Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/3414
I've got this friend, his name is Mark, he works for a video game company - you may have heard of them. I made the mistake of hanging out with him a bit tonight.
He came over to check out progress on my HTPC, but then we quickly got to talking about the iPhone 3G and the best time to get them in the morning. Mark was convinced that they'd be sold out if we didn't go early; the closest Apple store is bound to be crowded and he didn't want to wait behind people to check out. His plan was hatched: go watch a midnight showing of Hellboy II, bring laptops and work from 2AM until 8AM when the AT&T store near us opened. Mark must be real good at his job because he convinced me (I still don't quite know how). By the end of the morning he'll probably have sold me an Unreal Engine license as well.
So here I am, it's nearly 4AM, there are five of us in "line" and I'm working on a couple of articles - at least one of which you'll see Monday morning. I figure I might as well get some work done while I'm sitting here.
Among those in line is a NCSU student as well as Gregory from iPhone Matters.com. I'll keep posting here if anything interesting happens...if I could only find a way to get my testbeds down here I'd be set, although I may scare away some of the other iPhoners.
Gallery: iPhone 3G Night Out