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  • juampavalverde - Thursday, August 14, 2014 - link

    I'm happy that now i can understand what happened and why! Netacad FTW!
  • bigrollinnoob - Saturday, August 16, 2014 - link

    This is CCNP level stuff I believe, are you a CCNP?
  • TheJian - Sunday, August 17, 2014 - link

    You don't have to be a CCNP to learn this stuff (IE you don't have to pass a test to watch training vids and play with racks at work if the company wants you to learn something). The site he's referencing is the cisco networking academy. Why would you care how he knows or even if he does to begin with? Is he required to prove something here for making a comment?
  • Thermogenic - Thursday, August 14, 2014 - link

    The affected routers need to be replaced. The change support the larger number of IPv4 routes greatly compromises IPv6 (only 8,000 routes).
  • thewishy - Friday, August 15, 2014 - link

    Odds are older routers / l3 switches aren't doing IPv6, and they'd be replaced anyway if you were running an IPv6 rollout.
  • coburn_c - Thursday, August 14, 2014 - link

    It took about 2 weeks for me and my fellow CCNA lab-mates to realize that Cisco software and spec is absolutely terrible. Cisco designs for one thing, longevity. Now we have the entire world running on mediocre specced equipment using proprietary and laughable technologies -- that will never die.
  • Kougar - Friday, August 15, 2014 - link

    I hope they do learn. The Santikos site was unreachable for hours , and because Google/Fandango both have no concept of AVX screenings nor mention which screenings are reserved seating only the local mega-theater lost my business on Tuesday.
  • keristerzt - Friday, August 15, 2014 - link

    Thanks for this topic, and now I know why several days ago, my network seems down but I don't know why then I go check the router it says "out of memory" or somethings and I was like "Wut, what the hell is this?!" I was so busy so I leave it there and a day later it's back to normal.
  • themeinme75 - Friday, August 15, 2014 - link

    thank you for the concise info. I thought it would end in the NEAR future
  • DNABlob - Sunday, August 17, 2014 - link

    This is something that could happen to any vendor. Cisco just happens to be very popular and has TCAM configuration that are a bit too optimistic about IPv6 ramp-up.

    The really unfortunate part is that the 7600/6500 platforms are still actually quite a good fit for network-edge for most folks and have an attractive pricing model if they got a TCAM+Backplane upgrade. The 6800 line is the successor to the 6500 line and will provide that, eventually. Right now it shares the same management and interface cards as the 6500, but will get newer cards with more TCAM and higher backplane throughput. This hasn't happened yet, though.

    I say this is unfortunate because, for a lot of Cisco customers, the next-step up gets a lot more expensive. ASR 9000s are really nice boxes, but they're not cheap either and you pay support per-card, not per-chassis. Nexus 7000s are also nice boxes, but they're not cheap either and the cards that make them a good network-edge router get even more expensive (M2 series cards)
  • judedon - Wednesday, March 16, 2016 - link

    The big difference though is that an ISP does not have a single default gateway, but instead connects to several internet backbones. The method in which internet packages are routed is based on the Border Gateway Protocol. The BGP contains a table of IP subnets, and lists which ports to transfer traffic based on rules and paths laid out by the network administrator.
  • aminserverdp - Saturday, October 9, 2021 - link

    In Remote Desktop Connection (RDP), The Server doesn't really sends the screen to the customer screen. That cycle is very costly as you need to continually survey the screen for any progressions which can be effectively +7MB of information. RDP utilizes extraordinary convention. It fundamentally utilizes virtual screen. It sort of connects with the realistic card. In stead of sending screen to the real one, it send screen content to a virtual screen.

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