Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/6251/the-anandtech-podcast-episode-4
The AnandTech Podcast - Episode 4
by Anand Lal Shimpi on September 10, 2012 12:23 PM EST
I didn't lug the Blue yeti across the country for nothing: we have episode 4 of the AnandTech Podcast up for you all to listen to. Given the timing (we recorded it late Sunday evening) this one just features Brian and myself, but there's no shortage of things to talk about.
In this mostly smartphone focused episode we talk about last week's announcements from Nokia and Motorola. Brian also talked about his time at HTC in NYC this past week. We discuss Windows Phone 8 a bit and prepare for this week with the Intel Developer Forum, Haswell and the new iPhone launch.
There's even a little teaser at the beginning about a certain well known chip architect that I had the pleasure of having a conversation with in SF. Sorry for the hoarse voice, I nearly lost it talking to a bunch of really smart folks at AMD last night.
The AnandTech Podcast - Episode 4
featuring Anand Shimpi & Brian Klug
RSS - mp3, m4a
Direct Links - mp3, m4a
Total Time: 1 hour 37 minutes
As always, comments are welcome and appreciated. Let us know what you liked, hated and want to hear more of.