Humble Mobile Bundle 3: Android Only
by Jarred Walton on November 20, 2013 2:06 AM EST- Posted in
- Gaming
- Android
- Humble Bundle

Need more games for your mobile Android device? Humble Bundle has you covered, with their latest set of six games. And for those of you who haven’t been keeping track, there will likely be several more added to the bundle next Tuesday. Options for supporting charity this time around consist of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Child’s Play Charity. Two of the games in the current bundle are also debut titles for Android, making this potentially more attractive than usual. And as an added twist, all of the games are only available for Android this round.
The four titles available with any contribution are EPOCH (iOS 11/2011, 77%), rymdkapsel (iOS 08/2013, 85%), SpellTower (iOS 11/2011, 84%), and Swordigo (iOS 03/2012, 86%) – the last being an Android debut title on this bundle. Pay more than the current average ($4.94 and rising) and you unlock two additional titles: Kingdom Rush (iOS 12/2011, 89%) and Ridiculous Fishing (iOS 03/2013, 91%) – the latter being the other Android debut title in the bundle. As you can see, the average score for these mobile games is actually very respectable, at just over 85%. Soundtracks are also available in FLAC and MP3 format for Kingdom Rush, Ridiculous Fishing, rymdkapsel, and Swordigo.
Note that all of the above links/scores are for the iOS releases, but again this bundle is only for Android users. Installing the games on Android also involves a bit more work than your typical Steam key redemption (or GoG DRM-free package). First, you need to get the Humble Bundle (beta) Android apk and install that (I used ES File Explorer to install it and it worked fine; feel free to use something else). Then launch the Humble Bundle (beta) and sign in to your Humble Bundle account, and you should be able to download all of the above packages. EPOCH is by far the largest of the bunch, tipping the scales at over 500MB; Kingdom Rush weighs in at 133MB, Swordigo is 49MB, Ridiculous Fishing is 41MB, rymdkapsel is 30MB, and SpellTower is 12MB. In total, the six games will require 767MB for the APK files, and presumably additional space after installation, so plan accordingly.
Once downloaded in the Humble Bundle app, you can then install the games and you should be all set to play. The HB app should also alert you with any updates, though I’m not quite sure how that will work as these are the first games I’ve snagged via HB for Android. It’s not quite as convenient as snagging updates through the Google Play Store, but that’s part of the package at present. I’ll update this next week when additional content is announced.
As far as the games go, EPOCH is an Unreal Engine powered strategy/action game – you tap to target enemies and swipe to dodge, take cover, and reload, with additional power-ups available. rymdkapsel on the other hand is a bit difficult to describe; it’s a strategy/resource management game mixed with Tetris base building – you build your space station and fend off attacks, while trying to uncover the monoliths and gather resources. SpellTower should make vocabulary fans happy, with its game of words and several different modes available. Swordigo is a typical platformer with you jumping and stabbing/slashing/spelling your way through the world.
Moving to the bonus titles, Kingdom Rush is a pretty standard tower defense game with four tower types and a variety of upgrades to the towers, along with special abilities to help boost you when needed. And as for Ridiculous Fishing, its name is absolutely accurate, and it has very little to do with actual fishing – instead you dodge fish on the way down, grab as many fish as you can on the way up, and then go crazy with your gun as they launch into the air. Also, Ridiculous Fishing is at least buggy and laggy on one tablet where I tried it (Dell Venue 8), though it works fine okay on an Acer A700 (Tegra 3 1920x1200).
Keep in mind that as these are all mobile Android games, pricing is generally far lower than on PC games. EPOCH is normally $2.83, rymdkapsel is $3.99, SpellTower is $1.99, and Kingdom Rush is $1.99. Swordigo and Ridiculous Fishing aren’t listed on the Play Store yet, but they’re both normally $2.99 on iOS. All together that means the retail price of the six (current) games comes to $16.78. Of course you can give all of your donation to charity, but if you’re looking for a bargain on some games keep those prices in mind – you’re basically looking at a 66% off sale.
Source: Humble Bundle
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blzd - Wednesday, November 20, 2013 - link
Great games here even if you don't beat the average. Keep in mind they will be adding more games on Tuesday for average beaters and there is no $1 minimum as with Steam based bundles.evilaardvark - Wednesday, November 20, 2013 - link
BTW the Humble Bundle App is now on Google Play as well, which is much more convenient:
Impulses - Wednesday, November 20, 2013 - link
I believe there should be direct download links for all the game APKs on your HB account too, for anyone that doesn't want the HB app for whatever reason...Only reason I know this is because they were doing Android sales long before the app existed, or at least bundles that included Android games (2+ years ago).
I remember wasting quite a few hours across several flights after downloading Osmos directly to my EVO 3D off one of their sales.
teiglin - Wednesday, November 20, 2013 - link
Yea, one of the primary draws for me is the availability of DRM-free apks for all the games. It's not generally as big a deal as DRM-free on PC, but being able to sit on the apks and sideload them whenever is nice.juisherwood - Saturday, November 23, 2013 - link
Same here, I prefer DRM-free whenever possible. I tend to look around to see if I find the DRM-free equivalents in bundle sites before I buy anything. I found another DRM-free Android games bundle site called recently.psuedonymous - Wednesday, November 20, 2013 - link
The Humble Bundle app is NOT required for installation. After purchase, you'll be sent a email with a link to the download site. Open this link on your phone, and you can download the APKs for each game directly.teiglin - Wednesday, November 20, 2013 - link
Or download to your computer and transfer them to your phone via samba, USB, or whatever else floats your boat. Flexibility!sweenish - Wednesday, November 20, 2013 - link
Too many devs don't offer proper support for the humble purchases, so I've quit buying the mobile bundles.I did buy Ridiculous Fishing from Google Play, and I'm loving it.
JarredWalton - Wednesday, November 20, 2013 - link
Really? And where at the Play Store did you find it?
Right now, I believe it is a Humble exclusive on Android, though that will change once the bundle ends I'm sure.
blzd - Wednesday, November 20, 2013 - link
Actually it is there for $3 after searching "ridiculous". Might as well pay an extra buck or two, beat the average, get more games and help out charity.