - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Well, I'm looking to build a desktop and get a new laptop. I've got some pieces already, but I'll be looking at a new motherboard, processor, graphics card, case and ram at a minimum. I definitely will be looking for a desktop replacement laptop for when I'm on the road and away from the home office. This card would really come in handy!!!skinnyalbert - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
SSD, would love to cool down and speed up my laptop. Thinking of pulling DVD drive for fast boot with SSD while keeping storage of traditional disk drive.joedunne - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
An SSD will speed my work laptop.Gunbuster - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I am looking forward to gettin a 30 inch monitor.lvader875 - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I am definitely looking forward to AMD's Bulldozer for an upgrade to my current AMD gaming system. It may be a failure when compared to Intel's Core i7, but it should at least preform better than AMD's current offerings. :)wasnt - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I'm looking to buy an HTPC.Zoomer - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Bulldozer, to refresh my platform and get off this horrible motherboard. It'll boost performance, let me add more hdds, and all that good stuff.Silenus - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Without doubt I am planning on an SSD within the next year even if I don't upgrade the rest of my machine.I tend to have a lot running in the background. Virus scans, local backups to disk, online backups with crashplan, google music uploads, on top of my browsing, local music playing, and photo editing. Often all this is going on at once where the hard drive just thrashes in pain. SSD would be the greatest upgrade I could do for that. In particular I look forward to getting my Lightroom catalog and thumbnails on the SSD for quicker response!
I'mYourHuckleberry - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I am looking to get a new cpu when Ivy Bridge is released! Will be used for gaming, benching, and rendering.garkon8 - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Looing forward to upgrading my video card this year. I am an IT Professional and it will definitely come in handy (it won't hurt with 3D gaming either).xSauronx - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I'd love to get a good, sheet fed scanner with an ADF and scan everything I have in paper to a PDF for keeping up with. Im very much on the anti-paper bandwagon and pdfs can be backed up, searched and stored far easier than a filing cabinet full of this, that and the other.Ive probably even got a few books I wouldnt mind cutting and scanning just to have them easy to search.
slice - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Need a new one...current one is REALLY oldThebobo - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I am looking forward to getting a good 30 inch monitor.anrk - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
macbook air! i travel a lot to meet clients for websites and a nice light laptop that is hip helps gets more clients.hagen79 - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I'm going to get a tablet once prices get sane. To be an e-reader and just for fun!Gyrotica - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I'm actually looking forward to building an entirely new gaming rig from the ground up.Planetary - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Happy on computing front -- new machine. Need to replace old iPhone & may go droid.sidharth0384 - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Planning to get a HP Netbook, which would help me with presentations as it is light to carry, compared to my current desktop replacement.xchewy2314 - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Looking to upgrade the rig. Now getting occasional BSOD.tappertrainman - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I would really look forward to an SSD, but probably would end up with a new processor and motherboard. It's tough to say, I already have a Raptor, and not sure if the SSD is worth it. I could use the computer for work and church to improve general computing speed.artifex - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
For work purposes an SSD for my laptop will be my most important purchase, so I can get loaded & going much faster, as well as less worry about durability of data.spac - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I would buy an SSD.puttersonsale - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
everyone else seems to need an SSd....i need new all in one printer for my HP cash hehe.SteveJobber - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
A Solid State Drive for sure. On top of being a huge boost to responsiveness and IO time, I think that SSD's will lead to software that takes advantage of such speeds and offers a user experience not previously practical before. As a software developer, I'm interested to see what I could do with such hardware through software.AnotherGuy - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I really like HP laptops... I wish their printers software could be a little better but i can live with it.jakymiwm - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I am looking to get a HP printer. They are awesome and I can use it to print from my Chrome Book! It will also help my wife print off stuff for her kids at school!Psychosylph - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Looking to get a bigger SSD and more memory. More speed = more productivity.Icabus - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I am just in need of a Laptop. Great for when we are undertaking all kinds of projects around the house and yard and need to look something up on the internet. Also nice to browse the internet from the couch once in a while.sghosh - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
My list includes building a home server and a tablet for my wife!Billy_Boy - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to an envelope printer. That would help our charity mailings a ton!nedjinski - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I need an excuse to move up to an SSD - this would be fantastic.random betrayal - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
1. Hardward to buy this year would be some new components to re-build the home server. Motherboard and CPU along with a new hard drive. Maybe memory.2. I will assemble the pieces to replace the old server.
3. The home server makes dead simple backups and network files for my family and wife's photo business. It takes all the overhead of keeping the network accessible and running off of me for the most part.
Mathman - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to upgrading my CPU this year. I'm waiting to see what bulldozer is like before taking the plunge. Right now my processor power is lacking, so the upgrade should get me back on track for some serious gaming.Aegis90 - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Definitely an SSD. After using a macbook air, it feels incredibly slow to go back to my PC.glindner - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I could use a new laptop. Think I can find a nice one that's >15" and doesn't have an optical drive?zuffy - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
A NAS so I can have central access to my data. This will help reduce the power consumption from leaving my PC on.araczynski - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I WAS looking forward to the HP touchpad actually, so now i'm just enjoying my ipad until the ipad3 comes out.elessar25 - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I'm really looking forward to buying a tablet. I will definitely use it at home for browsing the internet, consuming media, and checking my email. But I also intend on taking it to work so as to store reference pdf files and books on there. I also would like to see how spreadsheets will look, so that I can make easy changes to spreadsheets during meetings.straylite1 - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I really want to get a tablet for double duty use at work and at home. I was hoping to get a Touchpad as I am a fan of the OS (have a Pre and love the multitasking) and was hoping that with some refinement the OS might eventually live up to the Touchpad hardware. Unfortunately I didn't pull the trigger fast enough and we all know what happened next.... So now I am trying to decide which tablet platform will work like I do.gcomstock - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I'd like to pick up a new router and a couple wireless cards for my desktop computers to give me more flexibility in networking.etamin - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Looking for a good cpu cooler so I can actually make use of my X58 motherboard's overclocking abilities. May go with the Corsair H80 but Prolimatech has a few nice air cooled products.denyap22 - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I really need a new laptop, the last two I've had are HP's and they have been great! The one I have now is 6 years old so it's more than time to replace it. It will help me so much with my work making things more along faster, Now when I have too many windows open I have to wait for the computer to check up with what I'm doing next, this can be so annoying.jimmy_red - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Plan to buy a HDTV and receiver this year. The old 6.2 receiver and CRT TV predate HDMI. I only used the TV for netflix streaming/DVDs. Did that using s-video/spdif on the old HP tx1000 laptop that just died in July. Replaced it with a dv6 w/ i5, HD6770, blu-ray, 15.6" 1920x1080. Need the new TV and receiver to plug it in to. ...And like everyone else, I plan to buy another SSD or two in the next year. Made a big difference in the old laptop when I upgraded.briands - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
a new motherboard or an SSD would also be nicelazn_ - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Since I already did the SSD, my next purchase is likely to be an upgraded video card.quet20llcoatl - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I had been wanting to do some animations on my computer...(and have...but...)...let's say...if I were a child in...say like.... Ethiopia...I NEED A NEW PENCIL!!!
"Won't YOU help...with your donations of as little as ten cents a month to buy a child a pencil?"
...hey nevermind...I've got a whole bunch of ball point pens...and the narrowest hinge of my hand buts to scorn...dunno flying toaster ovens....oh is this the contest for HP? Yeah? Hardware?...I tried and tried to replace a power drive...once...(was ok I found it somewhere else....) know how ball-point pens come in "fine" and "medium" why isn't there LARGE...?
(That REALLY bothers me.) this is dumb... Okey-dokey. I want LARGE all colors.
Mavtek - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Hope I win!biofishfreak - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
New blog, killing, creating, buying and selling- HP is just switching things up to the nth degree!Cannyone - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I'm simply not interested in any product with an "HP" logo on it... Never Again, is my motto. I've just learned from experience that as a company they cannot be trusted.honourbound68 - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
looking to get the hpdmz1 when they update it with e-450. the laptop's portability, along with discrete-class gpu performance, is going to help me in producing/giving presentations.DoctorG - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
The piece of hardware that I *WAS* looking forward to was getting a Pre 3 on Verizon! Now thatthat plan has been foiled, I think i'm going to get a 27" IPS monitor to hook up to my new Sony Vaio Z.
wolfpackks - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I need a laptop to keep my rental business information mobile.GreenForce - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
power efficient NAS server with hot swap hard drives.want to rid off all my external hard drives laying around.
jsv35 - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
as many others have mentioned, I would get an SSD for use in my machine. I'd get it for its massive increase in performance.usuthu65 - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Photo editing a lot, so looking forward to a nice LED monitor. An SSD would be good too.Nater43 - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Well I'm going to be building a new computer this year, so looking forward to buying each part. I guess if I really had to pick one part , I'd choose the video card. Probably going to be picking up a 6950 of some sort. This is exciting because I've never really had a viable gaming rig, so it's going to be really nice!stahm - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
My first priority would be a decent-sized SSD for my main rig at home, because that's where the speed bottleneck is. I put my first SSD in my wife's laptop a few months ago, and the difference is night and day. She's thrilled, and I'm jealous...time to even the score ;-)jhpe580t - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I'm thinking to upgrade to either a RAID configuration or a faster AMD Radeon graphics card in my desktop. The RAID would be an easy way to speed up my system responsiveness. As for the GPU, I have a Radeon HD 6770 with 1GB of video memory that I'm using in a triple display configuration, but I would like to increase the amount of video RAM available for Eyefinity gaming.Baffo - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
If I get the card, it will be a toss up between a SSD or a replacement TV. ;-)PolarisOrbit - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
Probably a tablet which I would use on my daily commute for reading and such (obviously I use mass transit).supersly - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I'd love to replace my decrepit dual TFT 17" displays with a single 23" or 24" IPS LCD. I'd like consolidated real estate to keep all my tool palettes on one screen. Should result in some time savings...davidg256 - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
While an SSD would be nice, personally I would spend the money on a better backup system that can more easily keep my large archive backed up offsite, probably using mailed Bluray discs, which are now cheap enough. For consumers, online backup is just too painful over the internet given the ISP caps now coming into place.Yangorang - Friday, September 9, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to getting some new monitors for an eyefinity setup. It'll definitely make my games a bit more interesting...butch84 - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
I'm going to get an SSD or an iPad 3 depending on how much SSD prices fall. Neither are for business.jerrywd62 - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
Would like to get an updated scanner for archiving photos. Getting a newer PC for family room and perhaps, one of those HP tablets for work and play!FordGT550 - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
While my current HP w2207h still works fine I would really like a larger screen. A 24" LED lit screen would be awesome, especially if it has 3D capabilities since my new system is able to run it.ct760ster - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
。◕ ‿ ◕。nfriedly - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
I'm about to buy a new laptop next week that will be used for python development among other things. It won't initially have an ssd, but that's probably the next upgrade.EternalX - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
i look forward to buying a new SSD or a bunch of 1-2TB hard drives and a raid card. Id like to run the SSD as my main drive, and have at least 4 or 5 1-2TB hard drives in RAID5 for storage and backup puposes. I only have a 500gb as backup drive and an old 74gb Raptor drive as my main drive, so I would have to find good reason to fill 5-8TB worth of space. Im guessing a lot of pr0n or blu-ray rips/movies ;)Hope I win!!! Thanks Anand!!!!!
SlowCobra - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
As with many others I am looking forward to purchasing an SSD. They have proven themselves to be solid performers and I am looking forward to the speed boost over standard hard drives.forge8 - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
I'm in the market for an ssd and/or tablet.Hays - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
A new router, so I can connect all the PCs to the internet. It would help me greatly to be able to wire or wirelessly connect to the internet. This would speed up production by leaps and bounds :)jkeelsnc - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
I have a good printer now but I suspect it is on its last leg. So a new printer appears imminent in the next year. I would prefer a good quality multi-function printer with duplex printing capabilities. Printing would be for business cards, flyers, and other in house printing here. Additionally, scanning would come in handy from time to time as well.Harsh3090416 - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
Just came to realize that the odds are better here to win 500 dollars than wining a 500$ lottery.KKavalos - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
Given the price point of these now, they make more sense to get... Can't wait for quicker boot and gameplay experience.lsoares - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
It's cheap enough per GB to make it worth it now.jorken - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
Probably going to go with an android tablet at some point. Portability, ease of access etc are of value to me in my everyday dealings.kbp - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
take and print lot's of stuffZap - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to an AMD A-series (not E-series) APU in a thin/light notebook. So far I've been disappointed with all the 15.6" and larger offerings from various manufacturers, or the couple of bulky 14" offerings from Toshiba. Lenovo may be coming out soon with the most svelte offering thus far, a 4 pound 14" unit. I would like to see something even thinner/lighter than that, with maybe a 12.5" or 13.3" screen and no optical drive.Zstream - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
This will help with the extra trips to the office :)mmrpm - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
Gotta have the HP ZR30Wuncola - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
I'll take that visa gift cardflyingmollusk - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
hp touchpad.rule the world!
warheadwl - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
Looking forward to getting a home NAS that's low power.tc1922 - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
I have to read a lot of PDFs in my work, and I'd love either a Honeycomb tablet or an iPad to read them with.videogames101 - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
inbtmedic04 - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
I would look into getting a tablet. being that im currently in school, it would be used for taking notes during lecture and would hopefully reduce the amount of supplies i have to carry around in my backpack all day while im on campus.Taurus229 - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
SSD is certainly the Hard Drive for now and the near future. You will be impressed if you use it for your boot drive. Price vs performance is still an issue, but you can use a 64GB or 80 GB SSD for your boot drive, installing Win 7. Use a mechanical HDD for storage. I have a Crucial M4 64GB , Win 7 pro , and a 500GB HDD for storage.It is well worth the money. Enjoy it !!!
orchidlady01 - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
I will be purchasing another external hard drive, probably 2 TB, to store all my blogging info and videos. This way I can make sure to have a back-up of all my work on a larger hard drive.Mary W - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
I hope to buy a nice laptop to help me blog my way around the country on my once in a lifetime vacation. Would love a MacBook ;it's my #1 choice!truk007 - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
I would like to get the latest and greatest graphics card so I can play the latest and greatest PC games. This does not affect my work or business directly, however, I feel I am more productive after a few hours of cathartic relief attained from killing some virtual thing.Azela - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
I would use it to buy a laptop. It would greatly help me with my school work so I can obtain my bachelors degree.medirobe - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
Dear HP, I am looking forward to getting a good quality Wireless Head set for use on my computer.Recently I've been experimenting whether it is better for me to read or to listen to audio for my academic studies. I've recorded myself reading a chapter, and then whenever I want to review such chapter before a test, I just play it at 2x speed using VLC ( If I listen to it for 15 minutes, then that translate to having read for 30 mins. Its easy to understand since it is my own voice and the material covered in less time is amazing.
If I listen to my recordings for 6 hours a day, that's like having read/reviewed for 12 hours. With this system I plan to ace my next big exam.
So far I did this for the USMLE Step 1 exam and got a great score (99), failed to do this for the USMLE Step 2 CK exam and my score was definitely no where near my 1st (77). I have one more test to take, covering all the old material + new stuff.
If I could get a nice pair of head phones, I wouldn't even be able to describe how happy and thankful I'd be since that way I wont be confined to a chair all day while studying....
mortzz - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
the newest Nexus _____I'll use it the way I use my Nexus S now :p
FunBunny2 - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
is a new Samsung SSDchris_hp_gift_card - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
crucial m4 ssd. I'll upgrade my next macbook pro with it. It'll improve everything i do, Apple uses crap drives and should have switched to all ssd's instead of killing optical drives.gamoniac - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
My HP dv9700 is three years old now. Thinking about replaceing it with a 15.6." laptop with a Llano or i3 processor. Recently looked at HP ProBook, but I am not ruling out any vendor yet at this point. I will turn my powerful six-core workstation into a server, and use this laptop as my primary workstation with a docking station.SBMATH - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
I would use the money for an SSD.mike02s - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
Like other people have been saying, I am definitely looking to buy a Solid State Drive soon. I didn't realize the benefits of having one until I used a laptop that was equipped with one... The speed difference alone would make me buy one. Waiting times are diminished so much, I can practically feel my productivity increasing 50%! (Or my movie watching... but don't tell my boss that) I definitely can't wait to be able to buy one!randomlinh - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
7" webOS tablet! oh wait a sec..... I guess the new DM1 series... I love AMD's fusion, but i3 wins. Or AMD's new stuff if they offer that too. I just want more performance than "a little faster" than an atom (video aside)charlesholcomb - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
definitely need a new laptop. Speed and graphics of my old one are slooow.seojuhwan - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
me? :)bluestbell - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
yesssssssssmrd0 - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
I'm looking at getting a fast quality scanner so I can finally go entirely paperless in my law practice. With the federal courts requiring paperless filing for the most part, and the states following closely behind, a fast quality scanner will be most helpful. Not to mention, going paperless will certainly help reduce billable hours for my clients.adriangb - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to buying a Z68 build.PatrickFromSC - Saturday, September 10, 2011 - link
I'm most looking forward to a larger iPhone or a small tablet, like a 7", that I can still fit in a pocket. I expect to use it extensively for RDP access to my office workstation, as well as internet access and browser apps. Having remote access to my office PC, I can effectively work anywhere.Biggiesized - Sunday, September 11, 2011 - link
I want to buy a new GPU to replace my ages old 8800 GTS. I need hardware acceleration for video decoding and I'd like to bump up the graphics settings on more recent games.atticus14 - Sunday, September 11, 2011 - link
looking to grab a new video card to finally replace my gtx 260, SSDs are nice but still a little expensive for me to start a budget for one since i cant see myself buying under 250gb and they still seem to have problems that need worked out.santgeek - Sunday, September 11, 2011 - link
I would get a new tabletkruass - Sunday, September 11, 2011 - link
All I need are cheap SSDs.rsgeiger - Sunday, September 11, 2011 - link
My brother needs a new computer for his job. Laptop prefered. This woupd be a great help! :-)lukin - Sunday, September 11, 2011 - link
I have lots of pictures that I would like to print out!khigh - Sunday, September 11, 2011 - link
Definitely an SSD simply to speed up application boot ups and save time in the process.Fanatical Meat - Sunday, September 11, 2011 - link
Well I have many but I'd love a 2500k for a new PCash145 - Sunday, September 11, 2011 - link
I've seen an SSD in action at work and would like to get one for my home setup.mulkeyusa - Sunday, September 11, 2011 - link
Looking forward to getting a SSD for my desktop.Azmedaj - Sunday, September 11, 2011 - link
The one piece of hardware I'm most looking forward to would be the Galaxy Tab 7.7.I've gotten to play with the original Tab as well as the Playbook, and I have to say I really like the 7" form factor more than I originally thought I would. The lightness of it makes it much easier to hold for long periods without fatigue (iPad 1 and Xoom being my points of comparison), and the width makes it possible to thumb-type without needing a split keyboard.
With the 7.7 having a slightly larger display with much better specs, while still being thinner and lighter, and (gasp) actually running a tablet optimized OS... It's easily the thing thing I want to buy the most.
It simply seems like the ideal device to leave laying around the house for checking your email, looking up a recipe, browsing the web, playing the occasional game, or reading graphic novels (I still think e-ink is much better for ebooks). It would also be great for taking to prospect meetings at work, since the Tab actually fits quite nicely into a jacket pocket... I could finally retire my pad-folio.
SanX - Sunday, September 11, 2011 - link
- tablets but not that cr@ppy like hp were making slavishly copying Apple. Should be sued like Samsung. Hp is totally blind, no even short sight vision. Tablets must be HD 2560x1600 or even higher, 13+ inch, quad core, preferably windows 8 or Android. Transformer type ( to be used as a laptop too)- or smartphone but it has to be HD 1280x800, 5", quad core
- SSD but it must be PCIe not SATA to get 1-2 Gig per sec speeds when price will drop < $1 / GB
- AMD new 32nm Bulldozer 8-core chip
That high res tablets and cells will be usable even for businesses, any businesses as opposed to the current toys. you will be able to make even the presentation from them. 13-14 inch screens will finally substitute the printed journals since A4 format page and 300dpi is how most journals are printed.
SSD will be used for speeding up database.
AMD for multicore parallel simulations
Molli - Sunday, September 11, 2011 - link
....but I'm really hoping to buy an all in one printer for my dorm room. Need to be able to print and scan homework and project photos for papers.legisrex - Sunday, September 11, 2011 - link
I'd love to replace my optical drive with a Blu-ray burner this year. I'd use it to watch video content, and possibly to archive or transport files on disc.Notleh - Sunday, September 11, 2011 - link
The new generation of AMD gpu's. I currently run a multi monitor setup and am looking forward to the increased speed to assist in multimedia editing.ryko - Sunday, September 11, 2011 - link
While an ssd seems to be the popular choice, and I am very interested in the next round of video cards, I am looking forward to bulldozer the most. It has been talked about and speculated to death and I really just want to see what it has to offer at this point.matthew.kowal - Sunday, September 11, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to Thunderbolt accessories for my Macbook Pro. I'd like to get a raid-0 enclosure and be able to do editing on external drives via the Thunderbolt bus.cyberman9999 - Sunday, September 11, 2011 - link
I'm planning on getting a new cpu, motherboard, ram and psu. After that, I'm going to buy a bunch of new video games :)bluebee21 - Sunday, September 11, 2011 - link
My pc's getting long in the tooth... would be great to win the bucks and get a new one!thayden56 - Sunday, September 11, 2011 - link
Great SSDcuros2 - Sunday, September 11, 2011 - link
i'd also want an ssd to put into my computer. It'll help me in booting up the comp faster and reduces the risk of mechanical failure.SomeAudioGuy - Sunday, September 11, 2011 - link
It's new laptop time this year me thinks!It'll have to pull triple duty for entertainment, audio recording, and video editing.
$500 would go a long way towards properly kitting it out...
xijox - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
Time to replace my 8 year old PC, so of course I'll be jumping on the SSD bandwagon with this build. Looking forward to Bulldozer and AnandTech's all-inclusive year-end build guide.I picked up a Touchpad during the HP fire sale and I like it, so I think I'll try to get another one to give as a gift for Christmas this year. Hopefully the reports of additional stock from HP are true.
macel - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
Going to need a new laptop this year.tmcdon7638 - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
Can't wait to get an SSD. I'm looking to build an HTPC soon and want the SSD for quick boot times.amdme127 - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
An HP LaserJet Pro M1217nfw for my photo business that I am starting. I will use to print bills, because I just need black and white, otherwise all color stuff will come from one of my professional printing services. Also being able to wire it in to my wireless network so I can print on it from my desktop, laptop, and HP Touchpad is always an appealing aspect.flashbacck - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
tablet!Rekoj - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
I'm simply looking forward to scrounging up some cash to acquire some more HDDs to increase the amount of storage on my desktop. I've been reading into RAID configurations and RAID 10 has caught my eye because of it's combination of RAID 1 and 0.Helltech - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
I could severely use an SDD and a new HP printer, mine just went bad due to an electrical storm. :(rakez - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
i would like to get a good printer to make my own resume. at this point maybe i should just retire. maybe start a home business.7Enigma - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
Just upgraded to a 24" 1920X1200 HP LCD last week and need the graphics horsepower now to drive the screen. Thanks HP and Anand!carlsonjw - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
Definitely need a new pc or laptop. Old hardware is old. Would like something a little faster in boot up times and with processing data for work. A new HP laptop would do the trick....BrandonMills - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
They transform any machine they're installed in. I love the performance gained by adding an SSD.landenpc - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
Currently have a 4 year old system. It probably wouldn't be all that bad if not for kids installing junk left and right on it, but I'm holding out for a wipe/reinstall until I can pick up a new CPU & motherboard.svnvii - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
I'd love an SSD as well. I have an 80GB but a 256GB SSD would make my machine blazing fast. That or 120Hz gaming (for smoother game play) all the way.Quixoticism - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
My next upgrade will be to get new input hardware. My $5 keyboard has served me well, same with my logitech MX1000 which is now showing it's age in the high resolution market.I will get Logitech's Illuminated Keyboard and the G700 wireless mouse. Then I'd still have some money left over I'd probably pick up an ssd.
MilwaukeeMike - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
But want? Yes, I definitely want an SSD. :)thecoolnessrune - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
Buying a bunch of 3TB Hard Drives for a new File Server!senatorpaulo - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
Wanting to buy a new smartphone, old one died due to accident. =(tiquio - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
I'm looking into getting 3d equipment. A lot of people have been talking about SSDs and I would be on the same page as them but I already have an ssd and it has changed my computing experience for the better.Now I'm looking to enhance my experience with 3d. Prices are finally coming down and thus it looks to be an interesting investment.
Decembermouse - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
Undoubtedly, the piece of tech I'd most like to get my hands on is Bulldozer. The code name has been getting tossed around for way too many years and when released, will end an era of computing that exists inside enthusiasts' minds. A completely new architecture from AMD - whether or not this breaks SB / IB, it's going to be a momentous occasion.I would like to get a quad-core version, and spend a bunch of time working on tuning/tweaking it. First with the K10Stat software, which allows me to lower idle clocks down as low as 100MHz, and lower Voltage accordingly. Then once I've figured out good values, set them in the BIOS using dividers. With mobile Athlon II and Phenom II chips, as well as their desktop counterparts, this can really lower power consumption, heat generation, and fan noise. I hear these new processors will be more efficient than their predecessors, and am excited to test this out.
tlmaclennan - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
An SSD or new video card would definitely be useful. My desktop serves as a file server and the SSD would make everything much faster. And my gaming has been on hold due to having an older card so I could definitely invest in a better one. Thanks again HP!gerrypsu80 - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
It's been a few years since my last big build and I've been planning to do that this fall - this would surely be a good helpitsphillip - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
i plan on getting a smartphone soon. i'm still using a normal dumbphone :/ for the answer to the second question I mostly want it just so i can fool around on the internet/forums/facebook/etc while at work or whatever :)ricera10 - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
Probably going to buy a stopwatch? I'd use it to time my code more often.jwhyrock - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
my video card is very outdated. I'd pick up two video cards and run crossfire. I'm looking to do gaming on PC now instead of console as consoles are very antiquated now.CSbeer - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
I took advantage of a 25% discount coupon since my HP touchpad was put on back order and just recieved a dv6 A8-3510MX AOY with asymetric xfire linked radeon HD6750. I have yet to truly test it out but so far its light, powerful and efficient.CSbeer - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
meant to add i'd be using the reward to accessorize!joecpu - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
Would love to apply that gift card to one of those hp touchsmartsourdee - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to seeing AMD's Bulldozer cores, and buying one if I like what I see.shaddowwz - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
I am looking forward to getting an HP Color LaserJet printer. I've been needing a new one for years.DonTHB - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link
If I have to use my card at HP, I will get a LP2475w display. It will consolidate my displays into one and clear up space on my desk. If I can use the gift card anywhere and since HP no longer sells phones, I would probably get a new smaller than an iPhone phone.schmidty - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link
What I'm most looking forward to buying is a smartphone. I'm still using the old technology and have been researching the various features and options on the smart phones as they are released. So far I've decided I want android but it seems there's always a new one over the horizon, making my decision to finally take the plunge easy to postpone. I would enjoy the luxury of being able to access the web on the go, including email and my social networking contacts.louiscypher - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link
I'm primarily a laptop user, so my hardware lust definitely falls into the SSD court. Such a beautiful piece of hardware, I've been drooling over 'em for months now.jedimike64 - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link
yeah, SSD are great, i'm using an 80 gig intel one.wotdefcuk - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link
Looking to buy SSD to replace HDD in my hp laptop. I use it to run projects in visual studio and some sql server. SSD will improve the response time and therefore faster coding.Flame-X - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to buying a new monitor. Most preferably a 23 inch with 2ms response.cyiton - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link
I'd most like to buy a large SSD, as I use too many apps for a small one to suffice.IlChengis - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link
I would use the VISA Gift Card to buy new monitors for home. I am currently working off of an 17" LCD unit. Used to be the best... in 2002! >.<rhisgen - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link
Please enter me in the HP LES Input Output Sweepstakes ..HP always my choice for laptops and servers
snoopykul - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link
look to get an hp touchpadand use it to entertain my kid
vanka - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link
While I've been thinking of upgrading my whole system - what I really want is to get an SSD.Raistlin117 - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link
Subject says it all.jacbo3003 - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link
a new ssdsubin - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to purchasing an unlocked IPhone 5 (if made available by Apple) this year.benvis - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link
I'm hoping to get my hands on a netbook, for those times when I want to do real typing, but don't need much actual computing power. For entering my students' grades and responding to their email while I hold office hours it will be fantastic.Incidentally, $500 buys a pretty nice netbook!
EyelessBlond - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link
I'm looking to put together a new desktop PC. My current one is showing its age: the fan bearings are starting to wear; the processor is several generations behind the latest, and the storage is becoming inadequate for my needs. I'm waiting on AMD's launch of their Bulldozer line of processors to see what they do to the price of motherboard/CPU combos before committing to a purchase; hopefully they will bring competition back into what is currently a one-horse race in terms of mid-high end general CPUs.Despite all the hype over tablets, the PC form factor is still the workhorse of business, and will remain so for a long time.
wooking4wuv - Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - link
I will buy a tablet at some point, maybe the Galaxy Tab. A tablet looks more useful than a laptop for one-on-one presentations or to show off family pictures. It won't replace a laptop, but it would be a great companion to a laptop.fcmatt - Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - link
I definitely need to upgrade from my 128gb ssd to a 256. Arma II and alot of other new games are taking up massive amounts of GBs now.knurdtech - Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - link
Definitely looking to upgrade my Home Theater PC and grab an SSD for it in the process.heylookamonkey2 - Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - link
SSD sata III, hopefullyVorian - Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - link
I am definitely looking to get a SSD equiped laptop this year! No moving parts!micahmcdowell - Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - link
I will most likely be buying a new smartphone for my lovely fiancee (who shall be my wife by the time I make the purchase).desinilesh - Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - link
SSD.Doormat - Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - link
Build a new all-in-one server for my home. Running ESXi with OpenIndiana, WHS 2011 and Win2k3 server. OpenIndiana creates the ZFS storage via iSCSI for WHS and Win2k3.VitaminD - Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - link
I'd put it towards a new Desktop PC. My Athlon x2 circa 2007 based PC is beginning to no longer meet my needs in terms of performance.Come on, HP, hook me up with a new PC!
jbwhite99 - Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - link
I'd love to get a 100-120 GB SSD (enough for Windows and a few apps) for $100 or so (still waiting).echtogammut - Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - link
Been looking to get a color laser printer, so this should cover most of the expense.sumdaysun - Thursday, September 15, 2011 - link
To complement my new more powerful machine, I am anxiously looking forward to the new monitor that will show off my paintings to their very best. This should enable viewers of my work to appreciate (or feel more confident to crit) what I show them, first time, on a wide screen, before we even get to printing. Of course my eyes should be plenty happy too. Cheers.nsangani1 - Thursday, September 15, 2011 - link
It's time to replace my AMD 2500+Bigshrimp - Thursday, September 15, 2011 - link
I am looking forward to the next generation SSDs. It will be my newest boot drive and if possible get two to raid them and make my computer even more efficient with more space too.blackdragon078 - Thursday, September 15, 2011 - link
I would use this to do some serious updating to my laptop!skellis - Thursday, September 15, 2011 - link
...all I'm looking to pick up is a laptop. Need to be light and portable as I work on the road.graphene - Thursday, September 15, 2011 - link
I'm looking to get a new smartphone. I'd like to be able to download faster with 4G.Grummit - Thursday, September 15, 2011 - link
I am really just looking forward to getting a new computer. This current rig is 5 yrs old, and it is time to upgrade. Since I mainly use my computer for gaming, I will probably go the unlocked i5 or i7 route, although anything with ram faster than my current 667 will be a boost. On the business side, multi-core will definitely be of help while I open and run project after project...ugh I get tired just thinking of it.ickyv2 - Thursday, September 15, 2011 - link
Looking to purchase a new monochrome printer for printing tons of documents.WintersEdge - Friday, September 16, 2011 - link
I'm just planning on getting extra RAM. I recently built a new PC (around April) so I already have a rig running a 2500k which will last me a while. Therefore I have no plans for any major hardware purchases. But I do want more RAM, to go from 4GB currently to 8GB. This will allow me to feel more comfortable about having lots of browser windows as well as big apps like Matlab running together. Currently, I end up using over 60% of my RAM just from browsing the net with Firefox. Kind of sad, really.TheEvilBird - Friday, September 16, 2011 - link
I might need a laptop - I'd grab a fusion, probably; handy for on-site work. That or a bulldozer desktop. 'Course, if I had the gift card, I'd have no excuse not to get the bulldozer. :>RylinM_I6 - Friday, September 16, 2011 - link
I really need a new laptop for college, and I'd also love to get a shiny new SSD for my desktop computer.Loremonger - Friday, September 16, 2011 - link
I'm getting money together right now to get a 560, mainly because it comes with a free Batman game, which is a great deal. This is going into my almost 4-year old gaming rig, so I'm upgrading from an 8800GT! I'm looking forward to seeing how some of these newer games are really supposed to look.This will help me in my work by helping me unwind at the end of the day. :)
dmarietta - Friday, September 16, 2011 - link
Starting on some new endevours this year which will include the preparation of many documents for use in courtrooms and legal cases, so the biggest thing I'm looking forward to is trying to afford a laser baser MFP device. Need something dependable with reasonable print speed as this would be a critical component for my work. Would be great to be able to afford duplexing and color, so something like this would be a tremendous help to getting started.phxrising - Friday, September 16, 2011 - link
I would just like a new Ice Cream Sandwich tablet.darkvader75 - Friday, September 16, 2011 - link
I have a old inkjet and I would like one of the new big engineering printers for blueprints.kprice15 - Friday, September 16, 2011 - link
Hope I win!gkoozy - Saturday, September 17, 2011 - link
In a market for a new SSD just looking for a good deal. intel 320gb for around $450 would be greatMaleficus - Saturday, September 17, 2011 - link
Chances of winning... 0%?Son Number One - Saturday, September 17, 2011 - link
Needs to be FAST, I do a lot of graphics stuff.meb - Saturday, September 17, 2011 - link
I've been slow to get a tablet because I want more power. Need to be freed from the laptop / boat anchor yet I need to read, research, write and teach with my computer. Plus I travel by motorcycle or hired van every day and need something more portable and durable than a laptop with a longer battery life to boot as there's rarely a chance to charge during the day.pete1229 - Saturday, September 17, 2011 - link
...and one of his specs is an ssd. I have two in mine and the boot time cannot be equaled by any hdd out there now.pie36 - Saturday, September 17, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to upgrading to a sandy bridge processor this year.RCSI - Saturday, September 17, 2011 - link
Possibly contemplating on picking up another HDD that would see use in terms of storage outside my main computer. It would be for various and important camera files from over the years that I'd rather not lose.error_logic - Sunday, September 18, 2011 - link
An external display to go with my laptop. It's time to improve utility by increasing screen real estate!sue345678 - Sunday, September 18, 2011 - link
The piece of hardware I'm looking forward to buying this year is an iphone. I hoping to keep track of my daily activities Thanks for the opportunity.VickieB - Sunday, September 18, 2011 - link
I would say a Linksys E4200 router, but I have that now, so I would like to be able to get a new laptop, I have Vista on the one I have and it won't let me upgrade to Windows 7.geek_riot - Sunday, September 18, 2011 - link
The one piece of hardware I am most looking forward to purchasing is a second computer. I will be purchasing a higher power machine to make my graphics work go a little smoother.sparkymom56 - Sunday, September 18, 2011 - link
I would like to get a SSD. Faster response would be great.sabot00 - Sunday, September 18, 2011 - link
Want to buy a new computer. Probably ASUS G74mokaye33 - Sunday, September 18, 2011 - link
I would love to upgrade and get a bigger hard drive because I have a lot of information to store.TGSA - Monday, September 19, 2011 - link
I'd purchase a SSD to improve load times on my pc. The speed increase would definitely improve my productivity when I work at home. Not to mention the fact that it'll help boost speed for gaming sessions.samantha.scarpa - Monday, September 19, 2011 - link
Im thinking about investing in a SSD for my main desktop to help with speed issues and to help with managing my 4 2tb externals. With a SSD on my desktop it will SO much better at multitasking and faster hard drive to hard drive communication.JayFiveAlive - Monday, September 19, 2011 - link
I am really considering a whole new computer set up, but the piece I am most excited about is the CPU. I am waiting to see how bulldozer does, but either way my CPU will be the biggest difference froming from a dual core wolfedale. I can just imagine how much faster everything will be with it.ptrinh1979 - Monday, September 19, 2011 - link
I am looking forward to buying a NAS device this year. This device will help me establish a separate storage pool for my business data. I plan to use this NAS device to host my CRM system; accounting / invoicing system; intranet / portal site; and workstation backups; so I can continue to provide my clients with great, customized service. This purchase also serves to demonstrate how a NAS device can serve SOHO and small businesses when having a server is undesirable.Notperk - Monday, September 19, 2011 - link
I would like to get an Android smartphone (like Google's next Nexus phone). I would mainly use it for personal entertainment. Of course, it could possibly help me be more organized at work.DaughterNumberOne - Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - link
....I'd like to buy a decent webcam for my mom's computer so we can Skype. She's too stubborn to get a newer computer, so I have to work around her! LOL!indianidle - Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - link
Surely an SSD! Been wanting to replace the slow 5400rpm disk in my laptop from a loooong time.. It'll also be interesting to see performance gains with using SSDs for databases in my research work...Giafu - Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - link
Next purchase is an ultra-portable laptop sharing my phone's 4G for anywhere productivity!rongopongo - Wednesday, September 21, 2011 - link
I want to upgrade to a 3D Monitor.webdev51 - Wednesday, September 21, 2011 - link
First, let me say that I've had a ZR24w for a year and it's great! One of the best purchases I've ever made. I had been disappointed with other HP products, but I took a chance on this one sight-unseen and it's a great one.I have an SSD already for my desktop machine, so my next purchase will likely be an ultrabook. I'm looking for something small and light, fast enough to do "office work" that I can take with me on the road. It should have a nice display, a decent keyboard, and no optical drive needed. An internal SSD would be ideal!
coffinrocker - Wednesday, September 21, 2011 - link
I shall buy myself a graphics card... to replace the ancient one on my desktop.steved411 - Wednesday, September 21, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to buying a new Android dual / LTE smart phone... I'm hoping with LTE that I'll be able to receive phone calls in side house :) This phone will help with work as it will allow me to access data faster and allow me to trouble shoot issues faster.Isaac the k - Wednesday, September 21, 2011 - link
on picking up a galaxy s2 (or the tmobile equivalent) when I renew my phone contract.manly - Wednesday, September 21, 2011 - link
I'd still like to buy a $99 TouchPad just for Web surfing.mytoyo - Wednesday, September 21, 2011 - link
Really Diggin the hew HP product lines!HyperKabuto - Thursday, September 22, 2011 - link
I'm looking to buy a new monitor for higher resolution gaming.Foge1 - Thursday, September 22, 2011 - link
I'd be interested in a SSD. I haven't gotten one and would like to try one out.goyawater - Thursday, September 22, 2011 - link
I need power!!!!RedPhilly62 - Thursday, September 22, 2011 - link
I'm looking to upgrade my smartphone. I wanta phone that uses Verizon's 4G LTE for the fastest mobile internet. A faster internet connection will help me when I need online tools or programs when working on a client's computer.mindyvol - Thursday, September 22, 2011 - link
My kids are in school full-time so it's time for me to go back to school and update my education and resume. I would love to have a tablet or laptop to help me. Thank you for the chance!bubba7 - Friday, September 23, 2011 - link
I had been hoping to get a CHEAP HP TouchPad, but each time I have tried to the retailer sells out. Oh well.awall - Friday, September 23, 2011 - link
I'd like to buy an SSD for the laptop I recently purchased. The speed increase along with lower power consumption would be greatly appreciated.jpww - Friday, September 23, 2011 - link
I want to buy a new large LED monitor. I'd be able to view two pages side-by-side at the same time, increasing my productivity.wabc - Friday, September 23, 2011 - link
looking forward to buying an iPad for playing games.BlueGray - Friday, September 23, 2011 - link
I am really looking forward to buying my first laptop - getting rid of my 6 year old desktop and going mobile! Going all the way - i7 with 8 gigs of RAM!! Really looking forward to SPEED.Wilken - Friday, September 23, 2011 - link
Going for a SSDbigvincec - Friday, September 23, 2011 - link
I like to buy an HP touchpad because it's cheap and it'll be for everyday usemaxthepug - Sunday, September 25, 2011 - link
It's time to upgrade my socket 775 system. I need a mobo, cpu, and memory so I'll start with the mobo (I need something to plug the rest of the stuff into). Eventually I'll upgrade the graphics (I have dual 8450s), switch to faster 6.0 hard drive and get some USB 3.0 stuff, but I'm OK for now. I'll wait for Windows 9.0 - whenever.darom - Monday, September 26, 2011 - link
1. A SSD drive2. Video card
kjknight - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
I am interested in buying a platinum rated PSU as well as an i5-2500k system. I already have a 2600k, but I'd move the 2600k to a dedicated WCG cruncher and use the 2500k for my gaming system. Those are the two upgrades I would want to do.I already have two SSDs so I am not really needing a new one, but a platinum PSU would help.
I wanted bulldozer, but it consumes too much power for crunching. Sandybridge it is.
superunknown98 - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
The next generation of video cards. Hopefully something low power for my HTPC that will still have some gaming grunt too.crimson117 - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
I'm most looking forward to buying an SSD - just have to find the right price, capacity, and some major time to transfer my system to it.lonleyppl - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
If I won it'd definitely go towards an ultrabook. My current laptop is phenomenal, but it's huge and a pain to lug to work and class every day. I'd probably regulate it to F@H, gaming, and as a server, as well as do a lot of SW development on it. Just can't afford to replace it now.Boogaloo - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
just kidding, jesus.tyger11 - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
I'm hoping to complement my SSD boot drive with a RAID 10 array, for some redundancy in my mass storage. I have too many projects to risk losing anything to a single drive's failure. With HDs of up to 3TB capacity, that would have the potential to be a VERY bad day.Mathman - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to upgrading my processor, and hence MB, RAM, and GPU. I'm currently running an Athlon XP 2500+, because it still works for everything other than gaming. I'm also looking forward to doing a new build, because it has been so long since I've changed out any hardware. I don't think this will do anything for typing up articles in LaTeX, but it will be nice to have some modern hardware.AGMS - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
I am looking forward to getting a hp laptop probably a dv6DarkShadow - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
I'm starting to eye parts for a mini-ITX or pico-ITX small form factor build to make my own router. I would also use a small capacity SSD in this build.I will most likely toss on pfSense there ( with contingency plan to roll my own using a Linux distro if pfSense disagrees ).
I'm getting sick and tired of having core routing and network management stuff married to sometimes quirky wireless Access points. ( despite use of tomato or dd-wrt to improve ).
This way I can just worry about upgrading Wifi access point ( s ) and let my DIY router be powerful and last alot longer for upgrade cycles.
videogames101 - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
I'm looking to buy a new GPU for both FOLDING and gaming, and my business could be considered gaming! More FPS is easy wins eh?Stas - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
i'm on itChristophWeber - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
I have a project to tune a server plus LAMP stack from the ground up to provide peak performance with PHP-based web applications. This will include solid state storage, Intel E5620 CPU, a solid motherboard, and lots of other goodies.geniekid - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
Dunno if this is for the right contest, but I just purchased the parts for my HTPC and construction has begun!scfxrz - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
I'm looking foward to getting an N9.GX93117 - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
Hoping to buy a tablet this year. Gonna use it for browsing and remote access.aznchum - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
I just bought the 8560w with the Dreamcolor display, but wanted to get rid of all the HP bloatware. However, in doing so I lost the factory color calibration for the display. I missed out on the $79 Newegg deal for the X-Rite i2, but am looking forward to score a good deal sometime before the end of the year. It would also help with making my 3 2007fps match in my desktop setup.Red Dawn - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
I'm going to get a new laptop for my wife for her business that she runs on Twittertl60 - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
I'd like to upgrade to a better quality (IPS or e-IPS), larger monitor for increased productivity.Yangorang - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
I'm looking forward to getting a tablet perhaps for use at school and just for playing around with it. I hope to get one that has a nice pen input for taking notes and drawing stuff.deputc26 - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
primeUberLaff - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
right here...I may end up giving the $500 right back to HP for a nice 23" monitor... or two.
Ryard - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
A NAS would be great for storing and backing up all the photographs I have taken.ckryan - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
I'll be putting together a SSD testing rig, as I having to test with my main rig to chase down the source of my SF 2281 woes. I also do endurance testing on SSDs and it's not cheap when you're doing it as a hobby.JakLee - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
I am really eyeballing a new tabletI wonder if I auto-lose by saying it will likely be the new Amazon one? Price on that is RIGHT!
Denbo1991 - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
Most looking forward to purchasing a SSD of course! As Anandtech has claimed many times, replacing the OS drive with a SSD could be the single most noticeable upgrade one can make.justaviking - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
I've been wanting to do a rebuild for quite a while now... new CPU, mother board, graphics card, and of course an SSD.This prize would help make it possible.
The Other Sean - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
I want a Pony!!!Drizzt321 - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
Already have a decent SSD in my desktop, works great, but my laptop can take an mSATA drive, and for some things the current HDD is driving me nuts. Takes so long to do some things, especially in Lightroom/Photoshop, even with 12GB of RAM.There's Intel's mSATA drives out, but I'd also like some alternatives to look at, SandForce based, maybe some Samsung based, so we can get some competition and maybe get the price down.
wewter - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
Ordered 9 touchpads and am still waiting for 1. Oh wait .. all 9 orders were cancelled? Due to HPs mismanagement and lack of consumer understanding?OH YEAH!
I'll never buy another HP product again, I think that's the best way to get the most out of my life. Suck me, HP.
douglaswilliams - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
I am most looking forward to buying a new laptop for work. I currently have an old-school Dell D630 - it has been great over the many many years,'s time.I hope to be able to compile my projects faster with my new laptop; faster ram, faster HD, faster processing. This will save the slow moving headaches.
I don't know which laptop I will buy yet though.
Incatius - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
Definitely a new mechanical keyboard with a back light. Like the new Ducky Shine or the Corsair K90. Also would not mind getting the K60 wasd 1-6 key to try out.michiganave - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
Tablet most likely this year. New desktop in 2012.Elixer - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
Looking for a good laptop that can also be used for gaming at a good - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
The touchpad was something i craved while on a firesale, but now am looking at android tablets again for couch surfing.xeni - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
I'd like a tablet.danielmorris - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
well my hdd is rather slowmonkeyman1133 - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
I need a SB to replace my aging Wolfdale. And then maybe some kind of SLI or CrossFire setup to go with it would be nice.giderac - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
I really would like a SSD drive as well :)wormyourhonor - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
Next major purchase will be a laptop. "Development environment" consists of a few VMs and a text editor. Really nice-to-haves are:quad-core - don't wanna any CPU contention between VMs
SATA III SSD - VMs seem really sensitive to disk IO. 120GB prolly good
hi-res 15" screen.
mxnerd - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
I want a new all-in-one color printer, and SSD.Vesku - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
12 inch AMD E2 series notebook. Have been needing a portable compute unit for a while now to take advantage of away from home downtime.chrisprcr - Thursday, October 13, 2011 - link
I want to buy a laptop to use away from home.TyphoidMary - Friday, October 14, 2011 - link
Looking at a SSD for the holiday seasonLeTiger - Friday, October 14, 2011 - link
Put it toward a purchase of a new camera! It would enable me to continue taking great images with ease... I own a photography business.NinjaGnome - Friday, October 14, 2011 - link
Would like to purchase a good qualityMoniter
Zorlac - Friday, October 14, 2011 - link
I could use the money towards a HP memristor SSD!!! :DAdam8281 - Friday, October 14, 2011 - link
I'm going to build an Ivy Bridge machine!tacosRcool - Friday, October 14, 2011 - link
I am looking forward to buy another Nvidia GTX 570 to run in SLI in my rig! Another EVGA SC edition it would be!gund8912 - Friday, October 14, 2011 - link
i am tired of updating software, Vista, Windows 7 now windows 8 and backing up files before an upgrade. if i have a home server i can have all my media in it so that i can upgrade with out any worries.InfoTiger - Friday, October 14, 2011 - link
Envy...captninsano - Friday, October 14, 2011 - link
The piece of hardware I am the most excited to build is a small form factor HTPC. Consolidating my 600+ dvd collection down to 10 hard drives on a single storage platform would be great while retaining Dolby Tru-HD and 7.1 sound formats...I guess I am kinda excited about the purchase of HP's Cloud software, but I think we are a little ahead of ourselves in setting up a private cloud. But I guess we will see.
lebarle - Friday, October 14, 2011 - link
an upgrade for my desktop to the new Intel chipset with the SSD cache for your hard drive. I will simply sit around surfing the interweb and trying to figure out what is slowing me down now. Ah that would be my connection. Somebody start working on that OK?twkatadin - Friday, October 14, 2011 - link
I'm most looking for a new video card to complement my i5 graphicsmostro - Friday, October 14, 2011 - link
Currently using one HP ZR24w monitor at work and it's been a great display to use. Hoping I can get another one for dual screen coding work.kruass - Friday, October 14, 2011 - link
I am seeking a cheap, no contract phone with gps navigation that doesn't require a data plan.dschaeffer - Monday, October 17, 2011 - link
ssd for lower latency disc accessEl_Capitan - Monday, October 17, 2011 - link
Congrats!Wicked Yeti - Tuesday, October 18, 2011 - link
I would really like to get a samsung hercules smartphone. I like to be able to keep tabs on my work email at all times and this would be a big step up on my current phone plus all of the fun features one would expect from a snappy new phone.rembo666 - Wednesday, October 19, 2011 - link
SSD would be awesome!.alm4rr - Saturday, October 22, 2011 - link
Looking forward to Kindle Touch